HCG diet safe?



  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    If my doctor told me that the HCG diet was safe I would be finding a new doctor. Nobody's perfect, including doctors.

    What would you do if multiple doctors said it was safe? like...all the one's you went to. what if it turned out that the outdated research everyone was basing their recent tests on was wrong?

    Hm.......I need to make a conspiracy meme....*dawdles off*
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.

    Starvation mode...=) I believe it resets your metabolism. Either way...who cares...any research provided will be brushed off as a 'scam' or complete BS...because no one wants to believe that maybe....just maybe...something different works.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.

    Starvation mode...=) I believe it resets your metabolism. Either way...who cares...any research provided will be brushed off as a 'scam' or complete BS...because no one wants to believe that maybe....just maybe...something different works.

    Translation: There is no such research so I'll just cop out again and claim "conspiracy"

    Do you need a tin-foil hat? I'm sure this guy could spare you one.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.

    Starvation mode...=) I believe it resets your metabolism. Either way...who cares...any research provided will be brushed off as a 'scam' or complete BS...because no one wants to believe that maybe....just maybe...something different works.

    I would actually like it to be true. But I have done a lot of research on metabolism and have never heard nor seen anything that can just "reset" it.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    Haha, I recommend the Keanu Reeves meme.

    Luckily, I don't think that would ever happen. I personally love my doctor and she agrees that diet and exercise (aka what I'm doing) are the safest and most effective way to lose weight. She also knows that I am a researcher and scientist and has been very open with her opinions on diets such as the HCG, which I agree with.

    Please understand that I'm not judging people who are on/ went on the HCG diet, I'm just saying that from my research in scientific journals (Which i wish I could share, but unless you have access to the databases it doesn't work) has confirmed for me, personally, that the diet is unsafe and from a hormonal perspective may have dire future consequences. My opinions/observations are from a place of concern for people's future health. I'm not telling people not to do it, just get all the information first and educate yourself. If you still think it's safe and that the benefits of it outweigh the benefit of diet/exercise (the tried and true way to lose weight) then by all means, that is your decision. :)
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.

    Starvation mode...=) I believe it resets your metabolism. Either way...who cares...any research provided will be brushed off as a 'scam' or complete BS...because no one wants to believe that maybe....just maybe...something different works.

    Translation: There is no such research so I'll just cop out again and claim "conspiracy"

    Do you need a tin-foil hat? I'm sure this guy could spare you one.



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.

    Starvation mode...=) I believe it resets your metabolism. Either way...who cares...any research provided will be brushed off as a 'scam' or complete BS...because no one wants to believe that maybe....just maybe...something different works.

    Translation: There is no such research so I'll just cop out again and claim "conspiracy"

    Do you need a tin-foil hat? I'm sure this guy could spare you one.




    LOL not mad, just find it highly amusing how all the pro-HCG people in this thread like yourself continue to say you are more informed that the rest of us and yet none of you has provided a single unbiased study to backup your claims (y'know... like scientific n' stuff).

    You're my entertainment for the evening. Congrats.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    The drops don't do anything to help, and if I remember right, HCG is not legal to be sold in the US over the counter. Whatever you're buying is some knock off. The diet is dangerous for many reasons, mostly because it's impossible to properly provide your body with the nutrients it needs on only 600 calories. People lose a ton of weight not because of the drops, but because they starve themselves. The "HCG" is just merely an appetite suppressant to keep you from losing your mind over hunger pangs.

    Glance around the forums, there are people who have lost MORE weight in less time doing it the healthy way. Even if you did lose the weight you want to lose, you'd have no clue how to maintain that figure besides continuing to starve yourself. There's no "easy" fix to weight problems. If you want the "advertised" look, that takes years of dedication and a life commitment. None of those people realistically make the gains they do by putting any 1 magic substance in their body for X amount of time.
  • First, it's true that you can lose weight with HCG, I have friend who tried it and able to achieve their weight goal with ease. However, i'm not impressed by the way they look, he looks older, weak and dry.

