Made me laugh....Silly girls in the gym.



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    .......I can only use 5lb weights :( I'm still a newbie
  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    Wow some ppl's children
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Note to self for a proper gym work out:

    Lose 40 years off my life.
    Lose another 100 lbs
    Buy baby clothes to wear to the gym.
    Get my hair done
    Buy big perky ta-tas.

    Got it! Now next lesson for today? Anybody???
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I wear skimpy clothes and I bet others wish I would wear more( just cause I am a bit chubby) but I honestly could give a crap. I get hot as heck in there and wear short shorts and cut off tees because I sweat so damn much. Lol. But I have noticed at my gym its not so much the girls who are silly its the guys! there is a group that comes in and wears next to nothing shirt that are super tight and to be honest I am not sure if i have ever seen them actually lift. They kinda migrate to different machines and drink their protein shakes and talk then move on to the next machine.

    Sometimes I think the gym is a hangout for some people, which gets frustrating when others just want to do their workout and get out instead of dodging people left and right to work on the machines

    Buahahaha! I get the chatty Cathy guys too... Hardly an girls grace the doors of the weight rooms I go to... but man the guys are always in my way because they are sitting on the machines like two old gossips... while they are "resting" (if 5 minutes between a set constitutes as "resting") between sets.
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    I go to a public gym and usually I am the only one there. Sometimes I bring my daughter for company and to spot me when I'm using weights. Actually, sometimes I think it would be nice to have a distraction.
  • swtpea9191
    I am cracking up here! This seems to be a really touchy subject here peeps. LOL.

    I can see both sides.

    I wont' lie, I get annoyed. But it's usually out of insecurity because I wonder if my hubby is checking them out at the gym himself. haha No, he is not that type of guy, he's a great man, but you know what I mean? He goes to a fancy gym and I swear, I have never seen some of the things these girls wear? Huge fake boobs (not knockin it, I wouldn't mind having them!) but in just a sports bra and tiny tiny shorts? eeek!

    However.. I've pretty much gotten over this insecurity. I wouldn't want to be them really and they wouldn't want to be me. At the end of the day.. it doesn't really matter much. I do wear makeup to the gym (coming from work) and sometimes I don't. OF course I'd like to look cute.. who wouldn't? But my idea of cute and theirs are most likely totally different. LOL. I'm simple and don't want all of that, and they probably think I'm plain. haha.

    So after all my babbling... I get both sides. yea, I get annoyed (I'm human). Then I realize that maybe they ARE there to meet a guy and not really workout? and I guess that's totally ok right? Nothing wrong with that. AS long as it isn't my man. Then I'm over it. I used to have a problem with this and I'd compare myself to all the super pretty girls at the gym.. I'm getting much better and just working on me.

    Do I sometimes wish they would all just go away? yes! LOL I switched from the big fancy gym like this to my local YMCA where it's more family based and I'm happier there? I think different gyms attract different things sometimes. I don't know. I don't appreciate when men stare at me either.. yes men, we notice this. But again, what can ya do. You're in a place with a mix of people coming to do their own thing :)


    anyway, good luck to all of you battling this out over a little comment! So silly.
  • Melburrow
    Melburrow Posts: 6 Member
    I love having beauty queens in the gym! When guys and gals are prancing around like that I forget to look at the timer on my cardio machine :) People watching makes a workout more enjoyable.
  • swtpea9191
    one more thing..

    and I'm not saying any of you are jealous of them.. I know it's really the opposite here in this covo. But that was just what makes me insecure and annoyed. I get it!! It's annoying. But I try to just let it be a thought now and move along. :)
  • Hotrodhoodlum
    Maybe her skimpy outfit was creeping up on her OUCH ! I hate when that happens, maybe that is why she was grunting
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Maybe she was dressed for something else other than the gym and didn't feel like taking off her makeup? I have makeup on when I go to my spin class bc it's my last class of the day at school and I throw my hair up. I wear sort of skimpy clothes, tight tanks and shorts or tanks and leggings because I like to see my muscles working! No one can accuse me of not busting *kitten*, though, that's for sure. I go into class looking decent, come out looking like a sweaty mess! ;)
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Unless you are waiting for her to finish using the 5 lb. weights, why does it matter what anybody else does?
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    The hottest girls at my gym imho are the ones who seem to be in their own world, not trying to get attention, but still look awesome. Unfortunately, they're all taken. lol

    Which opens up another question: Girls at the gym - talk to, or don't talk to?

