The secret to losing weight...



  • bloodguilt
    OK. I keep seeing the same posts about not losing, or not losing fast enough, or gaining weight, or gaining weight back after hitting goal, and weight loss questions in general, and thought I would share the secrets to losing weight forever.

    First, for those of you who have the notion that there will come a magic day when you will be able to go back to eating the way you did before you lose / lost your weight, well, sorry to tell you, that day will never come.

    To lose weight forever, you have to change and change forever. You have to eat accordingly forever, you have to exercise forever. And, once you hit your goal, you will still have to log your food, count your calories and hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions. It has been scientifically proven that for a least a year after you hit goal, your body will continually try to return to your starting weight, because it takes that long for your body to reset and adjust to it’s "new" weight. It’s why so many gain back what they’ve lost and sometimes more within a year.

    To lose weight forever you have to exercise. There’s no way around it. Dieting alone may let you lose weight, but you will gain it all back, especially if you go off plan. Calories in vs calories burned, that never changes. Find an exercise that you like to do and make it part of your routine. Start slowly, even if it’s only 15 minutes a day. Work out 5 to 6 times a week. Increase by 5 minutes every week, and soon you’ll have a 30 minute workout. It doesn’t matter if you are walking around your neighborhood or joining a gym. Get up, get moving, burn calories. People who work out eat cake, and ice cream and even junk food sometimes. They don’t eat that way all the time because eating healthier food makes them feel and perform better. Sure your muscles will be sore at first, but eventually you will miss your workout when you take a day off from it. Really, it’s true. Working out burns calories, boosts your metabolism, boosts your immune system, helps you to lose weight more quickly, develops muscle, adds confidence, and makes you feel better. You can do this.

    To lose weight forever it’s highly recommended that you get a heart rate monitor. The best one to get is the one you will actually use, and that has a chest strap. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on the low or high end re: price, or what brand, or what bells and whistles it has. As long as it works. Sit for one hour with it going while watching tv and see what your resting calorie burn is. Take that information and use it as you will.

    To lose weight forever you should strength train. Strength training is different than weight training. Less weight, more reps, develops leaner, stronger muscles and will not bulk you up. For women strength training is invaluable in regards to bone density and avoiding osteoporosis.

    To lose weight forever you have to learn how to eat. You can’t be eating junk food, processed food, take out food, sweets and candy for a majority of your diet. That food is high carb, high sodium, high fat and high calorie. Although you may fit this food into your calorie profile for the day, in the long run you aren’t doing your body or yourself any favors. Eating that way is what got you here. Your diet is anything you eat. There’s no going on a diet, but there is changing your diet. Fresh vegetables, salads, calorie free dressings, lean protein, low carb / healthy carb, the 40/40/30 plan, this is how you have to learn how to eat. Learning how to cook, how to shop, how to read labels for serving sizes and actual calories, meal plans and snack plans will get you where you want to be. Anything else is unrealistic and will set you up for failure.

    To lose weight forever you have to be honest with yourself. There’s no one you need to be accountable to or for, but you.

    To lose weight forever you have to learn portion control. You have to measure and weigh your food and log everything that you eat. Please re-read the above re: honesty.

    To lose weight forever you have to eat. As I always say, God’s little joke on us all. Here on MFP your calorie deficit, based on the amount of weight you have chosen to lose a week, (1 lb, ½ lb, etc.) has already been calculated and is reflected in your daily required calorie intake. Women may NOT eat less than 1200 calories, and men may NOT eat less than 1500. Eating less will probably make that scale stand still, and you may also gain. Also you should eat back your exercise calories, either half or all. Remember, your calorie deficit has already been taken out of your daily total, so not eating your exercise calories back may also cause you to plateau or gain. Exercise calories are bonus calories to be eaten joyfully. You can use these extra calories daily, or save some up and have a weekend splurge, or plan for a special occasion. Best plan is to use any saved calories weekly. For more information do a search on “starvation mode” here, and you will find some great posts with excellent information.

