HCG diet safe?



  • buchmansrus
    buchmansrus Posts: 34 Member
    NO. Diets dont work. Hence, the first 3 letters in Diets is DIE..
    Its a temporary solution to a problem.
    IE; You wouldnt put a bandaid on something that need stitches would you?

    It may work for a short time but once you stop, You WILL gain the weight back and then some.

    I'm surprised they havent deleted these messages. When I spoke of a real plan that provided nuitrition without being hungry or starving, I was warned. AND WE, guarentee it too.

    I spent endless years of dieting and my weight was up and down so many times. My daughter followed in my footsteps on that way. She lost weight the hard way (she starved herself) and now she has problem eatin even a half of a banana.

    I'm coaching her out of this starvation sickness.

    Dont do it.

    If you want good sound advice, friend me.

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    I'm proof it works as well. I'm down 35lbs since last february and glad I did it. I have great muscles. I didn't see the boys lifting like I was at the gym today and doing 250 push ups.

    If you don't know what someone has tried already don't judge and assume they haven't tried other options.

    I'm still currently on it and everything is normal.

    But no one will pay attention to anything myself or anyone else on has to say to I'm more than likely wasting my time. Just came on here because saw a friend post on it even though she's on the flip side.

    And your average lifts are what again?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm locking this thread because there have been some very caustic remarks to it and there's no need for more. I'm leaving it up though, because while HCG has been denounced by most major medical associations, there are some links to some important studies for it. Please don't report on this thread any more, locked is locked.

    Thank you,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.