Does it REALLY matter where calories come from?



  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    We have all the sensible answers we need on this thread, and a heck of a lot that no-one needs. Can someone please, for the love of cheese, shut this thread down!
  • It TOTALLY matters. What you eat either increases insulin dramatically and prohibits your body's ability to fight fat, or boosts your metabolism and gives you proper nutrients!!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    You can lose weight eating just junk food, but the body burns healthy food twice as quickly...
    Really??? Where ever did you get that idea????? SMH
  • You can lose weight eating just junk food, but the body burns healthy food twice as quickly...

    Please explain, if you do not mind.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Ok...I constantly see posts about how it doesn't matter where cals come from...but I'm finding either I have a grave misunderstanding of this or its just not true. Last week I stayed under my cals the majority of the week and lost no weight. But I ate a lot of sugary things (something I didn't think about until this morning).

    So I guess the question is...even if you're under your cals can too much sugar negate the cal deficit?

    Consider that sugar kills your body's ability to know when it is full. Fake sugars are three times sweeter than regular sugars, so they literally do three times the damage.

    You will be constantly feeling unsatisfied.

    Yes, it really does matter where the calories come from. Nutrient content is essential to the body being satisfied. You can have something with 2 cups of bleached white flour - with fake nutrients added into it. Your body will be unsatisfied. You can have 2 cups of whole wheat or whole spelt flour. "Whole" means it contains the "germ."

    The germ is removed, generally speaking, because it allows white flour to have a longer shelf life. Trouble is - that's where all the good stuff is. All the nutrients.

    Consider, back in the hippie days when Wheat Germ was all the rage. It really is nutrient packed. But we were removing it from grain to give flour a longer shelf life, then paying for it in a jar. How silly is that?

    It's like today, people drink skim milk, then add "whey protein" to make a shake. Um. Milk is 3% fat. The milk fat is the protein. Whey protein IS that milk protein.

    So we're chemically removing it from our milk - then buying it separate and adding it back in. Where's the sense in that?

    Yes, it matters where the calories come from.
  • you need to chart your nutrition as well as your calories, when you have the app on your phone and you scan items with your phone it will actually add in the nutrition facts for you too, and working out will help you lose weight alot faster. if you didnt lose weight or gain weivght then maybe you should lower your calorie intake even more. the app isnt exact on how many calories you should consume to lose weight because every body is different so try lowering you calorie intake below what you were logging daily (average) and you should lose weight , working out will deduct calories but dont go by that just work out and lose calories and you will lose weight some people need to work out more than others depending on your body type i hope this helped
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    For all the people that think it matters, I encourage you to watch the following documentary:

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    and I tend to completely ignore anyone who decides to use the bolded term. please read this link ... and please choose a new word to insult people with.

    Oh man...this thread is officially doomed. The last thing we need is to start that arguement as well.

    and, luke, if you think there's actually an argument there? you're in the ignored camp, too. it's pretty cut and dried. might as well throw out racial epithets if you think it's ok.

    and argument has only one 'e.' just sayin.

    You're going to correct my spelling while simultaneously using no capital letters, awful punctuation, and terrible grammar? That's retarded.

    yeah, you got me. I don't use caps. least I'm not ignorant and insensitive.

    oh, my sister's retarded. in the medical sense. so I'm not screwing around there. it's awesome that you're working to lose weight. it's awesome that you are invested enough to look for help when you are concerned something isn't working right. acting like an *kitten*? not so awesome.

    I'm out. have fun. and while I truly hope you realize how hurtful words like that are, judging by your mature response, I'm not expecting much.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member

    and I tend to completely ignore anyone who decides to use the bolded term. please read this link ... and please choose a new word to insult people with.

    Oh man...this thread is officially doomed. The last thing we need is to start that arguement as well.

    and, luke, if you think there's actually an argument there? you're in the ignored camp, too. it's pretty cut and dried. might as well throw out racial epithets if you think it's ok.

    and argument has only one 'e.' just sayin.

