Gastric Bypass Vs. Lap-band



  • ive had the bypass 7 weeks ago and although its still early days for me i wouldnt change a thing! was def the best option for me, in those 7 weeks ive lost 22lb so its not as fast as you think but its consistant at around 3lb per week, just make sure you are 100% aware of all diff ops before hand and this will help you decide which op if any is best for YOU! good luck!
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    I also overate at 3 years old. Now I realize that I have a serious carb addiction. My body just goes haywire from anything carby. Whatever you decide good luck! :happy:
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    i got my lap band 2 years ago and have had nothing but complications with it for those 2 years. when i told my doctor/surgeon (the one who placed the band) he told me, "that doesnt happen."


    then he dropped me as a patient and refused to see me. i finally got a referral to UC Davis Medical Center and have met with my new doctor there. he unfilled my band, answered all of my questions and then told me that the lap band is being phased out in many places due to the high numbers of complications popping up. He suggested that i consider gastric bypass. not considering it and i wont consider it. i dont want my stomach altered forever. i wish i had never gotten my band. because i have been losing this weight entirely on my own and now i know i can do this on my own. i wish i had realized that before i let the first surgeon cut into me.

    Good for you!!! Sorry you had to go through all that though :(
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    Neither. I work in the hospital and we always see patients that have those surgerys with so many problems. Its not worth it. I would recommend eating well and exercising over surgery.

    Not trying to offend, just my own opinion.
  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    actually it isn't a quick fix, it's a tool. much like the patch for smokers and the gum for smokers. you are educated and you cannot eat whatever you want. you have to follow the diet or be sick. you have to be comitted or it doesnt work. i understand that you dont believe it works but many people have it and it works if used the way it is designed, as a tool. everyone is different, so you are able to do it without a tool but some cannot so please stop passing judgement on those that do. and helloooo it's a public site so im pretty sure banded and unbanded alike can use it.
  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    I had gastric bypass last July. I lost weight rapidly, to date...92lbs...I would do it again in a heartbeat. I tried almost every diet, exercise program, pill, etc and nothing worked. I guilted myself out of everything, thinking that if I ate something yummy, I would be cheating. I finally decided on the gastric bypass. Both surgeries are invasive...what surgery isn't? The bypass alters your stomache by cutting and stapling to create a smaller "pouch". The lap-band is placed around the stomach to constrict its opening and limit the amount of food that can be consumed. The small round apparatus is placed under the skin in your abdominal area so you can go back to the doctor every month or so for fills and adjustments on your band. I opted for the bypass because I didn't want a foreign object in my body or to be driving back and forthe each month for life for band adjustments. Band slippage is also a problem that occurs. There can be complication of pouch leakage with the bypass. Others have commented here suggesting you go to for information. I agree and did lots of research there as well.

    Some people might think you would be taking "the easy way out". Don't listen to them. You are struggling, and apparently have been for a while. Bariatric surgery and the life style changes that follow take determination, dedication, and commitment. To succeed, you must first get it into your head that you have to change the way you think about food and what it means to you.

    Good luck to you on your journey. Friend me if you you would like. I'll be a great supporter of what ever decision you make.
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2002. I initially lost 130 pounds but never got below 180 lbs. I was wearing size 14s at 180 and I was OK with it. I had few problems once I adjusted to my personal limitations; I still have trouble eating rice for example. It's now 10 years later and I've gained about 40 lbs back. I was eating poorly, bad nutrition, bad habits had creeped back and I've never been one to exercise. I'm now working on those 40 pounds (30 now that I've lost about 10) and hope to go down below the 180. I want to get at a normal weight for my height and MFP has been a terrific tool for me.

    I like that to a certain degree my portion control is built in. GB does that because my stomach is still small. I've totally changed the way I eat food, I've stopped most of my bad eating habits, and I've started to exercise again. My weight is creeping down and I hope to keep creeping for months and months and months. I'm in no hurry. I DO NOT regret my decision to have the surgery. I was in poor physical shape for someone my age. Borderline diabetic, HBP, everything out of whack. The surgery got me off all meds within 3 weeks and I was off meds for years. I'm back on HBP meds but hope if I can lose another 20-30 lbs., I might get to stop that again. I had a pulmonary embolism (blood clots) 6 weeks after surgery which they thought was related to the surgery. But then I had another one 5 years later for no apparent reason. So I'm on blood thinners for life and pretty much convinced the first one was not related to my surgery.