    Would rather do it in natural way and achieve my goal looking fresh and young.

    I have witnessed the same result with friends who have been on this diet. Seems to age them and of course you'd be weaker only taking in 600 calories per day. We have used a great weight loss plan and it recommends 1200 calories per day for safe weight loss that keeps it off.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    You'll get no answers here just criticism. message me and I'll let you know about it, and there are a few of the people on my friends list, there are many different protocols...but not all of them work.
    if you follow this advice, ask for a health guarantee...bet you dont get one

    Not here to argue, here to answer the OP's question, while stil following the rules of the forums which will soon be no talk of HCG. Just following the rules.

    the "spirit" of the rule is to NOT promote unhealthy diets.

    Not promoting, told her to inbox me because this thread is going to erupt into a fiasco sooner or later, and it will be much easier to talk in a private message.

    I see your daily goal is 550 calories. you are a starving yourself. please dont advise others.

    ^^^^Agree^^^^^ You are promoting an unhealthy eating plan...STOP IT!!!
  • jenebeyer
    jenebeyer Posts: 5 Member
    If you have to question the HCG diet safety, you already know the answer.
    I have known 6 people lose a lot of weight w/ HCG and then gain it all back and then some. While it's tempting, it's not smart!
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.

    resets metabolism? please provide any study or whatever that proves this.

    Starvation mode...=) I believe it resets your metabolism. Either way...who cares...any research provided will be brushed off as a 'scam' or complete BS...because no one wants to believe that maybe....just maybe...something different works.

    Translation: There is no such research so I'll just cop out again and claim "conspiracy"

    Do you need a tin-foil hat? I'm sure this guy could spare you one.




    LOL not mad, just find it highly amusing how all the pro-HCG people in this thread like yourself continue to say you are more informed that the rest of us and yet none of you has provided a single unbiased study to backup your claims (y'know... like scientific n' stuff).

    You're my entertainment for the evening. Congrats.

    Never claimed to know more than anyone. I believe in pro choice...regarding everything. Pro choice about how you chose to diet...or how you cook your food, what religion you are, how you raise your kids. But as an HCG user...I am TIRED of being attacked. If you noticed...I never claimed to know anything more than anyone else...but all the ANTI-HCG users...are the condescending ones... we get defensive because we are treated like 5 year olds that dont seem to understand how the potty works or something. And really...I am a grown adult...I have done research. And really..it's worked for me...worked better than anything. I used to have real eating issues....starving myself every day and purging when I failed...why? because I had no control over myself. I won that battle...but then I lost another. I have tried and tried and tried...all ending it tearful failures that no one here seems to get. It was HCG, or surgery...or just lie back and die. But it's ok =) I'm happy with my choice, just like everyone else here is happy with theirs.

    As for entertaining...I'm having my fun before they shut this baby down....so it's all good *thumbs up* Also I did provide a book...that has ALL the scientific research...unfortunately it is a book that much be bought...so I cannot show you anything from it without taking the time to type it all out.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    And yet you refuse to post any information that you've found, and just say "do your own research." HELLO cop-out!

    No I refuse because you are all smart people do your own research. You have time to find stupid pictures to post find the google search button. Not going to sit in a parody of jokes with juvenilles If you want to argue something on an adult level then please do so otherwise continue to hide behind your screens. In essence how about if you dont like it STFU and keep it moving

    In other words, do as you say, not as you do? Got it.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member


    For Immediate Release: December 6, 2011
    Media Inquiries: Shelly Burgess 301-796-4651, shelly.burgess@fda.hhs.gov or Tamara Ward 301-796-7567, Tamara.Ward@fda.hhs.gov
    Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

    FDA, FTC act to remove “homeopathic” HCG weight loss products from the market
    Joint action is first step in halting sale of the products

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today issued seven Warning Letters to companies marketing over-the counter (OTC) HCG products that are labeled as “homeopathic” for weight loss.

    Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced by the human placenta and found in the urine of pregnant women. HCG is FDA-approved as an injectable prescription drug for the treatment of some cases of female infertility and other medical conditions.

    The letters warn the companies that they are violating federal law by selling drugs that have not been approved, and by making unsupported claims for the substances. There are no FDA-approved HCG drug products for weight loss.

    The joint action is the first step in keeping the unproven and potentially unsafe products from being marketed online and in retail outlets as oral drops, pellets, and sprays.

    The labeling for the “homeopathic” HCG products states that each product should be taken in conjunction with a very low calorie diet. There is no substantial evidence HCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from the recommended caloric restriction. Consumers on a very low calorie diet are at increased risk for side effects including gallstone formation, electrolyte imbalance, and heart arrhythmias.

    “These HCG products marketed over-the-counter are unproven to help with weight loss and are potentially dangerous even if taken as directed,” said Ilisa Bernstein, acting director of the Office of Compliance in FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “And a very low calorie diet should only be used under proper medical supervision.”

    “Deceptive advertising about weight loss products is one of the most prevalent types of fraud,” said David Vladeck, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Any advertiser who makes health claims about a product is required by federal law to back them up with competent and reliable scientific evidence, so consumers have the accurate information they need to make good decisions.”

    According to the Warning Letters, the companies have 15 days to notify the FDA of the steps they have taken to correct the violations cited. Failure to do so may result in legal action, including seizure and injunction, or criminal prosecution.
    Consumers and health care professionals are encouraged to report adverse events (side effects) that may be related to the use of these products to MedWatch, the FDA's voluntary reporting program, by calling 800-FDA-1088, or electronically at www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm.

    The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    And yet you refuse to post any information that you've found, and just say "do your own research." HELLO cop-out!

    No I refuse because you are all smart people do your own research. You have time to find stupid pictures to post find the google search button. Not going to sit in a parody of jokes with juvenilles If you want to argue something on an adult level then please do so otherwise continue to hide behind your screens. In essence how about if you dont like it STFU and keep it moving

    Still waiting for you to post your research... *twiddling thumbs*

    BTW: The burden of proof is on you. Your claim that HCG is safe is an assertion that I and many others in this thread are asking you to backup with scientific unbiased research. You keep refusing which tells me that you really have no backing for this other than, "I did it, and I'm fine," which, by the way, does not a scientificly-sound argument make. Oh, and telling me to STFU and keep it moving just makes you look infantile and rude. All I did was (admittedly sarcastically) ask you to provide the research that you seem to be witholding because you want us to "do our own research." This argument is very hollow at best.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I'm debating on starting the HCG diet. I have a friend that has lost 80lbs in the last year on it, and I'm very impressed. The problem is that, even at my weight (225), I know how unhealthy 600 calories a day divided into two meals can be for the body, that on top of skipping breakfast. The idiot at GNC that sold me my HCG drops 'gave' me protein shakes knowing that it is not acceptable on HCG.

    So, I guess this is my question...Is it possible to lose the weight taking HCG and not cutting back to 600 calories? I'm currently at 1300, and rarely reach that goal. I'm usually 100-200 below goal. Can I cut back to 1000-900 and lose MORE weight with the drops? Or, will I lose the same amount without the drops because of the change in calorie intake? Someone please help! Thank you!
    HCG doesn't work. The EXTREME DIET is why weight is lost. Problem is that it's probably more lean muscle tissue than fat which DOESN'T help your metabolism.
    And drops aren't even real HCG, so you're essentially getting a placebo. Don't fall for it. Go get your money back.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member

    *bright lights and shiney glitter*
  • Kori18
    Kori18 Posts: 48
    Yes! As long as it is prescribed by a licenses doctor and you follow the guidelines and maintenance program you will be find. Many close friends have kept it all off plus some for almost a year!

    Go for it! Stop listen to the critics.
This discussion has been closed.