Help with breakfast please!!

Hi everyone, has anyone got any ideas for light breakfast's. I can't eat straight away when I get up it makes me nauseous, so I was wondering if anyone can suggest ideas for a quick and cheap to prepare and light breakfast I can make?

just a few pointers though :smile:
I don't like milkshakes or smoothies and not a big fish fan either ( yukkkk):tongue:
and i live in the UK

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :happy:


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    How about a tub of Greek yogurt and a piece of fruit? Then plan a good mid-morning snack for a couple of hours later.
  • mkhristov
    mkhristov Posts: 2 Member
    Egg Whites are great, and convenient too!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I've been eating the same breakfast for a while and it's been working for me: 1c of cheerios, 1c skim milk, banana, cup of coffee. You could sort of split this up, something like munch on some cheerios first, then eat a banana, then some milk, etc. ??
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I used to feel the same way about breakfast (made me nauseous) until I made myself start eating it every day. Now I'm starving if I wait more than an hour after waking up! Can you stomach oatmeal? I cook a big batch of steel cut oats and reheat it with some fruit (apples or blueberries) for a quick breakfast. I also like a quick bowl of cheerios (oat ohs - do you have those?) with 2% milk and a piece of fruit. Eggs are great, but might be a little heavy for you.
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    How about a tub of Greek yogurt and a piece of fruit? Then plan a good mid-morning snack for a couple of hours later.

    oooh i've never had greek yog before might have to try some
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    Protein shake with banana and peanut butter...yum
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    I used to feel the same way about breakfast (made me nauseous) until I made myself start eating it every day. Now I'm starving if I wait more than an hour after waking up! Can you stomach oatmeal? I cook a big batch of steel cut oats and reheat it with some fruit (apples or blueberries) for a quick breakfast. I also like a quick bowl of cheerios (oat ohs - do you have those?) with 2% milk and a piece of fruit. Eggs are great, but might be a little heavy for you.

    i don't mind porridge (oats) but i tend to buy the ready to make plain ones and make them with water because if i use milk it ends up plastering the microwave :laugh: i find that cereal doesn't fill me for long enough
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    I've been eating the same breakfast for a while and it's been working for me: 1c of cheerios, 1c skim milk, banana, cup of coffee. You could sort of split this up, something like munch on some cheerios first, then eat a banana, then some milk, etc. ??

    that's a good idea grazing over the morning not eating all at once, thanks for the idea :happy:
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    My calories allows me to eat 2 eggs on 1 slice of bread each. But sometimes i'll just e boring and eat cereal. Oats + honey isnt bad either. But yeah, i love me some eggs for breakfast
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    From asda\tesco you can buy oats so simple sachets. 20 sachets for £3.50. Can vary the flavours. I always make it with milk, don't enjoy oats with water. I love these not too heavy, but keep you going for a while x
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    How about flapjacks?

    Not quite as healthy as porridge with/without fruit but you can make lots at once, they are easy to store and take with you and cheap.
  • seabreeze721
    I eat a cup of cheerios with 20 red seedless grapes in it with 1/2 tsp cinnamon and top it off with 1/2 cup of skim milk.. quick and easy no cooking.. sometimes I put in blackberries or raspberries
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    I have been putting a scoop of protein powder in my greek yogurt and then throwing a handful of blueberries or strawberries..stays with you a long time
  • slimsconie

    I don't know if you like oatmeal but I eat 1 bowl of Maple & brown sugar oatmeal everyday. For me, it keeps off the hunger till about 1pm or so. I eat a small lunch, hardly anything for dinner. It's great:)
  • Yfalcon
    Sometimes I will have two boiled eggs, yogurt w/ fruit. Or oatmeal with sliced banana and some toast (1) with sugar free strawberry jelly.
  • MizzKaykay
    Just about every day I have a serving of oatmeal (the quick cook kind so I can use the microwave in my office) with a tsp of brown sugar. About 160 calories. Add a cup of coffee with skim milk - 15 cals if you use a no-cal sweetener, but add 15 or so cals if you want to use a packet of sugar.

    I have gotten used to grazing, eating 6x a day (small breakfast, AM snack, small lunch, PM snack, normal sized dinner, then small dessert). So a couple of hours after breakfast I'll have a small snack such as an apple or banana or some other fruit. Sometimes I'll have raw veggies and hummus.

    On weekends when there's more time, I eat an egg white scramble for breakfast (2 or 3 egg whites with veggies such as spinach, onions, leeks, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.) which can be under 100 calories unless you add cheese. You can add a slice of toast with margarine for about 100 cals. When I want to spoil myself I'll add 2 slices of bacon (70 cals).
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I eat steel cut oatmeal almost every day. Good for anytime of the day. Make a batch and keep it in the fridge...then micro wave it. Love Love Love it.
  • moham1967
    I usually have instant oatmeal with milk and a glass of water
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Oatmeal... can be dressed up in a multitude of ways. YUMMY!
  • teh_geek
    Another approach might be to workout in the morning, before breakfast. I too don't eat right after I wake up (even though I feel physical indications that I am hungry in my stomach). It takes a couple of hours for me to really feel hungry AND be ready to take the food in. That is sped up by ~50% if I do a good workout. I.e. I get up at 6 AM. Then I eat at 8 AM. But if I do some warm up (stretching) just after waking up, then run a few kilometers, then by the time I prepare something after I am back from the workout I feel super hungry. Two pros for that (for me) are the following:

    1) I can eat basically anything at that point. Even the food I don't like very much (sadly this is the more healthy food more often than not)
    2) During the workout I burn ~300-400 cals. So I use that extra fact to eat BIG breakfast without fear of running out of cals limit for the day in case I am too lazy to workout in the evening (this is very often the case for me). I read somewhere and it turned out to be true for me that if I eat 700-800 cal breakfast (note: I am 90 Kg @ 1.8 meters at the moment), I only need a light lunch and even lighter dinner.

    Just an option to consider ;)