Boob jobs...



  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I always had small breasts. I liked them, they went well with my sporty frame. DH loves butts, and I have that. So, no reason to mess with my boobs. Tiny boobs are very sexy!

    Then had my first child, went up to a DD!! Breastfed him and I thought that I was going to keep those breasts. Weaned him at 14 months and what I was left with was awful!!! Every other part of my body bounced back, but not the breasts. I did not do anything about it because we wanted more kids.

    Well, 17 years later and 5 more kids (I have 6 kids and breastfed all of them for 14 months -2.5 years) I decided to get them fixed. I am done having kids, just weaned my last child, and so I decided to fix my breasts. Now DH didn't care what I did since he is a butt man, but he said that after nursing 6 kids, I deserved fixing my breasts if I wanted to do that.

    Now, I will never have my cute pre-baby breasts..even a lift would not give them that same cuteness that I had before. So, I decided to go with the size that I was while nursing. They fit my body well and I liked them.

    So, that is what I got. I did not do this for my husband, for society, because I had low self-esteem (I do not at all), or to be hot for others...I did it because I got tired of seeing post-baby boobs!!! I have not had any other surgery because I am trying to get all of that back in shape, but no matter how many pushups I did...those pre-baby boobs were never coming back!! haha!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Whatever makes you happy!

    I am small, too (34B, and sometimes, when new bra shopping, a 34B will be too roomy in the cup).

    My mother and younger sister both have breast implants. I wanted to get implants soooooo bad in my late teens and early 20s. But, I have to say, I grew out of it, and don't want them anymore. I love and appreciate my boobies! Natural is beautiful.

    But still, whatever makes you happy. 18 is young to make that decision, and I say that only because I know first hand that your feelings about your breasts can change with age. But if you really want it, and have the financial means for it (and for the love of God doyour research and go to a good, board certified plastic surgeon), then more power to ya!
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    OK I have to comment on the article about men being able to tell if they are real or fake...

    Much of that article is not necessarily accurate. During the first few months ,they are very high and very firm (swollen) and don't have much give to them. Actually a bit freakish looking, if you ask me. But if surgery is done properly and the surgeon doesn't over-stuff the amount of skin that's there, and if the proper aftercare (massaging) is done, they will not stay extremely high up or so firm that you can bounce quarters off of them. Mine as soft as they every were before and definately do jiggle. I think much has to do with what the woman is looking for. There are some who WANT to have that sensuous Pam Anderson look. Then there are others who prefer to look completely natural. From what I understand - that firm, high up look is due to surgeons agreeing to put in implants that are larger than the recommended size.
  • I want butt implants sooo bad. I just want my jeans to stay up so I don't look like a plumber all the time. *shakes fist* D*mn you mom!

    Dr. Constantino Mendieta :heart: This man is a genius. :laugh:

    Flame on!
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I guess, if I'm being honest, my stigma comes in with the fact that every person that gets implants (or any cosmetic surgery) for purely aesthetic reasons feeds into the idea that in order to be happy with your physical appearance, you have to go beyond simply eating right and working out and taking care of your mental wellness. That bothers me on some level and that may be "judgmental" to some of you, but it is a growing trend and it worries me about how far it will go. In another 20 years, will butt implants be as common as breast augmentation? Will 20 years old start getting botox? Will our standard of beauty be so far from the natural that the stigma reverses and those who do not elect for cosmetic procedures are the ones who are judged? It's interesting to think about.

    No one has a right to insult or demean another person for their personal choices. I agree with everyone there, and I think it is petty to drop to that level. But I do think that there is some merit to what I am saying here.

