What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym

So at the gym i go to there is a circuit training room and the idea of the room is to start at one machine and do everything until you get to the last one. The machines are numbered 1-20 and one day i was the only person in the room and i was on machine 5 when a mother and her daughter came in and started doing it also, now this did not bother me...until they started going backwards and doing all the machines out of order making it so i had to skip some and go to the next. The nice person that i am did not say anything but i was really frustrated with it......
Ok so that was my rant for the day..what is your biggest pet peeve at the gym?


  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    People who set their big gym bags on the treadmill beside them. It's so rude.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    it's so far. :sad:
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    People who don't put their weights back when they're done with them! You're motivated enough to work out, but too lazy to put your things away? Sheesh!!!
  • The ladies with perfect hair/makeup/designer workout clothing who stand and talk and never break into a sweat while I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    The blue roll dispenser never being full
  • people asking you questions when your in the middle of a workout love helping poeple out just not when am actually working out arrrrr also seeing people just walking round chatting i walk in and see a few of them then when am leaving they have just started to work out,the gym aint a place to make friends am sry its time for u to get it on n smash ya goals o n hate people leaving the area messy :( also Sweaty Bettys out there wipe ya sweat up after its bloody horrible aww rant over love the world again :))))
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    I love the aerobics classes at my gym - and the instructors are absolutely magnetic ... but the room where they hold classes has one wall that's a window and looks out to the circuit training room. When you're in a class, your back is to this window. You forget that it's there. Until you turn around to see at least six old men sitting on the machines just staring.
    It's really bad when they're talking to their buddies, and they point at people in the class. It's like they forget that we can see them. It's a window, not a television screen!
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    We have a couple of jerks who refuse to put their used towels in the basket, they just drop them on the floor and leave. We always know to go in the locker room when they depart the building. Then we have guys who stash the towel in their bag and leave, weeks later they often come in with a stack of club towels.
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    Hopefully they've washed them. I can only imagine what that must smell like!
    We have a couple of jerks who refuse to put their used towels in the basket, they just drop them on the floor and leave. We always know to go in the locker room when they depart the building. Then we have guys who stash the towel in their bag and leave, weeks later they often come in with a stack of club towels.
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Unfortunately, due to the health code, even if they washed them at home, we have to rewash them.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    The guys being mean and not sharing the weights :/
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    My pet peeve is about myself! My boob sometimes bouncing out of my sports bra while I job! Grrrr!!!!

  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    The 110# women who walk at 2 mph on the treadmill for 45 min
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    When people get off the machine and don't sanitize them with the product that's sitting right there next to the machine... So annoying..
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Haha! I agree the women walking on the treadmill is strange (just walk outside) but more so the makeup and hair.
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Ppl who pass gas OMG lol
  • People who don't put their weights back when they're done with them! You're motivated enough to work out, but too lazy to put your things away? Sheesh!!!

    This.......and not wiping down the equipment after you sweated all over it!
  • tazrn619
    tazrn619 Posts: 2 Member
    people in the gym conversating and not working out so the next person can use the machine
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    The gym being really crowded.
  • stevemcqueengirl
    stevemcqueengirl Posts: 189 Member
    Here they are:
    1. People who sit on weight machines and text the entire time without ever using the machine
    2. Bad body order - out of all of the cardio machines that are available, the smelly guy always uses the machine next to me
    3. People who do not put the weights back where they belong
    4. Peple who dot not throw their towles back in the hamper
    5. People who work out in their dress attire (jeans and shirt) and not in proper gym attire

    I am so Monica Gellar when it comes to the gym.