Skinny people and the word fat

OK, I know I am not the only one.
At work, people tell me I do not eat enough to stay alive, well for those that can see my food log every day, that is not true. I just eat healthy.

Then they say, "oh are you trying to loose weight?"

When I reply yes, they actually have the nerve to tell me, Yeah, I need to do somehing too...

But here is the gist, they are all size 6 or lower.....

So why is it, "some", skinny people have the dumbest things to say???

Are they afraid to be around fat people, are we going to eat them??

Are they going to catch our "fat", genes??

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    OK, I know I am not the only one.
    At work, people tell me I do not eat enough to stay alive, well for those that can see my food log every day, that is not true. I just eat healthy.

    Then they say, "oh are you trying to loose weight?"

    When I reply yes, they actually have the nerve to tell me, Yeah, I need to do somehing too...

    But here is the gist, they are all size 6 or lower.....

    So why is it, "some", skinny people have the dumbest things to say???

    Are they afraid to be around fat people, are we going to eat them??

    Are they going to catch our "fat", genes??

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    Or when we lose a couple pounds and our skinny 125 pound friend says, "oh your going to waste away, your getting so skinny!"... Nope I'm sure all 180 pounds of me isn't about to "waste away" anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure you're in no danger of me borrowing all you clothes anytime soon, (or ever, I'll never be 125!) It's like they just want to be the only thin one around!
  • sportsmomof2
    Options are cracking me up! :laugh:

    no the kicker is ...

    "Im seriouly overweight..." said the 110 lb woman..who is 5'8.

    Please...when I lose the weight if anyone notices the level of intellegence in my brain decreasing...please someone kick me and set me straight.

    Have a great day...and thanks for the they think we are going to eat them...HA HA..Im still laughing about that...

  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    i have had the same experiences..

    people are starting to notice that i lost weight then ask,, how much more do you want to loose ? i say 55 pounds and they go ..... ho noooooo that would make you look way tooooo skinny..
    that comes from people weighting 125 lbs . and me loosing 55 lbs would bring me to 145 .(witch is the cutting point of me being overweight to healthy).....
    now thats strange...... because the next thing they say is ..... wow .. i wish i could loose some weight too... !!!!!!!!

    i think that people that are already skinny see themself as big because of the pressure from society..
    my friend is 5'7'' at 120 lbs and she was ashamed of "admiting" her weight to me.. shes the type to really take notice of those celebrity magazine and videos... that just drives me bananas....
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    Or when we lose a couple pounds and our skinny 125 pound friend says, "oh your going to waste away, your getting so skinny!"... Nope I'm sure all 180 pounds of me isn't about to "waste away" anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure you're in no danger of me borrowing all you clothes anytime soon, (or ever, I'll never be 125!) It's like they just want to be the only thin one around!

    You actually probably don't look "fat" to her. We're our own toughest critics. Many people will tend to pick apart their own physical flaws, but overlook those of others. To her, you probably look fine, and she is wondering why you are trying to lose weight.
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    Or when we lose a couple pounds and our skinny 125 pound friend says, "oh your going to waste away, your getting so skinny!"... Nope I'm sure all 180 pounds of me isn't about to "waste away" anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure you're in no danger of me borrowing all you clothes anytime soon, (or ever, I'll never be 125!) It's like they just want to be the only thin one around!

    You actually probably don't look "fat" to her. We're our own toughest critics. Many people will tend to pick apart their own physical flaws, but overlook those of others. To her, you probably look fine, and she is wondering why you are trying to lose weight.

    I will agree I am my own worst critic but when some woman who is 125 pounds looks at me (at 400 + pounds) and tells me I look fine or That she knows how hard it is and she just can't seem to shed that extra few pounds I feel like reaching out and strangling her. There is no way people look at me and not see the fat. I just wish that people who have never had more than 20 pounds to lose in thier entire lives would realize there is no way they know what it is like to need to lose 200 pounds. It is like a kick in the teeth to hear someone that size say they are fat!
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    I have friends of all sizes that say they are fat.. even i say I am fat... But it is at a certain degree. I have love handles and my legs rub together. My friend is 50 pounds overweight. I have another friend that look soooo skinny... but we have one thing in common...We all say, "I'm getting fat", or "I'm trying to lose weight"

    So what do we say to each other....
    "Your getting big"
    "yeah, you could loose a few pounds there"
    "you look anorexic"

    People say "you look fine" because they are uncomfortable to tell them anything else. Some people are not born motivators. I will be offended if they are honest, I will be offended if they say I look fine, and I will be offended if they say nothing at all.

    Don't worry what other people think. You are doing this for yourself. You see what needs to be done. So you have the power to get it done.

