Curious - How did relationships change as your weight change



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Met my ex at 15 stone, i'm now 19. I've gone thro phases of holding fat and dropping it. Leanest and biggest now. However the ex (or on/off gf) went from 133lb in 2007 up to 182lb late last year, down to 122lb now. So she's looking amazing and just left me. Boo!
  • CBM23
    CBM23 Posts: 36
    My family thinks its wonderful, my friends think its silly and dangerous.
    My boyfriend is somewhere in the middle I think, he does the 'happy dance' with me every time I lose a new pound and he never complains when I talk too much about it (which happens often). But I think it worries him a little bit to, he gets sad when I count small things (like the ring pop he gave me the other day :P) in my calories and for example, the other day I told him I wanted an excuse to wear my new medium sized skirt and he told me that he thought medium was good, maybe I should stop. He said he was worried that I would get tiny and he would be scared to break me. Its cute, but on the flip side I have about 40 more pounds to lose so I hope he comes to terms with it. :)

    All in all, I can't complain. Most people in my life have been fantastic.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    It didn't change for the best thats for sure! I started exercising and eating healthy when my boyfriend told me that because of the weight gain he just didn't find me attractive enough to have sex with me anymore. I'm smaller now, he tries... but now, I'm not interested.
  • floweringcurrant
    floweringcurrant Posts: 112 Member
    Interesting question! Some of my extended family members picked at me and used the "you're getting to skinny, stop losing weight now" when I still, clearly had weight to lose. Some of the same family members used to give me a hard time about weighing more, too.

    As for friendships, I lost one friend because they were too jealous and insecure with themselves to treat me with respect when it came to this positive change in my relationship with food. That was unfortunate! As for the other people in my life, most of them have treated me with respect and, at times, support.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I would love it if my husband joined, he needs to lose weight, but he won't. But he told me the other day that he is making healthier choices because of me - portion sizes, going up for 2nds, should I have that - kind of choices. He says he can feel a difference in how his pants fit, which is great! He's not a scale kind of person, so the success will be measured in NSVs.

    For ME - I am definitely more confident, as I lose weight, but I still have to work through a lot of issues in my mind, that will follow as the weight loss drops. even when I was smaller than I am now I kind of always thought of myself as the fat girl. It's hard to get past the mentality.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    If you have already insecure family/friends, there's a decent chance they will react to your weight loss/fitness/great bod with concern... be it, how you look beside them or that you'll abandon them, etc. I dealt with some of this, initially, but I talked about it when needed, ignored it otherwise, and with time, all who felt insecure have adapted and realized I'm going nowhere and I'm still me, no matter how the exterior of me has changed.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks for the response! It seems like for the most part-relationships were improved. My boyfriend never knew me to be skinny. In fact, when we met, I was probably close to the highest weight I've ever been. He's made it clear that he loves me regardless.

    He is very easy going so when I make my low calorie meals, he'll eat it. And enjoys it. I'd like to be more in a routine for our meals, pre-planning, etc. I think it will come in time. He has lost weight just by eating differently and if he does eat unhealthy things - watching portion size.

    We are planning on doing the Couch to 5k program whenever the time changes so we can do it in the afternoon together. I really think that when he sees the changes in himself that will incur, he won't want to STOP exercising. He is not that much overweight, only about 30 lbs or so and he's almost 6' so it doesn't look that bad on him but he wants to lose weight for health reasons (I think I'm repeating myself from original post!) I, on the other hand, wake up at 4 AM to get to the gym for 4:45 AM. He doesn't come with because sometimes he goes to work early in the AM. I couldn't see myself making time to go to the gym in the afternoon plus I rather not go when the gym is full of people. I also considered getting P90X or some sort of other work out program we can do at home too. All I know is that I am definitely changing physically and mentally. I do not want to sit on the sidelines of my own life.

    We have a very good relationship. We can do a little better on communication but since we know that, we can work on it. I guess though that I have to realize he is supportive just not as vocal as "I" would like him to be. But as someone says, maybe he really HASN'T noticed a change yet and that's OK. :):)

    All other relationships in my life (family & friends) are good. They are all supportive. I tend to be a home-body and introverted.. I believe self-confidence has something to do with that. I can already feel myself wanting to be more sociable then I usually am!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    my husband works away during the week so every friday when we see each other again its great, he can see the results of the previous week better than I can. and he's loving the results! Its been great for our relationship.
    But he's working out hard too, we are slightly competitive I think in a good way.
    I guess its going to be bad for couples where one person makes a major lifestyle change but the other half wants to stay the same, as jeolousies and resistance will be the result.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    my husband works away during the week so every friday when we see each other again its great, he can see the results of the previous week better than I can. and he's loving the results! Its been great for our relationship.
    But he's working out hard too, we are slightly competitive I think in a good way.
    I guess its going to be bad for couples where one person makes a major lifestyle change but the other half wants to stay the same, as jeolousies and resistance will be the result.

    I agree with your last point. People will have a new focus and old compatibilities may not be the same. Luckily I feel like I am with someone who is interested in being healthy as well even if it hasn't fully "blossomed" yet.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Well, with my ex, as soon as he began to suspect that I was eating more healthily, he would suddenly appear with ice cream, chocolates, bring home takeaway meals, fry everything - just pushing food at me at every occasion. It would work out that he would go to the kitchen and come back with a high calorie snack/meal every 90 minutes, and at every point, if I said I didn't want it, he would act mortally wounded that I should reject his being nice to me.

    I'd make a perfectly nice meal, and ten minutes after eating it (or him pushing it around the plate like a two year old), he would claim to be still hungry and go out and come back with about 3 meals' worth of food.