    But I don't regret it, I'd do it again, and it was wonderful (and still is) to lose that amount of weight that fast. I'm still down about 80 lbs. from my highest weight, I'm just not satisfied to stay where I am and I'm working hard to take off what I've gained and more. MFP is a wonderful tool for me. I agree with many posters; DO YOUR RESEARCH. is a good site with honest information. Talk to your surgeon and ask him about the problems his patient have had and have now. Think, pray, think some more and make the decision that is right FOR YOU, not for anyone else.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    I had gastic bypass on 12/12/11. Since that date I've lost 62 lbs. Gastic surgery is a life changing event. If you do not follow the instructions given, you will not succeed. I am very pleased with my results and would definitely do it again. I am now off all meds (acid reflux, blood pressure) and feeling better than I have in years. I had a checkup last Friday and my BP was 118/66 without meds! I am now up to 5 miles/day on my elliptical and doing strength training three times a week.

    I had lost 100 lbs on three different occasions in the past. Despite working out and trying to restrict my eating, my weight kept creeping up. For me, the surgery was a godsend.

    Ahhh...the voice of reason! Congrats on your WLS and your success! I'm 7 months out and have lost 92lbs so far, down from 244 to 152 and in a size 8, still losing. I exercise each morning before I get ready for work and do cardio and weights at the gym 3 nights a week after work. I can ride a stationary bike 8-9 miles without being out of breath. I'm off all meds, BP is under control, no diabetes. I have never been healthier or stronger or felt more positive about myself. Kudos to you! Keep up the GREAT work!
  • I had full bypass in 2004. It almost killed me (Post op infection). I was in the hospital for two months. Still, eight years later, I view it as the best decision I ever made. I lost 170 lbs and have kept 150 off. I also cleared up a number of health related issues that probably would have killed me by know if I hadn't lost the weight.

    I have advised a number of people considering bypass, I tell them all the same thing: It worked for me, but it doesn't mean it will work for you. And the first year was very, very tough. I remind them: I ALMOST DIED. I often questioned whether I had made the work mistake of my life.

    They key things I tell them:

    1. Surgery should be a last resort when all else (repeatedly) fails.

    2. Don't do it if your not going to change your lifestyle afterwards. Surgery may work like magic short-term, but the long-term "gain it back" population is pretty big if you don't change the things that led you to being overweight pre-surgery. I again have to watch my weight like everyone else or it will come back. Eating right and exercise is now the key to my keeping it off. (Which is why I'm on this website).

    3. LISTEN TO YOUR SURGEON WHEN THEY TELL YOU ABOUT THE RISKS. I heard him tell me 1 in 200 have complications (I fell into that group) and 1 in 400 DIE ( I almost joined that group). It didn't resonate until it happened to me. They mention hernia as a common long-term complication. It is. I have had two since the bypass which required additional surgery. I know a number of other bypass patients who have also had them.

    4. Get a GREAT SURGEON. Ask your surgeon how many bypass surgeries he/she has done (I suggest "in the hundreds" is the only correct answer). Mine not only helped me through the surgery, but through the complications.

    The last thing I tell people considering this is: "IT"S YOUR DECISION AND YOUR'S ALONE!"

    Do a lot of research. Talk to a lot of people, especially those who have had it. There are many bypass support groups. Your surgeon should be able to direct you to one.

    Good luck with your research and decision!
  • I would encourage you to go to Obesity Help and do some research on both forums. As far as the band being less invasive, please research all the complications. They have quit using it in some countries and because of high complication rates and failure rate many surgeons in the US no longer place it.

    Good luch researching:smile:

    Absolutely agree with this. The lap band surgery is not "less invasive"; both surgeries can now be done through the laprascope and require very little time off work for recovery.

