All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I don't eat anything at all 2 days out of 7 each week.

    ^^^What in the world???:huh:
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    1) Expect results IMMEDIATELY. Try to select a goal in the near future like a hot date a week or two from now, and begin dieting immediately to slim up for that date.

    2) Don't bother with minimum calorie suggestions, it's best to eat as little as possible (maybe stick to just diet sodas, and remember chips are fine as long as you stop before you finish the whole bag) and jump right into working out. It's a silly myth that you need to ease into exercise. Your body will thank you.

    3) If all else fails, post here demanding to know why it's been eight days and you've only lost four pounds, threaten to give up out of despair.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    1.) Log everything from food, exercise, and keep a diary (nothing big just jot down your feeling for that day. Doing this over time will help hold you accountable for your actions.....

    2.) Get your eating under control.. Clean up your diet and eat healthy.. I could not eat whatever I wanted in moderation just wasn't going to happen, so I cleaned out the house of all junk and replaced with healthy choices, once it wasn't in the house I stop craving it and will just grab a yogurt, or some almonds,etc.....

    3.) You must get moving whatever that may be... I could barely walk at the beginning and had to spend the first year and half in the therapy pool and lost 175 lbs. there before I could support my own weight outside of the water.. Exercise is an important part not only for your weightloss but the mental benefits are just as important.

    4.) Allow yourself a spike meal (cheat meal) I have 2 a week... 1 on Wednesday (dinner) and 1 on Friday (dinner) the rules are I have go out to eat, can order what I want off the menu but it has to be eaten there and nothing can be taken home. (no exceptions) By allowing yourself some of the food you lived on for so long will keep you honest the rest of the week but always gives you something to look forward too.

    5.) Take it One Day at a time... People overwhelm themselves by trying to juggle so much at one time.. You need to break things down to what you can handle and for me it was taking it one day at a time... When you have to lose 300 lbs. that number is to daunting.. So I wake up everyday and do everything I can each day to be as successful as I possibly can and when I go to bed each night knowing this than that is truly all that I could have done.. then you get up and do it all over again tomorrow.. Baby steps will lead you to Huge successes.......

    Good Luck........
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    BTW here's the easiest tip for reducing that scale #... switch it from "LBs" to "KG's". Seriously, I lost like half my bodyweight in no time flat.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    No fast food,cook your own food
    No sodas
    Work out at least 40min per day!
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    1) eat above my BMR - if there's one thing you do, do this
    2) cardio and strength training combined
    3) eat most my exercise calories back
    4) patience - slow and steady really does win the race
    5) zig zag
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    1. find exercise you love and look forward to doing
    2. lift heavy and brag about it. flex, too.
    3. eat plenty to fuel your body properly, but eat less than you did when you were fat!
    4. write it all down, the good, the bad, the ugly. stay accountable and mindful.
    5. find LOTS of non scale ways to measure progress: measure, bf%, how clothes fit, races accomplished, new classes tried, boyfriends you beat at arm wrestling, etc.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    1. No fast food.
    2. Exercise.
    3. Keep food diary.
    4. Be patient.
    5. Stay positive.


    Plus for me in addition to these things:

    Get a good nights sleep--(BEFORE midnight i possible) this is so essential to me, and before this weight-loss lifestyle change, I NEVER got a good night's sleep for more than 4-5 hours. Now I get 8-10 hours sleep per night.

    drink a big thing of water first thing in the morning, when you wake-up (get up out of bed) I do this now, instead of drinking coffee (which I LOVED and loaded with sweet flavored creams and powder) Now I only drink water instead of anything else and I use Hemp Milk. Coconut milk and Almond milk for my cereals and other foods that require milk.

    Learn to love fresh fruits and veggies (organic if at all possible) and make them a large part of your mealsand snacks everyday. I no longer eat the way I did before I started this "mission' of getting down to my goal--now I LOVE living and eating this way and can't ever imagine wanting to live, eat and think and be the way I was EVER AGAIN for the rest of my life. In other words, make this a LIFESTYLE change instead of a "diet" and you'll succeed in ways that will blow your mind!

    Make your fat cry (I learned this saying from here on Mfp) it means exercising. I'm not doing ANYTHING crazy or extreme, just getting outside EVERYDAY and walking, exercising inside with my treadmill, and stationary bike, and dancing something wild with my family--and few minutes or an hour or so and "getting down" dancing is FUN and works your body something fabulous. Just walking, dancing, and moving your body is weight loss. Getting outside and walking, doing more walking than using your car also is awesome. At first, it's hard--but the more you do these things, the more you will want to and the easier more rewarding they will become!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    1. that which gets measured, gets improved.
    this relates to food, and exercise. keep track of your workouts in meticulous detail. if you ran 3 miles last week, try to run 3.5 miles this week.

    2. set realistic goals that you have complete control over.
    looking like a victoria secret model is not a good goal. neither is being XXX lbs by whatever date. Completing a 5k is a good goal. completing a 5k in under 27 minutes is a better goal.

