Nurse buddies!



  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Just a reminder that a started a group called Nurses.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I too am a frustrated nurse trying to lose weight while working 12hr day/night rotation!! ADD ME!!
    PS can someone teach me how to add people?
    Just click on their picture, when their profile comes up it has add as friend button.
  • muggs1090
    muggs1090 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello everyone! I just wanted to say I have been an L&D/MedSurg nurse for the last 5 years working 3 12 hr shifts and I have recently started as a telephone case manager. Wow what a difference!! Its like going from 360 to 0. I do have to say I'm not exhausted when I go home and I actually joined a gym and have the energy to work out now. Before I also felt like crap, tired and over worked, maybe thats cuz I am so out of shape. Well thats my story and I'm sticking to it:)
  • mmhfit11
    mmhfit11 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow - so many nurses - AWESOME! Let's keep this group going! I've been a nurse for 33 years - many roles after starting our as an ICU nurse. Have achieved my school and career goals, so I need to get back to me and look forward to sharing the journey with so many like minds.
  • cadency
    Another RN here! I work 12 hour nights in a busy pediatric ER and float to adult ER. Always junk in the area :/ I'm hoping to switch t days to feel a little more normal. I seem to hold my weight on nights! :)
  • lauraorrn61
    Hi to all the nurses on MFP. I have my BSN and work as a Quality nurse/Risk manager. I do 8 hour shifts and could not do a 12 hour shift if my life depended on it (well maybe). I have lost a total of 43 pounds and would like to lose about 11 to 21 more. Nurses Rock!!!!!!!
    Hello! May I add you? I'm a nursing student. :)
  • sophielilirose
    Hello everyone, I'm a student nurse and since being on my placement (which is 8 weeks long and nearly over) I've put on just over a stone because of finding it hard to eat at normal times! I've found that I need to eat more because I'm awake longer, which obviously isn't helping my ever expanding waistline!!! x
  • circuspixie
    I just took a day/desk job & am TERRIFIED of getting worse about diet/exercise. I used to work nights & never took breaks & then would gorge on comfort food after my shift ended. I spent 2011 laid up with ankle surgeries & rehab'ing my leg so I gained about 30 lbs that I had taken off in the last few years. I am on the road to get my healthy body back! I'm sending a friend req & would love to network with other nurses out there- we are indeed a special breed of people who I really believe need to support each other!!!! Best wishes to everyone here!!! & Seriously- feel free to add me on, the more people I am accountable to, the better I seem to stick to my daily grind!! :)
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    RN here... I have a BSN and am currently enrolled in a MSN program, work full time, married, and have a two year old son!! Thankfully, my husband is a stay at home dad (he's a paramedic.. we met at work =) My background in nursing is ER primarily but have recently switched to case management.. Now I work from home... at a desk...Never realized just how much exercise I got in the hospital until I sat down!!!!!
  • newfienurse66
    Hi there, So good to see all the Nurses here, I am an RN worked crazy shift work for 18 years and for the last 7 doing part time days, although on the verge of being posted (hubby is military) so thinking shift work will be in my near future again! eat and track is the only way to go!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Critical care RN here. :-) I work in the pool, so my schedule is irregular, and I work 7p-7a. When my baby weans, I hope to go to day shift.
    I usually am up all day with the kids, and then I go in to work at night. So I drink lots and lots of coffee with cream and sugar to stay awake. The cafeteria is also closed at night, and everybody wants to order Chinese or pizza! I try to take healthy meals and snacks with me, but sometimes what everybody else is ordering looks better!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Hi to everyone. I've been an RN for 37 years. I've done the 12 hour shifts, working every weekend, nights and any combination of all of them you could imagine. Currently working 5 -8 hour shifts per week in ASU/PACU and doing overtime in my old department the ER. I've been on MFP since May 2011. Would love to add some nurses to my friends list so feel free to add me!!
  • murphyd317
    I'm a night shift nurse and since July I've lost 80 pounds with 40 more to go! It's hard finding time to eat working off shifts--but I've managed okay so far!
  • winner1988
    Not a nurse, But work in a care home along side nurses, On my feet all day, with shift work. Quite hard! x
  • jrose74
    I'm a nurse also but for the last 3yrs I have been working in the sales n marketing for Home Health Care. So my job consists of hosting lunches all week for physicians, hospitals and care centers. As you may know that is not the healthiest foods that I am bringing Anyways i am currently trying to lose 29lbs to get back to my normal healthy ME.
  • ybecci
    I'm not a nurse but I work in the hospital lab 2nd shift, i start at 3pm and get out anywhere from 11pm-2 am so I totally understand your pain! It is so hard to eat right! We have a gym at the hospital but I am usually too tired to go after work and then drive an hour home and be up by 6 to get the kids ready for school then babysit a 18 month old....nice weather is coming my way though so hopefully I will be able to get some walks in for exercise. I still find though that it is hard to eat well even when I am home on the weekends. It is definitely going to take some serious discipline on my part to make sure I am eating more than once a day and making sure that what I eat is healthy!
  • jillbilleo
    I am currently a student nurse but I'll be done in April! Yay me! I'm a busy mom of 2, married, work full time and go to school full time. Chocolate will be the death of me. I'm only trying to lose 5-10lbs, but really what I'd like to do is tone up and get rid of my muffin-top and mommy-pouch! When done with school I desperately want to work L&D, but finding nursing jobs in Utah is stinking hard! Nursing here is so saturated! So, with any luck, I'll take ANY nursing job I can get!
  • WolffRN
    Hello!! I'm a Emergency Nurse, mainly work 7a-3p, and am STARVING when I leave work!! Have found packing my food for the day very helpful!! Enjoy a snack and water on the way home so I dont attack the refrigerator when I get home!
  • ktlynn447
    ktlynn447 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 28.... and a nurse that works 12 hour nights. Since all of my wonderful fellow nurses celebrate by eating (any occasion we can think of).. it has definately taken a toll. I have been back on MFP since January and am in the process have scheduling my Lap Band surgery. Feel free to add me )