    To lose weight forever you may not skip meals. So you must eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, with snacks in between and after. Look for a steady even intake of calories throughout the day to keep your metabolism going.

    To lose weight forever you have to drink water. Eight glasses, spaced throughout the day, or a whole bunch at different intervals. Just drink it. Try a glass before each meal, before, during and after your workout, in between cups of coffee, and alcoholic beverages. This helps flush the crap out your system and helps to drop the pounds. Do it.

    To lose weight forever you must develop patience of mind. How long did it take you to put on your weight? A year? Two years? Longer? Well if it took you that long to put the weight on, why do you think you can lose it in six weeks? Again, this is unrealistic and sets you up for failure. If you are 30 pounds overweight and you lose a pound a week, it will take you at least 30 weeks. If you are 100 pounds overweight and you lose a pound a week, it will take at least 100 weeks. For many, although you set your calories to lose a pound a week, your weekly loss may fluctuate, losing more, and sometimes less than that 1 pound, and if you work out as well, you will shorten the time that it takes you to get to your goal. Slow weight loss is the healthiest and most successful way to go. Again, you didn’t put the weight on in a six weeks, and you’re not going to take it off in six weeks either. Slow and steady wins the race, fast and furious loses face.

    To lose weight forever you must develop patience in regards to your body. Your skin is the body’s largest organ and it truly is remarkable. The rule of thumb in regards to skin is that the length of time it took you to gain the weight that stretched your skin out, will be the same amount of time the skin needs to shrink back. So if it took you a year to gain your weight, it will take a year for your skin to adjust. So let’s say you gained your weight over a year, and then you lose that weight in six months and your skin is saggy. You need to give your skin another six months or so to shrink back. Don’t go get plastic surgery because of your own impatience. You also need to understand that your body isn’t going to change overnight, but it will change, and be the better for all your hard work.

    To lose weight forever you have to be prepared for setbacks. They are going to happen. Don’t use them as an excuse to give up. This is a process and a journey, you are human, and it will be ok. Adjust and change up your workout, or your calories, (be prepared for the possibility of eating more than you are, not less), or get back on program if you stopped. Find out what you need to do to continue. You will be glad you did.

    To lose weight forever you have to forgive yourself. There will be times you will eat something you shouldn’t, or skip a workout, and indulge. Ok, you did it. Now get back on the horse and keep on going. The moment you quit, the moment you stop, is the moment you fail. Forgive yourself, learn from it, and continue on program. Lead yourself to success, don’t use this as an excuse to give up.

    To lose weight forever you have to stop making excuses. From, it’s too difficult, I can’t eat that much, I don’t have enough time, I don’t like vegetables, I don’t like working out, it’s my TOM, I have no willpower, whatever, with all of these phrases, and a heck of a lot more, you set you up for failure. Get rid of them. Why are you sabotaging yourself and your success? Don’t you think you deserve to be healthy and at the weight you want to be at? Why don’t you think you deserve it? Why shouldn’t you be happy, healthy, gorgeous, handsome, sexy, and successful? Why should everyone else be allowed these things and not you? Stop getting in your own way, and believe that you can do this, because you can. It’s all you baby, you do deserve this, and don’t let anyone, especially yourself, tell you that you can’t. Figure out how to make it work, how to find the right foods, and the time to workout, and make this happen for you. Ultimately you have to do the work here, no one else will do it for you, you are responsible for your choices, and actions. Take the steps you need to take to change and love yourself for doing it. Believe that this is worth it, you are worth it. You can do this.

    For me, these are the most important secrets I can tell you to help you lose your weight forever.

    I’m sure I’ve missed some, and I’m sure there are others who have some excellent secrets as well.

    Have at it.

    Awesome thoughts. Kudos for posting/sharing this to us.
    I'd like to share this to my colleague in the office. Thanks again.
  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    ELIZACAY236 Posts: 39 Member
  • dlneitzel
    dlneitzel Posts: 17 Member
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    bump !!!!
  • Yodacat1
    Ok. so if I go from doing NOTHING to zuma 3 times a week and certainly eating no worse, how long before I should see something??
  • nyvah
    nyvah Posts: 14 Member
    thank you :)
  • Karenreynolds
    Great post!!
  • fitat53
    fitat53 Posts: 33 Member
    my new bible....thanks!!!
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    So very true! It's not a quick fix, it is a new lifestyle for the rest of your life! Moving, eating right and being accountable everyday for what you put into your body! and the journaling too! You might think you know what your doing but if you don't journal the weight will creep back on, I know I learnt the hard way after losing 80lbs! Thanks for the true words!
  • mxmandani
    Fantastic post
  • jennafluff
    **To lose weight forever you have to forgive yourself. There will be times you will eat something you shouldn’t, or skip a workout, and indulge. Ok, you did it. Now get back on the horse and keep on going. The moment you quit, the moment you stop, is the moment you fail. Forgive yourself, learn from it, and continue on program. Lead yourself to success, don’t use this as an excuse to give up. **

    Okay, LOVE this part:-) In the past I thought I'd failed when I'd had a bad day, I now realise I'd failed when I gave up AFTER I'd had a bad day!!
    Thanks so much for your encouragement.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member

    A small calorie deficit for a long time. No quitting.
  • beaversprings
    Great post! Words to live by.

    Anecdote: Last night I shared a peach cobbler with my SO. It was so yummy but I felt guilty even though I was still under my calorie goal, so . . . I got home, changed clothes, went to the gym and burned 400 calories on the elliptical. Guilt gone! Never thought I would be anxious to get to the gym or exercise but now I can't miss a day (except for my rest day). Thanks MFP!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    ::SIGH:: lots of nonsense in that post

    HRMs, not necessary, they can be useful for some, but i'm willing to guess that the majority of people who have lost weight and kept it off, did not use a HRM
    To lose weight forever you have to learn how to eat. You can’t be eating junk food, processed food, take out food, sweets and candy for a majority of your diet. That food is high carb, high sodium, high fat and high calorie. Although you may fit this food into your calorie profile for the day, in the long run you aren’t doing your body or yourself any favors. Eating that way is what got you here. Your diet is anything you eat. There’s no going on a diet, but there is changing your diet. Fresh vegetables, salads, calorie free dressings, lean protein, low carb / healthy carb, the 40/40/30 plan, this is how you have to learn how to eat.

    Please read up on discretionary kcal allowance, beyond that you shouldn't use ratios to determine macros so there goes advocating 40/40/30 (which is 110 btw) and what is a healthy carb?
    To lose weight forever you have to eat. As I always say, God’s little joke on us all. Here on MFP your calorie deficit, based on the amount of weight you have chosen to lose a week, (1 lb, ½ lb, etc.) has already been calculated and is reflected in your daily required calorie intake. Women may NOT eat less than 1200 calories, and men may NOT eat less than 1500. Eating less will probably make that scale stand still, and you may also gain.

    Putting arbitrary amounts of cals that you can't eat under is nonsense. You have to take into consideration ht/wt and many other factors. I guess PSMFs and VLCDs work by voodoo since they are under both allotments
    To lose weight forever you may not skip meals. So you must eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, with snacks in between and after. Look for a steady even intake of calories throughout the day to keep your metabolism going.

    There is no metabolic advantage to increased meal frequency and your metabolism doesn't stop, so i fail to see how a steady intake of cals will keep it going

    The only "secret" you need to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit, ideally you shouldn't over complicate it by worrying about when and what to eat. zomg do i have to eat breakfast, can i eat carbs after 4pm, blah blah. While i have no doubt all the things you listed worked for you, your rationale behind many of things listed is just an opinion and not based in any sort of fact based reality
  • MissConfidence
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Nicely said... I am keeping this for later :)
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    This exactly what I needed for today. I printed your post and I am on maintenace.

    Thank you!
  • Jaw_g
    Jaw_g Posts: 46
    Bump :D
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