    3. preperation is the key to success.
    prepare healthy food and snacks, and always have them in your fridge and kitchen. never have an excuse to grab junk. keep a gym bag in the trunk of your car. you never know when an opportunity will arise to work out.

    4. be flexible.
    you won't always have your food scale or measuring cups with you. life will happen. be prepared, and maintain control. know that you can recover.
  • NINAjustdoit
    NINAjustdoit Posts: 80 Member
    I am loving all the tips! Thank you and keep them coming!! :)

    One of my concerns is the amount of calories I eat. I am eating 1400 a day, and exercising 3-5 days a week (45-60min). Am I not eating enough? I am thinking about bumping my calolries to 1600.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I don't eat anything at all 2 days out of 7 each week.

    ^^^What in the world???:huh:

    <--- has lost 1 average human being
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Bumping this so I can read all these in detail later
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I am loving all the tips! Thank you and keep them coming!! :)

    One of my concerns is the amount of calories I eat. I am eating 1400 a day, and exercising 3-5 days a week (45-60min). Am I not eating enough? I am thinking about bumping my calolries to 1600.

    How much do you weigh, and what is your height?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    1) Expect results IMMEDIATELY. Try to select a goal in the near future like a hot date a week or two from now, and begin dieting immediately to slim up for that date.

    2) Don't bother with minimum calorie suggestions, it's best to eat as little as possible (maybe stick to just diet sodas, and remember chips are fine as long as you stop before you finish the whole bag) and jump right into working out. It's a silly myth that you need to ease into exercise. Your body will thank you.

    3) If all else fails, post here demanding to know why it's been eight days and you've only lost four pounds, threaten to give up out of despair.

    This is gold :D
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Top 3 Tips

    1. Measure everything you eat on a scale
    2. Excercise ,EXCERCISE....EXCERCISE!!!! and more excercise......
    3. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1) Eat nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions
    2) Move your body
    3) Drink water
  • nanacoop
    nanacoop Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for this post. I am only 2 weeks into this and this has been the best help I have seen!
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Sorry....couldn't do without any of these so I'm giving you my top 4:

    1) Use MFP fiber and protein recommendations as minimums instead of maximums.... things your body can use to help you lose and less calories remaining for the "junk" that we
    don't need. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water. Fiber without water is nothing more than a tummy ache.

    2) Find activity you like and get moving. I started moving just to get to eat more. I started very slow and just built up from where I
    was. Now I run 10 miles on any given weekend.

    3) Make your journal public. You will be amazed at how much more will power you will find if your pride is on the line!

    4) Eat to your maximum daily recommended and don't try to lose more in a week than recommended. Slow and steady really does win this race. Also, when you plateau take a break. I don't mean gain. Just take your calories to a maintenace level for a week or so. I don't know how it all works. Some people will argue to the death that fewer calories always means weight loss but for me (and a lot of others) metabolism plays a HUGE part in that equation. The small break allows your body to "reset" and gives your metabolism a boost.

    THIS! I think everything he said was perfect :)
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    1. Lift heavy, work hard, have patience, enjoy the process, this is a lifestyle change, not a crash diet.
    2. My body does not work on a 24 hour clock, if I have too much one day, I can and will adjust the following days by more movement or less food.
    3. Moderation, enjoy everything, but be realistic about your portions and how much your really taking in and how much your burning, allow yourself a special day with your sig/kids to bake or go out for a special treat, life is way too short, do not beat yourself up, enjoy the process, enjoy becoming a new you.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    My three are:

    1. If what you're doing isn't working, try something new. I lost 7 lb after we got a Wii Fit... and stalled out. I started MFP, in addition to the Wii Fit, and lost some more... stalled out. I started going to Zumba class, lost more. So, whatever you're doing, when it stops working, take it to the next level somehow.

    2. Figure out what your triggers are. I cannot eat French fries. I don't know why, but they are BAD for me. I can eat moderate amounts of chocolate; I can drink moderate amounts of soda. I cannot eat moderate amounts of French fries. Tortilla chips are almost as bad. I have had to give them up. For somebody else, it would probably be something else.

    3. Find strategies that work in YOUR life. It's easy to say "Never eat out! Cook your meals at home!" but this is unrealistic for me. I have a husband and two kids, and even if they didn't mind being held hostage to my dietary needs, it would be utterly impractical for me to try to do that. A busy family life just doesn't allow that. So, I have developed coping strategies. Cutting restaurant meals in half brings most of them within reason, calorically. Not ordering fries is a huge help. Splitting meals with my daughter works sometimes. Sometimes, my family accommodates me by choosing a restaurant where I know I can get an appropriate meal. Other times, I accommodate them by doing the best I can manage at a place they want. I have learned to walk into Starbucks or an ice cream store and not order anything, or just get a bottle of water; they have learned not to question it, and certainly not to push me, if I say "None for me, thanks," so that I never have to muster the willpower to say it twice (I'm the only member of the household with a weight problem).

    Best wishes to you!