Is your 'other half' supportive enough??



  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    My wife is 100% supportive and is going through it with me. She's lost almost 19 pounds as well.
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    I feel like I'm just coming here to brag, but my boyfriend is really supportive. If I gain a few pounds, he always says, "Well, I sure can't tell!" If I lose a few pounds he is really congratulatory and supportive. He has even started expressing interest in eating healthier and working out.
  • cowleyibiza
    Thank you ALL very much for the helpful responses!! they have been great to read,

    My problem is that I'm an all or nothing type of person. I either have to obsess over something or I just lose interest. And i think its partly me that keeps talking about the things im doing that bores her. I try to help her when i can but she cheats regularly and when i bring it up she gets all defensive. I have however realized that, as long as I keep doing what I'm doing then I'll be happy in myself, and in turn she will have a super healthy lean Husband!

    I'll have a chat with her today and see if she is up for a big push for a month to make a difference!! because if she is losing weight then she will be happy meaning I will be happy menaing We'll be happy.!

    Thanks again everyone!!!
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    I am a lucky girl my husband is super supportive and is always trying to help me even though he doesnt need to loose any weight, he eats what I eat and usually works out with me at the gym. :bigsmile: It has not always been this way, before he ate bad things in front of me, and never worked out with me, when I was having health problems because of my weight, it scared him and me both and we had a serious talk about why I needed to do this, and it all changed, he is on board with me 100% :love:
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    My husband is the biggest sabotuer of my diet. I am good all week with diet and exercise. If I could just live alone for a while I am sure I would hit my goals much quicker. Guess I need to get better at saying no, but it is so hard when everyone else around you is eating deliciously fattening foods.
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    My wife and I go to the gym together and log MFP together and have made great gains together. She's lost 37 lb and I have lost 45. We recently renewed our vows after 25 years of marriage. Things couldn't be better. :))
  • littlehokie
    YES! I'm very lucky.
  • TamaraGraceS
    TamaraGraceS Posts: 273 Member
    I am a lucky girl! My husband has been there every step of the way. He has never had a weight problem ( 10 lbs maybe and drops it in no time) . He listens,encourages and gently guides. I think he has been the reason I have done so well.
  • bean4max
    Sounds like you need to talk to her. Iy husband lost 30 lbs probably 2 years ago on his own. Going to the gym and watching what he ate. During this time, I still was doing my own thing, not losing weight. He did "annoy" me at times. He would constantly ask"is this healthy for me' or say " I shouldn't have eaten that, it wasn;t good for me" or "I ate too much"or "do I look like I have a gut in this". He was talking non stop about this stuff and it bugged me. Partly out of jealousy and partly because of his obsessiveness. I thought he looked great, but got tired of hearing about it. Even our daughter got tired of hearing these things and she was the one who motivated him to lose weight. So what I learned from him, is to: Not talk about it with people unless they bring it up and ask what I am doing.I dont obsess with what I ate and what Iook like. Compliments are nice, but I try not to go on and on if someone says something to me about how I look. I have found that my extended family doesn't compliment me even tho I have lost 37lbs and dropped 2 sizes. Why I ask myself,jealousy. So continue on your journey as you are. Take the compliments as they come. But don't obsess with others about your success, and what I mean by that is, don't bring it up all the time. If someone makes a comment or asks, answer and than change the subject. You are doing this, be proud, but be humble at the same time! Good luck with your journey!:smile:

    You know. You think "man, I bet I am irritating the crap out of everyone with my obsessiveness" Then think Nah...
    But WOW. You really hit the nail on the head and drove it home for me.
    I need to SHUT.THE.HECK.UP.
    For the OP, my husband is a "big boy" and thinks that's ok, and couldn't care less whether I am 175lbs or 120.
    It's tough when they don't get it.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    'seems' annoyed? Don't assume that she is annoyed. Most women are PRETTY clear about if if they are truly annoyed. Just keep doing what you're doing. Do it for you. Separate time & interests is GOOD for a healthy relationship.

    Don't give up and don't try to read her mind. Humans were given the ability to speak for a reason.
  • cowleyibiza
    THATS IT...KEEP RUBBING IT, (only joking!!) I am extremely happy for all of you, it must be a great booster for you, when your'e in it together, I just hope that I can get to that point with my Fiance,

    It seems your all doing great so Please keep up all the good work and I hope you and your partners get where you need to be!

    As i will!
  • katetaylor999
    katetaylor999 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you ALL very much for the helpful responses!! they have been great to read,

    My problem is that I'm an all or nothing type of person. I either have to obsess over something or I just lose interest. And i think its partly me that keeps talking about the things im doing that bores her. I try to help her when i can but she cheats regularly and when i bring it up she gets all defensive. I have however realized that, as long as I keep doing what I'm doing then I'll be happy in myself, and in turn she will have a super healthy lean Husband!

    I'll have a chat with her today and see if she is up for a big push for a month to make a difference!! because if she is losing weight then she will be happy meaning I will be happy menaing We'll be happy.!

