30 Day Shred - Who's Going To Join Me?



  • pjsmom2010
    pjsmom2010 Posts: 70 Member

    Count me in! I just started my fitness pal on monday and coincidentally started 30 Day Shred two days ago. I've tried it before but gave up after five days. Trying this again, I felt my endurance was still up from the first time I tried the DVD but yesterday I could barely use the weights at all and could successfully complete MAYBE 4 female pushups. I've also found that the side lunge with the arm raise has really been hurting my left knee, even with proper form of not letting my knee go over my foot. Is anyone else finding that their knees feel slight pain after these videos? I do this in front of a mirror so I can watch my form and it looks similar to what they're doing so I feel like there shouldn't be discomfort.

    Height" 5'5.5"
    SW: 139
    CW: 136
    GW: 120
    Belly Button: 34.5"
    Waist: 29"
    Chest: 34.5"
    Each thigh: 23"
    Arm: 11'
    Widest part of my rear-end: 41"
    I'm not sure if I'm supposed to measure around my butt, but I'm definitely packing a heavy load back there and would LOVE to see some decrease.

    I don't know how this whole friend thing works on here but feel free to add me, I could use the support. Good luck everyone!

    Me too! I'm having the same issue as well. I wasn't sure if it was the shred or the running I've been doing. The last time I did the work out was Saturday but I jumped back on the saddle last night. I just didn't do all the jumping around she does. I modified the jumping jacks and I did punches when I couldn't do the cardio. So some reason the jump rope and butt kicks were so bad either. I don't feel so bad this morning, but my left knee was also bothering me. I changed the lunges to squats. I think I'm just going to add in the days I missed. Having said that, I started last Weds but I'm calling it L1D6 (should be day 9) So, 24 more days to go!!!
  • Lylas2
    Lylas2 Posts: 13
    Count me in!!!
    Hey There started MFP about 2 weeks ago and TDS on Monday (day 4) This is my first attempt. I was inspired by my friend who was already on MFP and is on level 2 of TDS. I work best with short and small goals... so we are doing a 5 day "challenge" Mon-Fri, TDS everyday along with some other cardio (I do 35 min on elliptical). We also check in on our food diarys. NOTHING White for five days... no bread, sugar, potato....etc. Mentally it works to think "its only five days". I will allow myself some type of treat on the week end (without going overboard) and start back Monday for the five days!

    TDS is kicking my butt... but I refuse to give up!!! Yesterday was the first day I did the entire dvd without pausing! (yay!)
  • Lylas2
    Lylas2 Posts: 13
    You look awesome! Look at those guns!!! I just started TDS.... can you tell me if your lovely arm results are from TDS or some other type of routine. (Arms are a hard area for me... lots of "fluffy" :embarassed:
  • I'm so bummed. I hurt my knee and I think it's Jillian's fault. lol I've never had issues with my knees before so I don't know what's up. I'm also doing C25K so maybe it was the running. I haven't done the shred since Sat. I'm going to give it a try tonight and not go so crazy with the cardio part and see how it does. Maybe it was those side lunges. I don't know, but this is putting a cramp in my style. I'm going to try and push forward though. I don't want to loose my momentum!

    The same thing happened to me at first just lay off the lunges for a while I bought a knee brace and used it till I got to level 2 and my knee was okay then but I still dont do as many of the lunges that she does on any video
  • sahalcomb
    sahalcomb Posts: 86 Member
    Someone asked earlier about doing other workout classes at the gym with 30DS. I'd like the answer to that too please. I do weights with Bodypump classes 3 times a week, a kick boxing class once a week and then cardio the other days. Would I have to give up my weights in the gym for 30 days? What would you ladies think that are doing it? Just curious before I make the investment. Thanks :)
  • Today will be day 15! Level two...those squat thrusts & plank jacks are killer, at least to me. This morning, I was lying in bed actually looking forward to trying them again though. I love how you really do see progress quickly. On the first day of level 2, I could barely do any of the squat thrusts & plank jacks, and yesterday I made it through half of them. Today, who knows? I've also *finally* starting losing weight again. I was stalled for a while. That may or may not have anything to do with Jillian though, as I've slightly modified my diet these last three days.

    You know, I couldn't stand Jillian on Biggest Loser, but I really like this DVD and don't feel bad about contributing to her bank account one bit.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm doing C25K and 30 DS, and so I feel like I'm kicking my own *kitten* a good portion of the time. I'm on Day 17 today, and the last week I've been varying between Workout 1 and Workout 2. I tend to use more weight in workout 1, and I've become more able to do some of the exercises in workout 2. Still, I fell like I'm not losing any weight (and my measurements are all over the charts). WTH?
  • ah_adriana
    ah_adriana Posts: 28 Member
    it took me 16 days, instead of 10 *unfortunately* but i finished level 1 last night...wasn't going to try to weigh in or measure until the end of the whole 30 but i couldn't reisist. i lost 2 pounds and 2.5 inches so far which is cool considering the days i skipped and the fact that my eating hasn't been going great. i'm hoping to tighten up for level 2 and am looking forward to more results! X)
  • Anyone have any advice on how to cope with the killing body parts while doing this lol.. other then my best friends " suck it up" advice.. ive found epsome salt baths take the soreness away for a bit..
  • I found my ankles were getting strained with this DVD, so today I taped them. Much better. Might work for knees too.
  • Oh, and: I made it through ALL the squat thrusts today! Next goal: plank jacks.
  • hi! i started today i have decided to do the workout 2 times a day with a 20 min outdoor walk in between.
    i did alot better then i thought i would but im determined to see this till the end :) good luck to all!!!
    170 lbs
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    twice a day? You must be insane lol. I started this yesterday and my 2nd workout already felt easier than the first, lets hope tomorrows is easier than todays hehe
  • I just ordered mine from Amazon on Sunday. I hope to get it tomorrow or Wednesday. I would love to join also.
  • i did 30DS before X-mas just to jump start my workouts!
    now im on week 3 day 3 of p90x and have just added jillian's Extreme shed and shred (level 2 cause its harder) to it as well!
    but love 30DS its an awesome to way to get in shape fast.
  • Today will be my 15th day on the 30DS! Level 2 is killing me...I do get a little better at it every day but those planks really annoy me! LOL This level is pretty hard and I'm getting nervous about level 3... I have lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks and I'm know I have lost inches but I think I will wait until the 30 days are up before I check my measurements again. Only 15 days to go!

    How bad is level 3 compared to level 2?!?!
  • I started yesterday on the 30 day shred. I thought I was going to die just from the warm up! My 30 days is going to turn into a much longer shred because I want to accomplish each level fully before I move to the next..... but I will not give up. I can feel the muscle soreness this morning, so I'm hooked knowing that I will see results and soon.
  • I started yesterday on the 30 day shred. I thought I was going to die just from the warm up! My 30 days is going to turn into a much longer shred because I want to accomplish each level fully before I move to the next..... but I will not give up. I can feel the muscle soreness this morning, so I'm hooked knowing that I will see results and soon.

    I felt the same way on day one! I was so sore for the first three days but kept with it every day and was surprised by how fast my body adapted and was able to do the workouts without having to modify everything. I think you may surprise yourself...you may do better than you think! Just stick with it and you'll do great! :)
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • i started 2 days ago and i am killing is anyone else?
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