Tricks To Drink Enough Water



  • rdunlap81
    rdunlap81 Posts: 97 Member
    I like the propel zero water and it comes in great flavors. I am the same way about not being a thirsty person. I can drink anywhere from 2-6 cups a day but don't seem to drink more. I am not thirsty and when I try to drink the water anyways I feel bloated and miserable. Any tips for that?
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I totally count my herbal tea. I don't count coffee, even though Denise Austin does on her plan, I think.

    Other than that, I have a huge water bottle that I carry around all day. I feel so much better when I am good about it, it's self-motivating.
  • lbordner1
    Hey I sometimes find it hard too, try when you wake up to drink a large drink of water. I used the tervis tumblers the 24oz on and get in 3 glasses right away. Once I start drinking it, its easier to keep drinking it.
    Lindsey =)
  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    I use a squirt bottle and drink it ice cold. I can fill my 24oz bottle up and start squirting and it's empty in no time. I'll drink 60oz's in about an hour.
  • hkmamma
    I too use crystal light (walmart alternative) but only put in part of a packet in my 20 oz water bottle. makes it taste great, but stretches it out.
  • kdelost630
    I keep a glass by my bed so that I have to drink 8 oz of water before I even get up in the morning. Then I make myself drink at least 1 L after my workout. After that, I get another litre by mixing in crystal light. Then I usually drink a glass with my pills before bed. Easy peasy! :) It does take some getting used to though. You just gotta make yourself do it for a while and soon enough, you'll be drinking pretty consistently throughout the day.
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    For me it was just a matter of training myself. I fill up my bottle and drink it all and make sure I drink from it frequently. It's been a challenge but I'm drinking a little over 64 ounces a day now. I just worked my way up.
  • Bostonstacey
    Bostonstacey Posts: 23 Member
    I drink out of a large cup with a straw at work (it's 20 oz. or so.)
    I find that even at home, I drink more water when I'm drinking through a straw. It's totally silly, but it works for me.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I have a 2 cup glass with every meal, and one after I workout and then I have one in the evening, I don't leave the table till I drink it all.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    seconding the idea of keeping water by the bed ... I have a 24-oz cup at home (one of those starbucks reusable cups) - I fill it up when I go to bed, take a few sips as I'm reading in bed or whatever. When I get up in the morning I chug whatever's left - that's 2+ cups there.

    I keep a refillable in the car too. And yes I am headed to the bathroom as SOON as I get to work!

    I have a refillable 16oz cup that stays on my desk at work - I fill it as soon as I get in and sip sip sip all day. I keep it right by my mousepad so I always see it. My goal is to drink 2 of those a day. If I have any left before leaving, I chug it. If I take a walk during the day I have NO trouble getting in those 32oz.

    At home in the evening it's back to the sbux cup - at least one of those throughout the evening, then I fill it up on the way to bed and start all over again! So when I can do that it's easy to get 7-9 glasses in a day ... and I NEVER thought I would drink that much water! But when I have coffee in the morning, it throws off my system. Some people count coffee or tea but I don't.

    ETA: whoops forgot to mention that I used to see a personal trainer who said I should be drinking 100+ oz of water a day. That may be because of my size. I haven't gotten there yet but I know people who do about a gallon a day. I've heard it said that the more water you drink, the easier it is on your liver and kidneys b/c the more water you drink, the easier it is for your liver to detoxify your blood.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    To me, water is water, whether it's flavoured or not. The only exception for ME personally, is caffeinated beverages, so I don't count coffee or diet pepsi, when I have it. I do count tea and crystal light, but also do get in just plain old water. About 1/2 my intake is plain water and the other half is tea/crystal light type drinks.

    I find drinking from a sports bottle makes it a lot easier than drinking glasses of water. I can easily down 1 24oz bottle with my vitamins and another after breakfast. If i have water in a cup at home I just take one or 2 sips and then forget about. I always have the bottle with me and drink water or the equivalent with every meal.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I went and bought a couple water bottles... one has 24 oz and the other has 28. I just carry it around with me all day and drink it. I only have to drink 3 or 4 of them and I have enough water for the day. But I usually drink much more. I love water...
  • MeowserKitty
    Fill a glass with H20, put it to your mouth, sip. :)
    Haha, but seriously, just carry around a water bottle.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    The whole '8 glasses of 8oz' thing is a myth. It all stems from a misquote of a piece of research that said we need that much but went on to add that we gain most of that from general intake of food and other liquids.

    If you want a rule of thumb, just follow the usual one: Listen to your body. If you are thirsty, have a drink. Err on the side of too much since you can't really drink too much water (assuming you don't down two gallons at once of course) and if you do drink more than you need, you'll just pee it out anyway.

    Oh and anything with water in counts. Tea, coffee, coke, lager. Obviously water is the best option but all of those hydrate you to a degree.
    There is a lot of misinformation about fluid intake and this thread really goes to show how deep it has become in the public conciousness.
  • ksomerfeld
    ksomerfeld Posts: 5 Member
    I keep a giant bottle of lemon juice in the refrigerator at work and add a generous splash every time I fill up my water glass. There's something about the bitterness of the lemon that makes me want to drink more and more, and I have no trouble hitting 8-9 glasses each day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I keep a giant bottle of lemon juice in the refrigerator at work and add a generous splash every time I fill up my water glass. There's something about the bitterness of the lemon that makes me want to drink more and more, and I have no trouble hitting 8-9 glasses each day!

    Thanks for posting this. Sounds like a wonderful idea.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    "tricks" - you're doing it. You're drinking when you're thirsty.

    It's that simple.

    Drinking plain water helps folks cut back on hunger pangs so, if you need water to stop putting food in your mouth, drink up (iced tea, perhaps?). Other than that, from a medical perspective, there is no value in drinking a lot of water.

    Yes, I know MFP recommends 8 glasses a day. Many sites recommend 8 glasses a day. My GF, who runs the largest of 40+ weight loss clinics in a chain of clinics here in SoCal, recommends it. And they all do so for a variety of reasons, one reason is that it helps with food cravings.

    Other than that…nada thing. All you're doing is spending more $$ on water, water bottles, etc. and as well as spending more time urinating (and inconveniencing everyone else 'cause you have to stop the car to urinate).

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