    Thanks again everyone!!!

    I started off by doing WeightWatchers propoints and got NO support whatsoever from the other half. I then heard about this and he's got much better as it seems to 'fit in' more with his ideas of how people should lose weight - not the calorie counting bit, but balancing carbs, protein and fat. He's even joined the gym with me and eating better himself, HOWEVER only because he wants to! Now I get a little disheartened cos he loses it quicker than I do because he's got more pre-existing muscle than I have, even though I am like you - all or nothing - and have been trying my very VERY bestest with food and exercise. There's little more I could do so don't see how I could compete with his losses (mentally, I mean - I'm a naturally competitive person and compare my achievements with others!)

    My advice...if she's trying to lose weight herself, don't criticise her in any way - she WILL get snappy and defensive!!! See if there is something that you could include her in that she enjoys or agrees with and bring her round that way - you can then build it into your joint routines and do it together, so she won't get hacked off 'hanging around waiting for you' ;-)

    Maybe if she sees you being 'too successful' at losing weight she could even start feeling insecure about herself - we girlies can be strange little creatures!!

    Good luck.x
  • Danielle_Star
    I am very fortunate to have a supportive boyfriend that enables me to lose weight. He is smaller than me but I find at times that I motivate him to work out by me working out!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    My husband is supportive of anything I do:heart: I am anal about exercising and eating healthy foods. He is not as concerned about weight and eating as I am, and he is the cook.

    Sometimes we eat different things, and I exercise harder and more often than him. We sometimes exercise together, but it can be frustrating for both of us because of the different intensities that we desire.

    All that said, if your girlfriend is not supportive of your exercising, and you feel you can't tell her about your weight loss now, I would be concerned about entering into a marriage. Now it is weight and exercise, but after your wedding, it could be other things.

    People don't change for the better after marriage, they become more comfortable and the "real" them emerges.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    I can relate. I have an unsupportive spouse. He doesn't understand my goals, doesn't care about being stronger, faster healthier himself one bit. I just say to hell with it and do it for me, once in a while I ramble by accident to him and he doesn't say much, when I'm bulking he sometimes shames me questioning my want for more strength and muscle. When I'm cutting he calls my naturally small (now post baby boobs) weird names. I've found myself just not caring anymore what he does, eats and just do it for myself. MFP has been my saviour for relating to people.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I would say that she's supportive to a degree. She doesn't log or count calories....we tried doing this before, and for some reason it drove her it's not her thing....I don't judge or harp on her about it.....she looks good but complains about how she looks, yet does nothing about it (she's 5'3 and a little over 120, so I think she looks fine) We were going through a phase where she would get mad at me for going when she didn't or couldn't (whatever excuse was coming up that day). We've talked about it several times, mostly because I had to broach the subject. She feels that me going and her not makes her look, honestly, I can't begin to wrap my head around the concept, but have come to terms that my health is more important than her "face". Before I'd plan to set up days for us to go together and would end up disappointed, and worse yet out my own training schedule. So nowadays I just go without her because I'm off work 2 hours before her leaving me plenty of time to get what I need done. She talks of getting back into it, but that seems to fall flat often. I actually had to tell the person who runs our fitness place that if we come in together to pretend like he's never seen me......and in summary I feel like I have to cheat on my wife with, how I handle it is I tell her how much weight I've lost, but not how I'm getting it done. I can tell you that while your situation might be irritating, it could be worse.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    He's my hero-- Besides God that is...he's the one pulling for me and helping me the most--encouraging me and allowing my New LIFE style to become a household one. (Even though I'm the only one overweight in the house). He and the kids are going for this with me 100% I'm THRILLED to report! Both my hubby and the kids are taking to all of my NO's and YES's like bees to honey. They are totally loving our new way of eating, seeing me a more calm, cool and collected wife and mom too.

    Not only is my body shrinking DAILY, but our entire lives are changing for the better too--I'm so GLAD!

    It's literally all good and full steam ahead!
  • ValHallaGirl
    ValHallaGirl Posts: 73 Member
    My fiance is 45lbs less than me... and not really supportive. We don't even talk about it. A few weeks ago he did say that when i lose a certain amount that he will start losing as well.. but he said it won't take him long. -.- He's got more muscle than me , where mine is fat of course. The people at work are really proud of me and we talk about it a lot. I even have people motivated to get healthy as well. We are having a contest called The Slim down Showdown at work. We are on teams and have 8 weeks to get healthy and we will see what team wins. It's all about losing weight in the contest but i really don't see how that's fair, people can lose inches and stay the same or gain muscle. Blah.. I'm straying away from the subject. lol
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    My husband is really supportive. He is on mfp too. We are doing insanity together and we keep each other on track
  • jthomps85
    I know the feeling. I love my husband, but like me, he could stand to lose a few pounds too. I've been trying to get huim to go to the gym with me or just to eat healthier in general, but he never wants to. He's happy for me when I lose a few pounds, but then he just complains about how he's "too fat to exercise". It drives me nuts!