    If you are looking for the surgery with a proven track record, years and YEARS of post op data is available for the gastric bypass. I had mine 10 years ago and do pretty well maintaining my weight loss; occasionally I forget I had the surgery, eat hershey's kisses 'til they're coming out my ears, and then I gotta focus to lose the 10-20 pounds I gain. But that is TOTALLY my fault and thank goodness even after 10 years my bypass still helps me lose the weight.
  • I did not want the gastric by-pass simply because I did not want my insides completely rearranged. I elected to go with the lap-band. At first it seemed to be working reasonably well and the weight was dropping slowly. after going in for a fill I began to experience some problems with food sticking and the weight loss came to a complete stop. The band had to be emptied and they were never able to get it to a working place again. I had it surgically removed and had a "gastric sleeve" done at the same time. I would recommend this to anyone. It was not approved by insurance as a stand alone weightloss surgery but we were able to get it approved as a correction for the lap-band that had failed. I have now lost 100 pounds and feel great! The sleeve limits the amount of food you can consume but does not have the sticking problems of the band.

    I forgot to add that the best part of all of this is that I no longer take any diabetes medication, blood pressure medication or cholesterol medication. My blood pressure runs around 108/55. A1C is 5.3.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I plan on having the gastric, with the newer procedure vs. the roux en y. My friend it done March 2011, and is down over 150 pounds. She looks amazing, followed all the Doctor's advice and exercises a lot.
  • here is my experience. I had a lapband put in 2008. I lost 30 pounds before I started having problems. I experienced a lot of pain, diarrhea. Nobody could figure out what was going on until I had an EGD & colonoscopy at which time it was discovered that the band had slipped & eroded through the stomach lining. I was scheduled right away for removal of the band which my insurance paid for. I still have problems with burping which I believe is from food getting caught up in the scar tissue that formed. The surgeon who put in the lapband offered to put in another at no charge but I declined the offer.
    my husband had a gastric bypass in 2005 and lost 110 lbs. That was great but now he is limited on what kinds of medicine he can take. He never addressed the reason for overeating so when the eating avenue was removed he turned to alcohol and became an alcoholic. On a separate issue he has had terrible back issues & surgeries on his back. Because of the bypass he is severely limited on what meds he can take for pain. So there is good in the weight he lost but we can't see I to the future to see what implications the surgeries will have later on. I agree with the personal trainer idea I think. I sure don't recommend the lapband
  • I too would choose the sleeve over the lapband or bypass. Seems like a far better choice. My husband still has dumping issues that drenches him. Recently discovered that the Gatorade he loves to drink is bringing them on.
  • auntiecyndy
    auntiecyndy Posts: 17 Member
    When you see your doctor, ask about a 'vertical sleeve'
  • bandedsandi
    bandedsandi Posts: 122 Member
    I had lap-band surgery in Oct 2012 and I've lost 36lbs so far without ANY problems! One day in hospital, very short recuperation time, much less costly and no complications.

    I love my little band! I've not had a fill yet and i am genuinely never hungry! Just follow the rules religiously...

    Welcome to pm me for more info!
  • pamtram
    pamtram Posts: 67 Member
    My girlfriend had the sleeve a couple of years ago. Best decision she made. everyone needs a starting point to motivate you to a healthier lifestyle. I managed through weightwatchers and she used surgery. Whatever works for you - if this is what you need to do to be healthier then good for you

    Good luck :)a
  • parias1126
    parias1126 Posts: 64 Member
    I am down 93 lbs. in 8 months time. You don't need surgery to lose weight. This whole journey, I have found out, is completely mental. It's learning how to change your lifestyle by eating right and exercising. The weight will come off. I never in a million years thought I could do it and I have. I just didn't know how. I will say that I couldn't had done it without this community, counting my calories, and tons of research on the internet. My husband is down the same amount of weight in the same exact time and he had a major food addiction, was never in his life taught how to eat anything other then junk and huge portions. He was raised to clean his plate and took that into adulthood. You can do this without surgery for sure.
  • tricelive
    tricelive Posts: 93 Member
    I had a girlfriend who did the Lap-band, she looks amazing and she has not had any health problems as far as I know.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I read a lot of this thread. I won't quote or comment on a cpl of the suggestions. I will add however that I lost a dear loved one recently due to complications from gastric bypass. Her health was not life threatening before it. When you speak with your surgeon please consider all possible risks, near and long term. , best of luck to you... whatever you decide....
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