    So when I say (I'm only 140..was 150 @ 5'8) I'm loosing weight and the response is. "You don't need to loose weight" My ending sentence is "you haven't seen me naked"

    Good luck to you all! It all starts with loving yourself
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I agree with mehughes. I can look at people that are bigger than me, but don't have the celulite or thery have legs with a nice shape and wish mine looked like that - and sometime's it's that they are very comfortable with their body (queen latifa for example). We were talking to a trainer at the gym and we've started to realize that no matter what we weigh or how fit we are, it's not going to be perfect. I wish I was better at getting a way from the numbers in the world (scales, size, etc) and be proud of what I"m accomplishing.
  • breakingthepath
    Or when we lose a couple pounds and our skinny 125 pound friend says, "oh your going to waste away, your getting so skinny!"... Nope I'm sure all 180 pounds of me isn't about to "waste away" anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure you're in no danger of me borrowing all you clothes anytime soon, (or ever, I'll never be 125!) It's like they just want to be the only thin one around!

    You actually probably don't look "fat" to her. We're our own toughest critics. Many people will tend to pick apart their own physical flaws, but overlook those of others. To her, you probably look fine, and she is wondering why you are trying to lose weight.

    I will agree I am my own worst critic but when some woman who is 125 pounds looks at me (at 400 + pounds) and tells me I look fine or That she knows how hard it is and she just can't seem to shed that extra few pounds I feel like reaching out and strangling her. There is no way people look at me and not see the fat. I just wish that people who have never had more than 20 pounds to lose in thier entire lives would realize there is no way they know what it is like to need to lose 200 pounds. It is like a kick in the teeth to hear someone that size say they are fat!

    Nobody sees their weight the way other people see it. I recently confessed to a close friend that I was trying to drop about fifty pounds and she said that I looked more like I could lift that much than I could stand to lose it. I kinda see what she's talking about, but at the same time all I also see someone who hopes like crazy that their work uniform comes in an XXL. Skinny people almost never see all the weight you think you need to lose.
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    i told my uber-skinny friend that i wanted to lose 50 pounds, and she said it was too much. in her defense, most people don't think i weigh as much as i do. people 'carry' their weight differently. my skinny friend then told me some pretty bad comments she's gotten like 'how did you ever get pregnant', 'you're anorexic', etc. equally insulting i think. she's a very healthy vegetarian mom of 3 kids, also a pilates instructor. so it goes both ways. some people just don't have tact:tongue:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    This must be a female thing. Guys saw me start working out about 8 months ago and just said "your crazy man, I wouldn't put myself through that." and now they still say it but they add "but you can tell your looking a lot thinner now." Where they immediately regret saying something like that to a guy and turn and walk away as fast as pride allows. LOL! It's usually a pretty funny scene. Sometimes I feel like I have an unfair advantage being a guy and doing this, woman definately have a lot more pressure on them for this stuff. It's pretty rare when a guy gets vindictive or jealous over another guy's body. Unless he's oogling your wife, then it becomes a different story.
    I hear all the stories on here about female friends trying to sabotage your success. For guys, they pretty much put it out there. My friends say things like "Dude, eat what you want, but I'm still ordering the potato skins and buffalo fingers. But I'll keep em out of your reach if you want."
    Course these are the same guys that will be wondering why I have 30 stolen bases this year when they have 6. LOL!
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    Or when we lose a couple pounds and our skinny 125 pound friend says, "oh your going to waste away, your getting so skinny!"... Nope I'm sure all 180 pounds of me isn't about to "waste away" anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure you're in no danger of me borrowing all you clothes anytime soon, (or ever, I'll never be 125!) It's like they just want to be the only thin one around!

    You actually probably don't look "fat" to her. We're our own toughest critics. Many people will tend to pick apart their own physical flaws, but overlook those of others. To her, you probably look fine, and she is wondering why you are trying to lose weight.

    I will agree I am my own worst critic but when some woman who is 125 pounds looks at me (at 400 + pounds) and tells me I look fine or That she knows how hard it is and she just can't seem to shed that extra few pounds I feel like reaching out and strangling her. There is no way people look at me and not see the fat. I just wish that people who have never had more than 20 pounds to lose in thier entire lives would realize there is no way they know what it is like to need to lose 200 pounds. It is like a kick in the teeth to hear someone that size say they are fat!

    I was ripped on about this by a fat lady on the bus the other night. The lady must've been 150-200 pounds overweight and in her 50's. I'm a size 6-8, 5'4, and a sporting a small B cup. Obviously I'm a lot smaller than she.

    I'm talking on my cellphone and I tell my friend that I'm going to the gym more often because I'm getting fat and this lady turns around and interjects into my conversation, "you're so skinny, you don't know what fat is. Try to lose 100 pounds and you'll know my pain...blah blah blah."

    I was so upset at her, but give me a break. I told my friend that I was becoming fat (a relative word) not obese. I'm sorry but from my point of view when I no longer fit into my size 4-5 jeans skinny jeans I view myself as fat.

    I'm doing this for me, not for her. In this case, the lady should have minded her own business.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Or when we lose a couple pounds and our skinny 125 pound friend says, "oh your going to waste away, your getting so skinny!"... Nope I'm sure all 180 pounds of me isn't about to "waste away" anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure you're in no danger of me borrowing all you clothes anytime soon, (or ever, I'll never be 125!) It's like they just want to be the only thin one around!