    The real lightbulb moment, as opposed to feeling suspicious he just happened to do this things if I wasn't eating as much as him, was when he offered to serve the jacket potato and beans I had been preparing, and as I glanced into the kitchen, he was systematically adding chunks of butter to the beans and melting it in so I couldn't see it there.

    He wasn't particularly large, and normally dated skinny girls, but he could not stand the idea that someone might look at me. Perhaps they dumped him and he thought I was less likely to - so long as I got fatter.

    It took about 6 years and nearly 6 stone to realise just how bad he hated me looking healthy.

    So I eventually lost 13 stone of dead weight before I could start addressing the weight I carried myself.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    Well, with my ex, as soon as he began to suspect that I was eating more healthily, he would suddenly appear with ice cream, chocolates, bring home takeaway meals, fry everything - just pushing food at me at every occasion. It would work out that he would go to the kitchen and come back with a high calorie snack/meal every 90 minutes, and at every point, if I said I didn't want it, he would act mortally wounded that I should reject his being nice to me.

    I'd make a perfectly nice meal, and ten minutes after eating it (or him pushing it around the plate like a two year old), he would claim to be still hungry and go out and come back with about 3 meals' worth of food.

    The real lightbulb moment, as opposed to feeling suspicious he just happened to do this things if I wasn't eating as much as him, was when he offered to serve the jacket potato and beans I had been preparing, and as I glanced into the kitchen, he was systematically adding chunks of butter to the beans and melting it in so I couldn't see it there.

    He wasn't particularly large, and normally dated skinny girls, but he could not stand the idea that someone might look at me. Perhaps they dumped him and he thought I was less likely to - so long as I got fatter.

    It took about 6 years and nearly 6 stone to realise just how bad he hated me looking healthy.

    So I eventually lost 13 stone of dead weight before I could start addressing the weight I carried myself.

    Hoped you dropped him along with the lbs! :):)
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I would love it if my husband joined, he needs to lose weight, but he won't. But he told me the other day that he is making healthier choices because of me - portion sizes, going up for 2nds, should I have that - kind of choices. He says he can feel a difference in how his pants fit, which is great! He's not a scale kind of person, so the success will be measured in NSVs.

    For ME - I am definitely more confident, as I lose weight, but I still have to work through a lot of issues in my mind, that will follow as the weight loss drops. even when I was smaller than I am now I kind of always thought of myself as the fat girl. It's hard to get past the mentality.

    I think that a lot of it is mental. I'm sure that when I lose weight I still may see myself as my old self. That's probably why it's so hard to see the changes now :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I never really lost weight actively in a relationship before I got together with my current boyfriend, and the only reason I had to actively lose weight was because I had a baby, and was not going to hang on to that extra 15lbs any longer than I had to. But it didn't change our relationship negatively. The only thing I've noticed is how he acts funny when I cut down on my food intake and don't at as much of a single meal (he makes BIG dinners, and since I like to snack throughout the day, I just don't eat as much dinner), because he worries that I'm not getting enough nutrition. He didn't insist I eat, though, because he's very respectful. We also don't have to change cooking or anything, because we both like to cook whole foods, anyway.

    The only thing I've noticed about relationships and weight is that when I'm not in a relationship, I tend to be able to maintain weight or lose it much more easily than when I'm in a relationship, so as a result, I look and feel better about my overall health when I'm single, haha.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member

    Hoped you dropped him along with the lbs! :):)

    He was the 13 stone I dropped first :D
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    He was the 13 stone I dropped first :D

  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I have no will power. My husband has quietly tried to support me, but sometimes he says things about ways I think are fun to workout that I take negatively. Which makes me embarrassed when I do them and he is around. Things like just dance and going to a zumba class. I love to dance and before we met I would go to the dance club and dance 2 or 3 times a week without the cocktails. I would have fun dressing up and cutting a rug. Now if we go out I sit on the sidelines and watch with him. He doesn't like to dance and he does look a little silly when he tries but I have never said anything to him about it, because I want to go and dance.

    Also, I have noticed that when I work the weight comes off. Which gives me lots of energy and people who are older than grade school to talk too. All in All I am happier when I have some kind of job. MY husband said onetime very quietly that he wished for the wife he married. I am 40 lb larger now and cannot get out of this fat shell. It is a vicious cycle, he works, I stay at home because its better for the kids, if I did wok it would be my check that paid for daycare and expense for my job, the same old story. I eat because I stay at home and have no life. I just keep telling myself one day I will have a life.

    And by the way volunteering does not work for me. I am part of a garden club and they drain me with just 4 meetings a month. I even have tried starting my own business to wind up feeling like I am smuggle time from the home life, because the majority of it happens on the weekends. I just was not cut out of the house wife cloth. I am strangling myself slowly with the apron strings. And I don;t think he sees it. He just knows I am Fat.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    You should really have a sit down with him. It sounds like you are emotionally drained and that's not good. You need to let him know that he needs to support you and maybe consider other options besides being a stay at home mom if you really want to work! You deserve to be able to do things for yourself too especially when you probably always take care of everyone else! I wish you the best!
  • spapsidero
    My husband is just like that!! It's killing me! I asked him one day how much weight is it gonna take to lose before he even acknowledges that I have lost weight. I know he loves me just the way I am and would love me anyway I am. It would just be nice to be given a compliment from ur husband. But he's like that with everything. So I don't worry about it.
  • spapsidero
    So to answer ur question- NOTHING changed.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I'm not as attached and have lower tolerance for disrespect.