    My metrosexual brother who has an 6-pack at 39 says NEVER!!!!!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I wear skimpy clothes and I bet others wish I would wear more( just cause I am a bit chubby) but I honestly could give a crap. I get hot as heck in there and wear short shorts and cut off tees because I sweat so damn much. Lol. But I have noticed at my gym its not so much the girls who are silly its the guys! there is a group that comes in and wears next to nothing shirt that are super tight and to be honest I am not sure if i have ever seen them actually lift. They kinda migrate to different machines and drink their protein shakes and talk then move on to the next machine.

    Sometimes I think the gym is a hangout for some people, which gets frustrating when others just want to do their workout and get out instead of dodging people left and right to work on the machines

    This happens at my gym! The few women I do see in there are there to work out. The only time I got annoyed with a female was this very overweight girl was just sitting on a machine chatting on her cellphone.

    The men are the worse. There's always a little pack of them standing around talking loudly and just getting in the way of people getting to the machines.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    I go to the gym in skimpy shorts and tank tops all the time... but I also don't have fake boobs or wear makeup. I am one of the few women at the gym I go to (it's an Army gym... definitely male dominant) but I also work harder than most the guys in there. I think you can kick *kitten* in the gym and look good doing it. I understand your point though.

    Nothing wrong with the skimpy clothes if you have the body for it. Personally, having a lot of extra or loose material on my skin while I'm working out makes me overheated. I've worn makeup to the gym too, usually when I go there from work. However, if I don't have "racoon eyes" from my mascara, my hair isn't a wreck, and my shirt isn't soaked with sweat by the end of my workout, I know I didn't work hard enough. 5-lb weights make good doorstops, that's about it.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Along the same lines, but not the in fake boobs make up direction, I had a young girl on the treadmill next to me the other day (i can't tell ages anymore, but school age.. anywhere from 14-17 i would guess).... On the treadmill walking, then jump on the side rail to talk to her friend on the treadmill next to her... the walk a little, then jump back on the side rail to send a text message the walk a little more then jump back up to talk to her friend... grab her phone... etc etc etc... in 20 minutes she may have "walked" all of 3 minutes. I couldn't help but shake my head as I was finishing up my hour long 5 mile run.

    Silly girls.
  • abcmiah
    abcmiah Posts: 36 Member
    Lol. My gym is a country club so it is a "hangout" for some people. They even have a bar! Luckily the loiterers seem to stay in the bar/ tv area and away from the machines.
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    The hottest girls at my gym imho are the ones who seem to be in their own world, not trying to get attention, but still look awesome. Unfortunately, they're all taken. lol

    Which opens up another question: Girls at the gym - talk to, or don't talk to?

    My metrosexual brother who has an 6-pack at 39 says NEVER!!!!!

    Hm, I don't know. I'd be annoyed if a guy tried to talk to me at the gym. It's for work ya know!
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm not one to complain too much but this girl in the gym rubbed me the wrong way this morning. She was maybe 90lb soaking wet and had big ol fake breast (nothing wrong with fake boobs, planning on getting some later myself lol) and had a full face of makeup on, including fake lashes, Hair (down, with extensions) fully done as if she was going out on the town and in the skimpiest outfit you could imagine. All she did was lift tiny 5lb weights and make little grunting sounds. She looked amazing and I have nothing against women who look great but all she was was a distraction. If you are going to the gym, be there to work, not to prance around pretending to lift just to get men who should be concentrating on their own workouts, to look and gawk at you. She was beautiful but I'm sure she had real low self esteem to have to be doing that. This was really just a vent, not harm intended.

    Dear girls with extensions in the gym:
    When you sweat, your hair gets stringy. When your hair gets stringy, it's OBVIOUS where you tracks are.
    Stop being silly lady birds.
    Be practical.
    Gigi (a licensed cosmetologist who assures you she isn't the only one who notices.)
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    She looked amazing and I have nothing against women who look great but all she was was a distraction.

    Sounds like your jealous lol. She was a distraction for you for sure but she can work out any way she wants to just because its not your way doesnt mean shes "practicing"! Sheesh you women are so critical and competitive twards one another why cant you all just get along and Jello wrestle :laugh:
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    The hottest girls at my gym imho are the ones who seem to be in their own world, not trying to get attention, but still look awesome. Unfortunately, they're all taken. lol

    Which opens up another question: Girls at the gym - talk to, or don't talk to?

    My metrosexual brother who has an 6-pack at 39 says NEVER!!!!!

    Hm, I don't know. I'd be annoyed if a guy tried to talk to me at the gym. It's for work ya know!

    But I'm also married with two kids so who am I to say what single girls in the gym want :)