How bad did you used to be?



  • sarahh1992
    i used to eat mcdonalds twice a day, a large triple cheeseburger meal
    a chocolate sunday, then 4-6 cans of coke a day

    but now, ive lost 11kg, stopped drinking coke alltogether and i havent had mcdonalds for over 2 months
    hooray :)
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Oh I was terrible. My stomach was in pain after every sitting-and I still wouldn't stop! I must have an extremely fast metabolism because my highest weight was 120, but I feel like I should have been a whole lot higher than that! I'm a huge bored eater. My family would also order out a lot. Let's see, pizza was my favorite and I could easily down 3-4 slices of pizza and 3-4 breadsticks/pieces of cheesy bread at once and come back for seconds moments later! Going out to resturaunts I would always finish my plate first and then help my brother finish his. Oh, I was terrible. I haven't been this bad for quite some time, but these days did exist!
  • Mousumi32
    I used to eat something every time i watched television. It was horrible,I was over 200 lbs , as my name I truly became a food addict..
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    Every sunday my ex and I used to go out for breakfast, I would have pancakes,maple syrup and bacon. On the way home we would buy a couple of tubs of pringles,large bag of doritos,large bag of toffee popcorn,haribos,chocolate and 4litres of soda. We would eat this during the day while watching films then at 4.30 (opening time) we would order a chinese (enough for 4 people)
    On the rare occasion there were "leftovers" they would get eaten for breakfast on a monday!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Hello. Hi.

    May I order double cheeseburger meal with root beer AND
    2 double cheeseburgers
    and 2 junior chicken please AND also please rolo icecream. Thanks alot. Debit please.

    Edit: i dont even... want to think how many calories was that. that was my dinner meal when i was 250lbs.

    490 for one double cheesburger x 3= 1470
    390 x 2 junior chicken.........................= 780
    Fries medium 350..............................= 350
    Fries Large 570
    Root beer medium.............................= 230
    Root beer Lrge 340
    Rolo icecream bar...............................=240
    Rolo tub 1100

    Assuming the smaller portion amounts 3070 calories one meal

    (your welcome) : D
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    I used to be bulimic, and my biggest binge was a bit over 12,000 calories.
    I also used to eat entire cans of frosting, peanut butter, and nutella. Could easily eat an entire Little Ceasar's pizza plus crazy bread, two boxes of cereal with milk, or a dozen donuts and quart of ice cream in one sitting.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Large dominos pizza and their little cookie things, I'd eat all of it....... in one sitting. Despite feeling sick I'd still keep going :cry:
    I could easily do a tub of Ben and Jerrys in one go, I'd buy a 4 pack of muffins/brownies and tell myself I'd only have one and save them, then I'd just eat all of them within a couple of hours. Can't have anything like that in the house!
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    i've never been a massive fast food eater as i have trouble with greasy food, but chocolate has always been my massive downfall.
    When i was bad i was eating at least 200g of milk chocolate a day on top of fairly healthy eating 3 meals a day diet (i've always eaten fruit and veg). So prob eating around 2000 cal a day and with the chocolate on top was around 3000cal a day!

    Thankfully i've gone off milk chocolate (yay!) and am now eating around the 1600-1700 cal a day and losing weight steadily.

    Just need to get more active now!
  • cateyes09
    Did you hear someone had a heart attack at the "Heart Attack Grill" Scary how we used to eat!!!
  • ahersh00
    I could eat 3000-4500 calories a day without thinking! One day when I started logging my food, I put in all the food I used to eat (chips, cookies, mcdonalds) and it was double what I should be eating. I had no CLUE about portion sizes. I'd eat a sleeve of oreos instead of two.

  • cateyes09
    My main issue was alcohol. I would drink 6-10 beers a few nights a week, then after drinking I would eat a lot right before bed! Gained 25 Lbs. in one year! Now no alcohol for me for 9 months and I've lost about 40 Lbs. :)
  • Angela_2_Oh
    Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
    I would eat and eat until I had that sick, overfull, nauseated feeling. It didn't matter what kind of food it was. Restaurant food was a particularly big binge though.

    The thing is, even though I was 'thin' most of my life, I had horrible eating habits. And because my weight wasn't an issue, I never bothered to learn to eat well, nor did I pay attention to fitness...

    ...until my weight became an issue and I was forced to learn portion control and also became active.

    Honestly, though, I still have days I eat a ton. One day last week I was particularly hungry and ate over 3000 cals in one day. I was starving! The difference is, I didn't feel sick after, or ashamed.

    I'm learning, as I am sure all of you are, that it is about balance.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm about to make myself sick, but I used to get a 20 piece Chicken McNugget, a large fry, a large Hi-C, and an Angus Mushroom & Swiss.

    And then get three Nacho Cheese Chalupas, a Nacho Bell Grande, and two Chicken Quesadillas from Taco Bell.

  • firemaiden
    firemaiden Posts: 10 Member
    first day i started this program i made home made pizza inc base thinking it was super healthy i ended up eating most of the pizza. i was shocked at how many cal's it was. (3/4 of my days cal's) had no idea about cal's before. a huge eye opener. i would get macca's for lunch with an apple pie then be hungry an hour later. thank god my friend recommended this to me:flowerforyou:
  • dowzey
    dowzey Posts: 21 Member
    I've always eaten healthily, but portion control is my biggest foe. Watching tv with my bf, I could easily down 3 big glasses of fruit juice and an entire bag of cashews and maybe a banana too, I had no clue.
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    You mean 1 serving size of Doritos isn't a full bag :)
    Used to down a bag like no bodies business!
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    I use to eat a full XL pasty, with a large drink, chips and then eat desert as well.... yesterday I couldn't even get through my medium one!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Complete bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup one day, sometimes one sitting.
    Reese's are still currently a vice of mine, although I try to enjoy them at a less rampant pace.

    Reece'speanut butter cups and Reece's pieces must have crack in them, I just can't buy any of them because I could eat them until my heart stops :sad:
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    10 large fried potato logs, half a bag of chips and a Snickers Candy bar for lunch the day before i decided that enough is enough.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Weirdly enough, the most I ever ate in one sitting was also when I weighed the lightest. At 110 pounds, I polished off an entire medium thin crust pizza by myself! Aided by certain substances, unfortunately... I guess that was about 5 years ago.