    You actually probably don't look "fat" to her. We're our own toughest critics. Many people will tend to pick apart their own physical flaws, but overlook those of others. To her, you probably look fine, and she is wondering why you are trying to lose weight.

    I will agree I am my own worst critic but when some woman who is 125 pounds looks at me (at 400 + pounds) and tells me I look fine or That she knows how hard it is and she just can't seem to shed that extra few pounds I feel like reaching out and strangling her. There is no way people look at me and not see the fat. I just wish that people who have never had more than 20 pounds to lose in thier entire lives would realize there is no way they know what it is like to need to lose 200 pounds. It is like a kick in the teeth to hear someone that size say they are fat!

    I was ripped on about this by a fat lady on the bus the other night. The lady must've been 150-200 pounds overweight and in her 50's. I'm a size 6-8, 5'4, and a sporting a small B cup. Obviously I'm a lot smaller than she.

    I'm talking on my cellphone and I tell my friend that I'm going to the gym more often because I'm getting fat and this lady turns around and interjects into my conversation, "you're so skinny, you don't know what fat is. Try to lose 100 pounds and you'll know my pain...blah blah blah."

    I was so upset at her, but give me a break. I told my friend that I was becoming fat (a relative word) not obese. I'm sorry but from my point of view when I no longer fit into my size 4-5 jeans skinny jeans I view myself as fat.

    I'm doing this for me, not for her. In this case, the lady should have minded her own business.

    omg, I have been there too........ to each there own of course, but I had some one come up to me a bit larger then I and do the exact same thing.
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    i think the reason that some skinny people say you don't need to lose weight is becasue they are jealous. They don't want you to look as good as them. They want to be the thin and in shape one in the room and by you losing weight they feel rivaled and I guess a bit threatened. That's certainly my expereince anyway!
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    Not to argue but as a "skinny person" I thought i would offer my view. I am and have always eaten relatively healthy, you would not find me in a fast food restaurant and i have always done some form of exercise, I also walk a lot because i live in NY. Over the last couple of years things like grad school and living with a boy have changed my eating a little (love cheese and wine and wings and beer). After a while it king of catches up with you. Please understand that someone who is 127 when they are used to being 120 and wants to get back to their former self is often critisized for wanting to do so. I know it is a "different" kind of weight loss than others might be going through but it is actually really hard to lose weight when you have little to lost.

    I do not thing thin people don't want you thin. I think that is silly, but i understand where you are coming from. I always notice when friends who are a little larger lose some weight and i am always encouraging because it is more about losing weight it is about making a change (more of a change then say a skinny person is making)

    I know this may not apply but it is kind of like someone with money troubles complaining about it to someone wealthy. It is uncomfortable for the wealthy one and the poor one is thinking the wealthy one is judging them the whole time. So complain about your lack of money with your fellow poor friends but don't hesitate to ask your rich friends for advice. That way everyone no one feels "weird"
  • bjigglepants
    i've never given much thought to anyone "skinny" making those types of comments. i guess i'd just take it as them trying to show their support in some way (they may also suffer from body dysmorphia). i'm also pretty sure skinny people get tired of people telling them they need to eat something or told to gain some weight. whether you're skinny or overweight, or just need to drop a few pounds, everyone needs support at trying to achieve their goals.
  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    Discussing Weight Loss falls into the Sex & Politics Category....oooo Grass Cutting & Fertilizing tooo.....TABOO SUBJECTS to steer clear of.
  • cobra1368
    cobra1368 Posts: 90 Member
    I think society has made EVERYONE self conscious, regardless of our outward appearance. There are many, many skinny people with even lower self esteem than some heavier people.

    And it is THOSE skinny people that look at those that are heavier ("pleasantly plump" as my grandpa used to describe grandma!), and it makes them feel better about themselves.

    So if those heavier people were to become skinny, the skinny people don't feel so special anymore.

    That is my take on it.

    I happen to not be heavy or overweight. I am just trying to get healthier and tone up what I already have. But I have always had friends of all sizes. And I've noticed the differences in behavior of the skinny people towards the heavier ones, and I really think they want them to stay fat in order for the skinny people to keep getting the good attention from it.

    And yes, I think that is sick. I have acted as a support system more than once for a heavy friend trying to get thin.

    Personally, I get enough attention being 6'2" and a woman. :happy: And there is NOTHING I can do to change my height, except wear 4" heels and become 6'6" !!
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    I think society has made EVERYONE self conscious, regardless of our outward appearance. There are many, many skinny people with even lower self esteem than some heavier people.

    And it is THOSE skinny people that look at those that are heavier ("pleasantly plump" as my grandpa used to describe grandma!), and it makes them feel better about themselves.

    So if those heavier people were to become skinny, the skinny people don't feel so special anymore.

    That is my take on it.

    I happen to not be heavy or overweight. I am just trying to get healthier and tone up what I already have. But I have always had friends of all sizes. And I've noticed the differences in behavior of the skinny people towards the heavier ones, and I really think they want them to stay fat in order for the skinny people to keep getting the good attention from it.

    well said!:smile: