All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    Just to add mine.

    1. I remembered that this is a lifestyle, not a temporary diet. These are exercising and eating habits FOR LIFE. So I'm not racing to lose weight in the next month, by summer, by the end of the year. I want to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of my life.

    2. I have a bad day/week/meal where I will drink too many beers, eat too much pizza or dessert, and feel like crap. I remind myself that I can do that every now and then, but I need to remember how much better I FEEL when I fuel my body with wholesome, fresh foods.

    3. Dont exercise just through designated exercise. Make small changes in your life. Walk instead of taking easier options. Get a bike. Get a dog if possible. Find friends who would be interested in starting an after work game, like Ultimate Frisbee. Hike. You'll find you will eat less the busier you are as well.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    1) Don't go on a diet. Find a new way of eating that you can sustain for life. I can't think of a single food I gave up while losing this weight. I had pizza and cheeseburgers and french fries and cupcakes (and not 'diet' versions of them either) regularly, and was still able to lose because I practiced portion control and moderation.

    2) Take it slow. Plan on losing a half pound a week instead of two. Don't weigh in every day. You didn't get fat overnight, so don't expect to lose it all overnight.

    3) Don't take weight loss advice from strangers on the internet blindly :-) What works well for some people, may be a horrible decision for you. I've been told to stop doing cardio, to not eat any carbs, to double my protein, to drink a gallon of water a day and to use weight loss pills/supplements. None of these things would be right for me, so I didn't listen and kept doing what I knew worked for my body.
  • anamita3
    While it's important to count calories, it really matters WHAT you're eating. If you think about it, you could be eating junk food all day but staying within your suggested calorie intake. Try to eat things that are as close to their natural form as possible. Eat a lot of veggies and fruits (more veggies than fruits), grains, and protein. If you can't identify the source of what you're eating, don't eat it. Avoid things that can't spoil or come in a box.

    Hear, hear! It's creepy when it can't spoil or even attract insects.
  • aprili94
    aprili94 Posts: 1 Member
    1. Exercise 6 days a week and have a buddy.
    2. Keep up with MFP.
    3. Before making a food choice, ask yourself 'What would a trim and fit person choose?"
  • Lukeschembri
    Definately im finding logging what food you eat to be useful.
    exercise, do cardio and resistance training. Im not saying become a hulk, but aside from building muscle (which increases metabolic rate) resistance training is also useful to keep bones dense and hence lower chances of bone disease like osteoporosis.
    Drink water/low or zero cal beverages. Have coffee but only with milk and artificial sweetener. If you exercise that day try to get about 2.5-3L for that day.
    Try to up the protein (generally men about 2g per kilo of weight if u do resistance training, women possibly about 1 to 1.5g per kg of bodyweight). Fibre is also good and filling, not to mention the variety of vitamins and minerals one can get from veggies. Just go crazy when u want to make a salad, put in whatever you want!
    DON"T restrict calorie intake too much. According to a book i read "burn the fat, feed the muscle" a useful rule of thumb is 20% of your maintainace weight (the book has a rough formula for working that out). I think women should not go below about 1400kcal and men about 1800kcal a day. Some studies reveal that if you do drastically starve yourself, a survival mechanism can kick in which causes you to retain/create fat because ur body thinks that there isn't food for you to eat-something we inherited from our ancestors.

    Nonetheless, starving yourself is bad also because ur body is more likely to use carbohydrates and breakdown non essential muscles first (for amino acids-another source of energy) first. Eventually fat is used however the process of breaking down fats in the body (ie. beta oxidation) is a slow one and requires lots of oxygen.

    Another tip, and this again goes under my "speculative" list (just like the starving mechanism thing) is the use of interval training for cardio (ie. start one minute of moderate running on the treadmill and then alternate fast with slow, you can choose the speed and length of the intervals). Some studies have show this to be more effective at FAT LOSS than long distance endurance training (compare the physique of an endurance trainer vs a sprinter).
    Try to measure FAT LOSS rather than weight loss. In the end u wanna lose fat and not muscle hence get ur hands on one of those bioelectric impedance scales that can measure body fat and muscle. Keep track of this on a weekly basis and match this with what you are eating/exercising. If you see no fat loss, don't dispair you have a result which is simply telling you that u need to change something in your diet or exercise. Your body is remarkable at adapting to certain conditions.

    Finally and possibly most important, set goals. Write/type them up and look at them daily (maybe chuck em on ur smart phone and look at them on the train). Use positive language IN THE PRESENT TENSE, otherwise ull just keep putting it off til tomorrow.

    Eventually all of these things will become an integral part of ur lifestyle and not just some temporary fix!!
    ill be quiet now :D
    All the best everyone
  • alex6971
    alex6971 Posts: 51 Member
    1. Log everything that goes in your mouth. Only lying to yourself if you don't.
    2. Exercise at least 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. It will become habit after a while.
    3. Eat your exercise calories. You earned that extra food:)
    4. Don't let one bad day/meal/week derail you.
    5. Do this for you, and only you. You are worth it.

    I agree with this. Went off the rails last weekend (take a look at my diary) and i was absolutely disgusted when i seen the figures. More focused now.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I haven't lost alot,but it has been pretty steady. No fast food,no booze, lots of water, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lots of walking,and or general moving. I am sticking close to the 1200 calories, but If I want something I will have it occasionally..Bagels...warm..yum. once in awhile seems to be just enough. Keep will kick in. just try consistancy for a couple weeks...boring but I bet it will get things going.....
  • mekikya
    mekikya Posts: 19 Member
    1) Set yourself achievable goals…

    I know I am not going to work out an hour and a half a day…so I set myself 20 minutes of cardio a day and a few weights…so I get exercise but I don’t burn myself out. if i do more, then i feel great! if I only do 20 minutes then i reached my goal and its still great!

    2) Eat all of your calories if your hungry…

    If you’ve got the calories, don’t feel bad about eating, sometimes I eat all the way up to 1400 calories, some days I’m below, but it helps me not get tired and want to quit…

    3) Remember it’s about changing your lifestyle, not a crash diet…

    I’ve watched a friend of mine battle weight for so long, so many crash diets, some of them even work for a bit, until she goes off them…I’ve learned it about just making yourself aware of what your eating, and not over eating…making a change for life not just a quick fix
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    My # 1 tip is that you need to make your health a very high priority. Just as important as work and family. You get up and go to work every day even when you don't want to. Now you need to treat being healthy the same way. You eat well and work out every day, even when you don't want to.

    My #2 tip is that this is a lifestyle change. In order to be successful you will never, ever, ever be able to go back to your old ways. EVER. If you think that once you lose the weight, that you can go back to the way things were, you WILL fail. You will gain all the weight back and then some.

    My # 3 tip is to use this time to determine what you want this new lifestyle to be. Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years.
  • jennifer282000
    jennifer282000 Posts: 128 Member
  • hk2008
    hk2008 Posts: 49 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Take photos in a bikini or underwear and don't delete them no matter how much you hate them. They'll help you see progress when the scale isn't being cooperative.

    Even if you can't eat everything you want, you should want everything you eat. Don't eat stuff you don't like just because it's "good for you." Find stuff that's good for you that you DO like.

    Food is fuel. Eat it. If you're hungry, you're doing it wrong.
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    1. Log everything - that means EVERYTHING - and be honest about it.
    2. Eat your exercise calories - at least half of them.
    3. Strength train - you can increase your resting metabolism and look better!
    4. Get more protein - the MFP guidelines for protein are too low I think. I try to get close to 100g a day, especially with exercise your body will thank you.
    5. Drink more water - I feel better and look better and perform better when I'm hydrated.

    Awesome tips!!! Thanks!
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    Excellent post!!!! Lots of good info here!!!! Thanx all!!!!
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    1. Be patient.
    2. Don't over complicate things.
    3. I don't have a number three.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    My weight loss has been very slow and inconsistent; with many gains, loses and weeks with neither. This last week has been particulary rough and I feel like I don't even know where to go from here or what the right choices are anymore. As a result, I found myself asking, "What are the people losing weight doing that I am not?" I would love to hear from all of you who are having success and are losing those pounds and inches. What are the top 3-5 things you have done to achieve successful and healthy weight loss?

    Thanks everyone!!

    i only need 1, stop eating so much food. (26 pounds lost in 45 days)
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    Love these. Thank you!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    My top three tips:

    1. I drink 8-12 glasses of WATER a day.
    2. I eat a primarily plant-based diet with tons of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
    3. I work out 20 minutes on week days and 60 minutes on weekend days.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    1. No fast food.
    2. Exercise.
    3. Keep food diary.
    4. Be patient.
    5. Stay positive.

    These are all very true.... but to get more specific....

    *eat lots of protein -- drink tons of water -- calories aren't the only thing that matter -- I track sodium too because that makes you retain water weight.... I try to get most of my sugar intake from veggies and fruits. I always try to eat a ton of fiber too!
    *Make sure you're eating enough calories. I've plateaued a few times, and what broke my plateaus was increasing my calorie intake - every time.
    *strength train 2-3 days a week -- rest a day in between sessions. you can do cardio on 'rest from strength days'.... don't be afraid to lift heavy just because you're a girl (i.e. avoid barbie'bells)
    *your weight fluctuates. a lot of times when you see a gain it may just be water weight.... women have these awesome hormones that fluctuate on a DAILY basis that affect your weight as well!

    SW: 303.4 1/1/11
    CW: 199
    stats: 29, female, 5'6''
  • JCeagle89
    All great advise. I would add one more. Watch what you drink there are hidden calories in drinks and it adds up, especially juices and teas. I am giving up soda even diet for lent. This will be a real test.