100 Colonoscopies

I am on a mission to get 100 of my MFP family to schedule a colonoscopy. My FIL is in stage 4 colon cancer that could have been prevevnted if he had payed attention and had his done. My husband had his and they removed polyps that we are waiting on results foor.

2 people responded on my first post that they were going ahead and talking to their doctoers about it.

So starting with number 3, post the number, your MFP handle and your commitment to have your colonoscopy and lets get to 100. We could seriously save some lives here.


  • 3. Not sure if I count toward your 100 or not, but I have had two already, and I am on the "five year plan", so I will definitely have my next one when it is due. Best of luck with this great post!!
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    4, I will be having one this year and every year because of my Crohn's disease which puts me at a higher risk for colon cancer.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    5. I was told on Friday that I have to organise one because my iron levels are seriously low and they need to find out why. So you can count me!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
  • I am on a mission to get 100 of my MFP family to schedule a colonoscopy. My FIL is in stage 4 colon cancer that could have been prevevnted if he had payed attention and had his done. My husband had his and they removed polyps that we are waiting on results foor.

    2 people responded on my first post that they were going ahead and talking to their doctoers about it.

    So starting with number 3, post the number, your MFP handle and your commitment to have your colonoscopy and lets get to 100. We could seriously save some lives here.

    I will join your crusade, but I need some education in this subject: Perhaps I'm not the *ONLY* one who'd like to know:
    Thanks to the recent healthcare changes ( NO COMMENT) My insurance coverage will not cover this procedure- as a preventative measure-
    I am *fortunate*? that I was diagnosed with disorders that WILL warrant further testings- but still ONLY in the event of a flare-up
    NOT routine yearly screenings like a mammogram/pap smear.
    I would LOVE peace of mind from this area too- but it seems to allude me- because it's NOT in my *power* to simply call and schedule one-
    It requires my PCP to order it. And unless he detects blood in my stool, he doesn't do these and insurance won't cover them withOUT his orders.

    SO, do you have any recommendations for those in the same dilemma?
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    I work in a Colonoscopy clinic. I am happy you posted this :)
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    6. With a family history of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (*kitten*) (nan, aunt, both sisters, brother and 3 cousins) a colonoscopy is a yearly event in our family.
    As I do not carry the mutated gene I only have one every 5 years which falls in March this year.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    7. Had my first this year. Thankfully, they don't want to see me for the next 10 years. Thankfully, I don't have to see them for the next 10 yrs. :smile:
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
    8. Had mine on December 21st 2011 and I feel so much better.
  • 9. Had one last October, and all was good
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    Had my first colonoscopie at the young age of 40. Had I not... I would not be here now. Had 4 inches of my colon removed do to cancer. Go back every year for testing. Last test removed 25 pulups.. So yea, everybody should do this !!!!!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    @jill_newimpro - I hope we get some good responses on your questions. It seems typical to have one clear one with repeats every 10 years, or every 5 years if there is a concern, but some people appear to be getting them yearly with a history of problems. I don't know how to convince the insurance company to cover the preventative ones, but it would sure save them HUGE amounts of money to catch something preventatively, like my husband's pollups, rather than surgery and chemo!
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    I had one in the past 12 months. I'm good thanks LOL
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    10. I am prepping for my first one on Wednesday. Polyps run in my family but that is the extent of their results.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I am on a mission to get 100 of my MFP family to schedule a colonoscopy. My FIL is in stage 4 colon cancer that could have been prevevnted if he had payed attention and had his done. My husband had his and they removed polyps that we are waiting on results foor.

    2 people responded on my first post that they were going ahead and talking to their doctoers about it.

    So starting with number 3, post the number, your MFP handle and your commitment to have your colonoscopy and lets get to 100. We could seriously save some lives here.

    I will join your crusade, but I need some education in this subject: Perhaps I'm not the *ONLY* one who'd like to know:
    Thanks to the recent healthcare changes ( NO COMMENT) My insurance coverage will not cover this procedure- as a preventative measure-
    I am *fortunate*? that I was diagnosed with disorders that WILL warrant further testings- but still ONLY in the event of a flare-up
    NOT routine yearly screenings like a mammogram/pap smear.
    I would LOVE peace of mind from this area too- but it seems to allude me- because it's NOT in my *power* to simply call and schedule one-
    It requires my PCP to order it. And unless he detects blood in my stool, he doesn't do these and insurance won't cover them withOUT his orders.

    SO, do you have any recommendations for those in the same dilemma?

    I work in a hospital surgery department where these are done. We have had plenty of diagnosis of "rectal bleeding" You can try that to see if insurance will fly with it. Most of the time rectal bleeding is from hemorrhoids, but sometimes they can be from a tumor. Worth a try atleast.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Good tip Jenn.

    OK - who's going to work on saving their life today by scheduling a colonoscopy?
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    You can count me in. I actually have one scheduled for next Friday because of some issues I've been having!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    We are up to 11. Who will be 12, 13, 14 and 15?
  • LainieKnits
    LainieKnits Posts: 11 Member
    12. Did it 2/8/12

    13. DH is scheduled for today. I won't tell him he's lucky #13
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Grateful that my husband's results indicated no precancer cells in the polyps, since the news is Stage 4 colon cancer for his father.

    Whenever I let him know that more people have committed to getting their colonoscopy it really helps him feel better. Will you help? Schedule yours and post here so we can get to 100 and save some lives.
