How bad did you used to be?



  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    I have to say I knew I had an issue with food but did not relize how bad it was until I was watching the end of last seasons Biggest Loser when John Rhode was talking about what he used to do and I relized I did the same thing. I would have a coupon book in the car and find a BOGO for someplace (Usualy Wendy's or Mcdonalds). I would then buy 2 of the largest burgers they had as a Large combo, and depending on the mood sometimes an extra chicken sandwich or two along with whatever they have for a dollar burger. I would eat most of it there and refill my large soda before heading off to my house where I would finish off everything I had left and toss the evidence in the trash outside under something. I would then cook a large dinner and sit down with the family and eat (sometimes going back for seconds). I would feel extreamly guilty when I bought the food because I had been fighting the urge for fast food for hours by the time I broke down and bought it, I would feel guilty as I ate it knowing full well I should not be eating it and could stop at any point. I felt sick to my stomach when I finished knowing full well that I just ate more than what I should have in a day (3000 calories or more) in one sitting and was about to cook at site down to another big meal.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Lets see. Heres some of my typical meals whenever I would eat out

    Qdoba (kinda like chipotle if you're unaware of Qdoba):

    1 giant queso burrito - 970 calories + I would get extra cheese and tortilla chips added
    1 steak mexican gumbo - 860 calories + extra cheese and sour cream
    1 quesadilla - 690 calories
    1 cheesecake (a whole cheesecake) from walmart - 2240 calories

    total 4760 calories I would eat on a typical sunday night

    on a typical night when I would hit Taco bell my order would be:

    2 steak quesadilla - 520 calories x 2
    1 crunchy burritto
    1 beef and potato burrito
    1 soft steak taco
    1 side of potatoes

    Pizza days:
    1 large pizza, loaded with cheese and all the garlic butter crap on crust
    10 - 20 chicken wings
    large soda

    I feel so bad that I dont even wanna calculate anymore how much calories these things were. Its disgusting and I hope I never return to eating like this. Worst part is...these werent even my binge eating..this was normal. Now, thank god, I have to force myself to finish half of that same large pizza (minus the "works" on the crust)
  • I worked at Dairy Queen for two years and every shift (usually 4-5 a week) I would eat a DQ dinner (fries/onion rings and hamburger/chicken strips with pop) AND ice cream (blizzard/sundae loaded with toppings) and snack on top of that. I would also take 'mistake' ice cream home and eat it when I wasn't working, or after work. It was disgusting. I had no idea the amount of calories and sugar in the ice cream, or fat in the burgers.
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    Yeah, it's easy to eat a lot of Taco Bell, their stuff is not very filling. Yeah, I'm the kind of person that if I"m at home doing nothing, and I make a good dinner, I eat a ton. Like pasta, for example. I can literally eat a whole pot, like enough for three people. Or those frozen burritos, like 4, and chili and rice, like a can and a whole small pot of rice. Yucky.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    My portions were outrageous. I'd gobble down pretty much whatever till I was sick full. I was a big bored snacker too, whenever I didn't have anything to do I'd just roam around the house for something to munch on.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Or when I'd go to Mcdonald's for a quick meal and order three or four mcdoubles, a large fry, a medium coke and a mcflurry. Sometimes to 'fool' the cashier into thinking that I had someone at home to eat some of that I'd order four mcdoubles and two small fries and two drinks. But it was all for me.

    I've done that, too! I've done this at many places... like go to Chipotle and get two burritos and two drinks. But all of it was for me.
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    I can eat!!! My brother-in-law and I were proud of our eating skills!!!! All you can eat mean all you can hold down for us!!!! Have you ever been asked to leave at a Chinese buffet because you made to many trips? We have!!! I can eat two large pizza's by myself. I would eat 50 chicken wings, a salad, and a couple of slices of pizza in one sitting. I weight in at 349lbs when I first started this food log and it is working! I'm down 13lbs and seeing good results!!!!!!
  • cindycoley19
    cindycoley19 Posts: 39 Member
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    Lets see. Heres some of my typical meals whenever I would eat out

    Qdoba (kinda like chipotle if you're unaware of Qdoba):

    1 giant queso burrito - 970 calories + I would get extra cheese and tortilla chips added
    1 steak mexican gumbo - 860 calories + extra cheese and sour cream
    1 quesadilla - 690 calories
    1 cheesecake (a whole cheesecake) from walmart - 2240 calories

    total 4760 calories I would eat on a typical sunday night

    on a typical night when I would hit Taco bell my order would be:

    2 steak quesadilla - 520 calories x 2
    1 crunchy burritto
    1 beef and potato burrito
    1 soft steak taco
    1 side of potatoes

    Pizza days:
    1 large pizza, loaded with cheese and all the garlic butter crap on crust
    10 - 20 chicken wings
    large soda

    I feel so bad that I dont even wanna calculate anymore how much calories these things were. Its disgusting and I hope I never return to eating like this. Worst part is...these werent even my binge eating..this was normal. Now, thank god, I have to force myself to finish half of that same large pizza (minus the "works" on the crust)

    You and me both bro! I feel u!! BUT NO MORE!!!!!!
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    2+L of Coke a day
    1kg bananas, apples or watermelon
    At least 1 500ml can of Mother
    190g packet of chicken Twisties
    4+ slices of white bread a day smothered with peanut butter or Vegemite)
    Family block of chocolate a day (favourites are Mint Aero, Kit Kat, white, peppermint)
    Packet of Monte Carlo biscuits (12 in a pack at 102 calories each biscuit)
    2/3 serves of dinner and then clean the kids plates (habit left over from when I was a kid, can't leave food on a plate)
    Plus I worked at KFC 5/6 days a week and could eat for free ( I was a manager) and would often take home the night left overs or if I was on day shift would take home dinner.

    I was regularly spending $20+ at the shops on food a day plus my normal shopping for the family was full of crap.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I can't say I ever binged on one item, for me weight has been a work in progress gaining one pound at a time...steadily!
    Thanks to a physically demanding job I was able to keep it at under 200, which is still too much for a person at 5'6".
    But...I do love to bake and my family loves it too. If I made a batch of cookies I could eat 6-8 off one batch and milk and that was after 2 helpings of dinner on a large dinner plate.
    It came on slowly and it's coming off slowly as well :) But thanks to all of you at MFP, I'm not giving up!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    I'd like to add that I used to go to taco bell mostly weekly and Id get something along the lines of : a large fountain drink, cheesy gordita crunch, a burrito, like 3 chalupas, nachos, 2 soft shell and hard shell tacos. The list could go. All of that clearly over 2000 calories lol. Thats how bad I used to be though.
  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    The worst thing I ever did was eat an entire pound of bacon to myself... yeah... :sick: My heart seriously hurt after that...

    I've done this. But the worst part of it was frying up 2 half pound burgers in the grease along with mushrooms and onions. I never let that grease go to waste.