    You're going to correct my spelling while simultaneously using no capital letters, awful punctuation, and terrible grammar? That's retarded.

    yeah, you got me. I don't use caps. least I'm not ignorant and insensitive.

    oh, my sister's retarded. in the medical sense. so I'm not screwing around there. it's awesome that you're working to lose weight. it's awesome that you are invested enough to look for help when you are concerned something isn't working right. acting like an *kitten*? not so awesome.

    I'm out. have fun. and while I truly hope you realize how hurtful words like that are, judging by your mature response, I'm not expecting much.

    Acting like an *kitten*? Maybe...definitely not unprovoked though. I simply made a comment that this thread was about to get more controversial. You responded by criticising me (even though I gave no opinion on the subject) and then correcting my spelling for some reason.

    I'm all for being helpful on here but don't expect me not to "act like an *kitten*" when someone attacks me for no reason.

    And for the's my opinion. Your sister is not retarded. She's mentally handicapped. People who act like idiots, insult people they don't know, and generally cause problems instead of helping are retarded.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    Oh...and just so you understand how "insensitive" I really am...I spent YEARS in school as a T.A. in the special ed classes. My community service that was required for graduation was also helping out with people who were mentally handicapped. I'm not insensitive to people with disabilities at all. The day someone with a disability tells me using "retarded" as an adjective bothers them is the day I will stop.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I know, I came back in. sorry. but, luke, I reacted by saying that this isn't an 'argument.' it would be like arguing water is or isn't wet. or, in a more apples and apples conversation, that the word n***r is completely acceptable for us to be using. it isn't. and neither is this. same as, say, using 'gay' as a 'playful insult.'

    and you are wrong. completely. and there's no gray area there. (and, telling me you know better, when I'm guessing by your thought process that you don't really have experience here, is inane.)
    Definition of RETARDED
    : slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress

    my sister is mentally retarded. she is. she knows that. I know that. I've lived with it, with her, my whole life. I work with special olympics. I have for more than a two decades. guess what? they are mentally retarded. she isn't mentally handicapped. neither are the others in SO. they have a medical condition. that's what it's called. you forgetting where you put your keys? forgetting to let the dog out so it doesn't piss on the carpet? that's forgetful. maybe stupid. it's not retarded.

    please, just trust me. it is a hurtful, hurtful thing to hear.
  • elizabeth51608
    elizabeth51608 Posts: 31 Member
    I say it matters!!! When I cut down on sugars and simple carbs I lost 3 inches around my stomach the first month. Plus I feel great! I have also read several books and studies suggesting that cutting down on sugar will help you lose stomach fat.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    A calorie is a calorie. The most all those carbs will do will make you retain water. If you're eating a deficit, you'll lose weight.

    One week is not a long enough time to measure anything to do with weight loss. Are people so misguided that they think the burger they ate last night is going to make them gain weight the next day? Fat loss just doesn't work that way!!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    You can't spot reduce!

  • Consider that sugar kills your body's ability to know when it is full. Fake sugars are three times sweeter than regular sugars, so they literally do three times the damage.

  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    Too bad all the useful info. here is getting lost in all the attitude and completely wrong information.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    not to me
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Consider that sugar kills your body's ability to know when it is full. Fake sugars are three times sweeter than regular sugars, so they literally do three times the damage.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You can lose weight eating just junk food, but the body burns healthy food twice as quickly...

  • Haven't read the entire thread, so I don't know if or how many times this has been said, but from my personal really depends on what your goal is. If it is to lose, I don't think it really matters. I've lost weight eating terribly at a calorie deficit, but I felt like crap. However, when I shifted my diet to a more Primal/Paleo eating style (almost tons of veg, a lot of meat, and a little fruit and nuts), I lost about the same amount and felt amazing because I was getting a lot more vitamins, fiber, etc. If the goal is overall health, yeah it absolutely matters! Fat loss does not automatically equal fitness!