HCG diet safe?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Don't waste your money. Seriously, just don't do it. HCG is a scam and is actually illegal in all but injectible form now (at least in the USA).

    Be patient. Eat. Move your body. Bust your butt. Yes, it will take a long time to lose your weight, but you didn't gain it all overnight did you? Plus, once you do lose it, you'll be fitter, more toned, and look amazing than if you crash dieted your way to your goal weight.

    Eating 500-600 calories per day is a surefire way to destroy your muscle mass and crash your BMR making it extremely hard to continue losing weight and maintaining that loss. Putting muscle back on is NOT trivial nor is it easy.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Your main mistake here is in thinking that these drops will do anything special. They won't. Eat a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight. HCG drops from GNC have nothing to do with it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    You'll get no answers here just criticism. message me and I'll let you know about it, and there are a few of the people on my friends list, there are many different protocols...but not all of them work.
    if you follow this advice, ask for a health guarantee...bet you dont get one

    Not here to argue, here to answer the OP's question, while stil following the rules of the forums which will soon be no talk of HCG. Just following the rules.

    the "spirit" of the rule is to NOT promote unhealthy diets.
  • chesncl
    chesncl Posts: 3 Member
    as someone who has tried the HCG diet twice...yes, you'll lose it and fast....but i also can almost guarentee you you'll gain most of it back...b/c you don't change your lifestyle on it...you just starve yourself. and its also REALLLY hard to lose weight the right way after you've done it b/c your metabolism is soooo slow...its taken me two years to get back to being able to lose weight normally and my metabolism back to normal. I know you dont' wanna hear it, but I'd say stick to the old fashion, watchin calories and exercising :)
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    You'll get no answers here just criticism. message me and I'll let you know about it, and there are a few of the people on my friends list, there are many different protocols...but not all of them work.
    if you follow this advice, ask for a health guarantee...bet you dont get one

    Not here to argue, here to answer the OP's question, while stil following the rules of the forums which will soon be no talk of HCG. Just following the rules.

    the "spirit" of the rule is to NOT promote unhealthy diets.

    Not promoting, told her to inbox me because this thread is going to erupt into a fiasco sooner or later, and it will be much easier to talk in a private message.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I lost 73 lbs. in 10 months on 1200-1400 calories/day so try that instead. Good luck!
  • kranholdka
    oh really? You don't keep it off? I believe I am proof that you can keep it off. Obviously if you go back to how you were eating before, yes you will gain it back. But isn't the point to change your eating habbits?
  • leanmachinedream
    I'm debating on starting the HCG diet. I have a friend that has lost 80lbs in the last year on it, and I'm very impressed. The problem is that, even at my weight (225), I know how unhealthy 600 calories a day divided into two meals can be for the body, that on top of skipping breakfast. The idiot at GNC that sold me my HCG drops 'gave' me protein shakes knowing that it is not acceptable on HCG.

    So, I guess this is my question...Is it possible to lose the weight taking HCG and not cutting back to 600 calories? I'm currently at 1300, and rarely reach that goal. I'm usually 100-200 below goal. Can I cut back to 1000-900 and lose MORE weight with the drops? Or, will I lose the same amount without the drops because of the change in calorie intake? Someone please help! Thank you!

    He is not the idiot here. HCG is not safe at all. The drops are a gimmick. Congrats on falling for it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    You'll get no answers here just criticism. message me and I'll let you know about it, and there are a few of the people on my friends list, there are many different protocols...but not all of them work.
    if you follow this advice, ask for a health guarantee...bet you dont get one

    Not here to argue, here to answer the OP's question, while stil following the rules of the forums which will soon be no talk of HCG. Just following the rules.

    the "spirit" of the rule is to NOT promote unhealthy diets.

    Not promoting, told her to inbox me because this thread is going to erupt into a fiasco sooner or later, and it will be much easier to talk in a private message.

    I see your daily goal is 550 calories. you are a starving yourself. please dont advise others.
  • gleechick609
    Wouldn't you want to lose weight at a healthy, sustainable pace while eating between 1600-2200 calories???

    It can be done! Just saying. :wink:
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    You'll lose weight, no doubt about it. My best friend lost 57 pounds in a little less than 5 months on it. All I keep hearing about is how I should do HCG because my way isn't fast enough and I need to be more aggressive with it. Sorry, I'd rather not gain it all back quicker than I took it off as soon as I start eating more than 500 calories a day, thankyouverymuch. Am I a little jealous that she's thin? Yeah. Am I jealous that she probably has almost no muscle mass left in her body? Nope.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    From "an idiot at GNC"

    The "reputable" HCG weightloss centres will have you eating 1200 calories a day, and suggest whey protein shakes for breakfast.

