calling all people with a SPACE between your thighs



  • GC131618
    GC131618 Posts: 15 Member
    I use to weigh 110 lbs in high school, I never had the gap. it is just how my body is made. Try not to worry about it hun!You look great!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I wish I had a gap too. It looks better when wearing bikinis. I am currently 122 and while my tights have gone down in size from where I was before, the still touch. I dont think I am built for them not to touch.
    I was a swimmer in high school and I used to train very hard. I was very fit and I still didn't have the gap. I gave up on it and I am just happy with what I have today.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Its all about genetics, im afraid. Saw Jennifer Eisenbarth's pictures recently. She has thigh gap at 65kg, she looks so sexy. We built the same way, i hope when i reach goal, i ll get mine too :-)
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Honestly, I'm slightly bow-legged (I blame it on the ballet I was forced to take as a child) so whenever I'm 130 or below I have a natural gap. I don't know why girls obsess over it, I think it looks kinds silly >.< but thats just me :p I also have long legs compared to the rest of me, so maybe thats the reason? Idk, but I'm sure it has to do with genetics.
  • Hilary75
    Hilary75 Posts: 90 Member
    Honestly, I'm slightly bow-legged (I blame it on the ballet I was forced to take as a child) so whenever I'm 130 or below I have a natural gap. I don't know why girls obsess over it, I think it looks kinds silly >.< but thats just me :p I also have long legs compared to the rest of me, so maybe thats the reason? Idk, but I'm sure it has to do with genetics.

    Same here, slightly bow-legged ex ballet kid. My knees don't touch when I stand feet together so my thighs don't touch until they get to the top. Just don't stand with your feet together and no one will notice whether or not there's a gap.
  • When I was 112lbs (5'3") I still never had a space between my thighs.. . I am not built that way...I have fit..strong legs..but no space..I am over it LOL..xx
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    This is too crazy!

    Just this morning I looked in my full length mirror and noticed that I have a REAL SPACE between my thighs for the first time in freaking ages! And its real, like I can see daylight even though my feet and knees are together!


    I'm 5'1" and just hit 124. I have ten pounds till my goal.

    BUT my disclaimer is that I have skinny legs. They're at 19" right now. I am NOT a pear. I think pear shaped people will have more problems finding a thigh gap. My problem is my belly :*(

    My mom always told me I was fat my whole life (even when I had lost weight--though I was still overweight) because my thighs always touched. Mean. But that probably has to do with why I'm so happy to see a gap. :\
  • v32f69.jpg
    This is awesome!
  • It's all about your body type. My thighs touch at the top, but there is a small space toward the bottom.
  • For the first time in my life at age 47 I have space between my thighs. This is not just from weight loss but from 12 months of bootcamp based exercise using interval and strength training 45 minutes per session 4-5 times per week- pretty intense exercise. I also have a four pack (rather than a six pack) and a pretty well toned bottom-also a first! Worth it but high maintenance.
  • um, I'm pretty sure it's all about genetics and your pelvic bone structure/hip placement. women without a thigh gap are just as beautiful as women with a thigh gap.

    She said it! You're beautiful!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    My Ex-husband (note 'EX') was of the opinion that any woman who did not have space between her thighs was fat! I don't believe this to be true at all... sadly, we are all led to believe (by ppl like him) that women have to fit a certain mould but I think some women just aren't made that way and we can only be the best we can be. Your profile pic looks pretty good though so while you may still strive for that perfect picture in your mind, be proud of yourself and how far you've come - no easy feat for sure! :D
    I would never have that space no matter how thin because of the way my legs are built. Your ex sounds like such a tool.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Depends on the width of your hips as well...people with narrow hips might never have a space between their thigh, no matter how low their fat percentage is (unless you have absolutely no muscle/fat on your thighs...which would make you a walking
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    This is awesome!

    Thousands? B*tch please, MILLIONS. :P
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I don't think I'll ever have a 'space between my thighs'....and I'm perfectly ok with that.
  • Its all airbrushed....watched a programme and it showed how they airbrush the space betwen your thighs x:smooched: :wink:
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Its all airbrushed....watched a programme and it showed how they airbrush the space betwen your thighs x:smooched: :wink:

    I think I saw that, was it the Gok Wan Teenager thing? (If you are in Britain)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Some women never get it. If you have wide hips and a low bodyfat% you will get a gap.
    Narrow hips, probably not.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    um, I'm pretty sure it's all about genetics and your pelvic bone structure/hip placement. women without a thigh gap are just as beautiful as women with a thigh gap.

  • xmoonlitex123
    xmoonlitex123 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm kindof chubby (135 lbs, jeans size 7) & I have a space between my thighs. I knew a girl that was around 150 that had it. It's called being "bowlegged" & it's really not attractive at all.