Worst blind date ever???



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    we talked a bit on facebook before we dated so it wasnt an actual blind date...he asked me beforehand if i was the kind of girl that kisses on the first date. i joked, `ah, well, the only person who gets that close to my mouth is my dentist!!` so he prints out a fake dentist school certificate from the internet and puts his name on it and then gives it to me when i first get in the car.......needless to say, it was an awkward night lol

    This is actually pretty funny. :)

  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I've never been on a blind date.

    When you look like Murphk323, I can see why you wouldn't need to! :)

  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Odusgulp and becks1030 get get the good date. They have a sense of humor and would be fun to hang with!
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    There are rules for blind dates. Never tell her what your plans are( Its a surprise, you are now mysterious). You always make 2 reservations. one at a nice place and another at a crappy place. When you meet for the first time you can just tell if you two will hit it off. If you feel it go to the nice place and if your not feeling on her, cause she wont let you....... hello micky d's.
    So you arrange to meet a stranger who won't tell you where you're going or what you'll be doing?

    It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!
    Lmao! That's totally what I was thinking!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Oh these stories made me laugh. Can't top any of these.
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    Friend of one my best friends boy friend.. I agree to go out with him. My friend that knows him stops by to help me get ready... He shows up early in a a limo and with a dozen roses (please note... Never met him) I felt so much pressure I made my friend come... Awkward date. Like talking to a rock. Found out later that he claimed to have slept with us both in the Limo. Needless to say... Didn't see him again.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    No one's been D.E.N.N.I.S.'d? (Always Sunny)

  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    Only one blind date. A friend from one of my college classes said, "I have this friend and he saw you walking across campus the other day. He really has this thing for redheads and for the next hour all he could talk about was the Irish goddess that was crossing the quad" (why does everyone think that if you have red hair you are of Irish descent!!) I was kinda flattered, I mean I am always saying I have an inner goddess and she rocks so I said yes. My classmate assured me he was a good-looking redheaded (he showed me a blurry Facebook picture) and my height (I am 5.11), well....HE LIED!!!!

    I can get over a guy being 5.9, and while I like to look at pretty boys I hate dating them...everything would have been good, but are you really going to mention having redheaded children....5 of them within the 1st hour of the date!!!!!!!!!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i met a guy online, we talked a bit and then decided to go out. when we were just talking online, he told me he was 5'11" had a great body and "still have all my hair" ... i tried to be as honest as i could be, i was heavy, but not obese, and i told him so. i also told him i was 5'6" .. we meet at the restaurant and he takes one look at me and shakes his head. i stop short because the guy is no more than 5"5", has a pot belly and is balding.

    he has the audacity to say, "i thought you said you were 5'6", you're obviously taller than that".. i said, well, i am 5'6", have been since i was 16" so we go into the restaurant.. all he can talk about is this side business he got into selling amway. the whole dinner was just a big come on.. when the bill arrived, he said we should split it. i dont assume a guy is going to buy dinner.. when i have to pay, i always pay for my portion, never split the bill.

    this guy had a bottle of wine with dinner (i dont drink) and the most expensive thing on the menu. i said, no, i'll pay my portion, put down $20 and got up and left... what a douche...