    I followed the diet my husband got at the clinic and WITHOUT the hcg or phentermine managed to lose 115 lbs.

    The "idiot" was probably concerned about your health and wellbeing.
  • phoenix1030
    Okay-let me put this out there: I am simply asking a question, not promoting anything. I thought this was a place to get answers, not slammed for asking a question. I have not said that anyone should do anything. I was not aware of the HCG thing being 'unpostable'. If I have offened anyone, I do apologize. I wanted advice from others that know more than I do about it, that is it. I did not mean to start a huge free-for-all.

    From the information given, my initial suspicions are confirmed: 600 calories a day is why you lose the weight, not the drops.

    THank you for the info. We can drop the subject now, please.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    You'll get no answers here just criticism. message me and I'll let you know about it, and there are a few of the people on my friends list, there are many different protocols...but not all of them work.
    if you follow this advice, ask for a health guarantee...bet you dont get one

    Not here to argue, here to answer the OP's question, while stil following the rules of the forums which will soon be no talk of HCG. Just following the rules.

    the "spirit" of the rule is to NOT promote unhealthy diets.

    Not promoting, told her to inbox me because this thread is going to erupt into a fiasco sooner or later, and it will be much easier to talk in a private message.

    I see your daily goal is 550 calories. you are a starving yourself. please dont advise others.

    I am also on HCG =) so I can give advice. how about you back off my case, I can give advice just as freely as you can sir. ty <3
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    It's obviously safe. That's why you had to ask about it. So do it. Your wallet will definitely stay lighter.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    I'm proof it works as well. I'm down 35lbs since last february and glad I did it. I have great muscles. I didn't see the boys lifting like I was at the gym today and doing 250 push ups.

    If you don't know what someone has tried already don't judge and assume they haven't tried other options.

    I'm still currently on it and everything is normal.

    But no one will pay attention to anything myself or anyone else on has to say to I'm more than likely wasting my time. Just came on here because saw a friend post on it even though she's on the flip side.
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    Hcg drops do NOTHING... Starving yourself is what causes the weight loss. Stick to mfp.. you will lose what you need to. Maybe not quickly but you will be healthy & able to maintain. Return the drops.
  • goal2belean
    With any diet you do comes maintenance. If any diet you do changes your lifestyle and you develope good eating habits and with exercising you can keep off the weight. I lost 32 lbs on HCG and kept it off and that was a year ago! I do not crave sugar anymore nor do I eat white flour anymore.When I do want junk food I will eat it, but it doesn't temp me anymore.
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    On another board, we were talking about how women get flat bellies (these are a group of women who have a lot of kids). One woman wrote to me this:

    "completely anecdotally with no real facts to base it on, my husband and I have observed that people who lose weight by focusing on exercise, and specifically strength training seem to have less loose skin than those who focus primarily on eating less. People who do mostly cardio seem to be in the middle but leaning towards having more loose skin. People who have surgery such as gastric bypass seem to have the most excess skin."

    She seems to be spot on, as I fall in the second category. IMHO, go with 1200 calories a day and work on cardio AND strength training. If you work up to exercising 5x a week you will drop weight faster. LOL about the light wallet comment. If you desperately need to spend money on some health fad, mail it to me and I will send you some sugar pills made out stevia. :drinker:
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    No no no no no! Please, DON'T!! Sure people lose weight, because they're STARVING themselves. I just did a presentation on HCG for my neuroendocrinology class last semester and it is SCARY that people think this diet is healthy/safe. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced during pregnancy... other than that we don't really need that hormone. SO when you put this hormone in your body and you don't need it it screws up a bunch of other hormone cascades in your body and can permanently alter how those hormones work and screw up SO many other important functions in your body... sleep, digestion, sex functions, ovulation, etc for the rest of your life!!

    The ONLY reason people lose weight on this diet is because they are eating less than 800 calories a day and essentially starving themselves. You know that this is bad for you, so why would you even consider doing this? The HCG, scientifically, does nothing. Plus, individuals who lose weight this way are much more likely to gain it back and then some than someone who loses weight the healthy way and takes the long route.

    The HCG diet may seem like a quick, convenient way to lose weight but in the end you'll screw up your body for the rest of your life AND probably gain the weight back anyway. Please, please, please read some papers on the dangers of this for yourself and seriously DON'T do it. I cannot stress this enough...
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