    But what you are failing to understand is that these reasons are not "purely aesthetic." Try finding bras that fit breasts that used to be an E cup but are now a C, support those correctly and run a marathon. Now find clothes that make you feel confident and beautiful, comfortable instead of constantly worrying if your squishy tit is hanging out of your ill-fitting bra because you can't get one that fits correctly because you committed your life to being healthy with a low body fat %. Try being comfortable without a bra, laze around the house in a t-shirt and feel the weight of deflated breasts against your skin. Now stand in front of the mirror naked and say to yourself "do i look like the person I feel like inside and do I feel as good about myself as I deserve to feel?" We want to be strong, powerful, and yes, beautiful. But we are women and that should not be a bad thing. I would never have my hair like yours, the upkeep must be a real *****. But I think your hair is beautiful and I appreciate you for having it.

    *shrug* But my hair is real. I wouldn't get fake hair if I couldn't have it be this long naturally.

    My darling, let it all fall out and see if you change your tune. Then you'd be fit to pass judgment on the subject. Of hair anyway.

    It probably will! My family tends to go bald early on in life. But right now your comparison of my hair is more similar to someone who puts lotion on their skin to keep it moisturized than a surgical procedure.

    Your comments are really amusing in general to me though because I've had my hair made fun of almost my entire life. I straightened it for that picture because it was an event, but it's normally pretty wavy and slightly frizzy. I don't wear make-up or mess with my hair beyond washing/conditioning on the daily. I do get what you're trying to say though, and thank you for the compliment.

    Alright, I'm actually going to be serious for a minute. I had a Cosmetology teacher who I am still friends with to this day. When she was 26 she had a hysterectomy due to cancer. At 37 she was diagnosed with breast cancer that was caused by the uterine cancer. She had to have both breasts removed. Months before surgery she told me, "Will I still be considered a woman after this." She talked to her doctor and was able to get the mastectomy and then get an augmentation. Thankfully insurance covered the augmentation. She went through chemo for two years after that to make sure everything was gone. She had no hair for 4 years. Is that superficial to you? If it is..... you're a horrible person.
  • I guess, if I'm being honest, my stigma comes in with the fact that every person that gets implants (or any cosmetic surgery) for purely aesthetic reasons feeds into the idea that in order to be happy with your physical appearance, you have to go beyond simply eating right and working out and taking care of your mental wellness. That bothers me on some level and that may be "judgmental" to some of you, but it is a growing trend and it worries me about how far it will go. In another 20 years, will butt implants be as common as breast augmentation? Will 20 years old start getting botox? Will our standard of beauty be so far from the natural that the stigma reverses and those who do not elect for cosmetic procedures are the ones who are judged? It's interesting to think about.

    No one has a right to insult or demean another person for their personal choices. I agree with everyone there, and I think it is petty to drop to that level. But I do think that there is some merit to what I am saying here.

    But what you are failing to understand is that these reasons are not "purely aesthetic." Try finding bras that fit breasts that used to be an E cup but are now a C, support those correctly and run a marathon. Now find clothes that make you feel confident and beautiful, comfortable instead of constantly worrying if your squishy tit is hanging out of your ill-fitting bra because you can't get one that fits correctly because you committed your life to being healthy with a low body fat %. Try being comfortable without a bra, laze around the house in a t-shirt and feel the weight of deflated breasts against your skin. Now stand in front of the mirror naked and say to yourself "do i look like the person I feel like inside and do I feel as good about myself as I deserve to feel?" We want to be strong, powerful, and yes, beautiful. But we are women and that should not be a bad thing. I would never have my hair like yours, the upkeep must be a real *****. But I think your hair is beautiful and I appreciate you for having it.

    *shrug* But my hair is real. I wouldn't get fake hair if I couldn't have it be this long naturally.

    My darling, let it all fall out and see if you change your tune. Then you'd be fit to pass judgment on the subject. Of hair anyway.

    It probably will! My family tends to go bald early on in life. But right now your comparison of my hair is more similar to someone who puts lotion on their skin to keep it moisturized than a surgical procedure.

    Your comments are really amusing in general to me though because I've had my hair made fun of almost my entire life. I straightened it for that picture because it was an event, but it's normally pretty wavy and slightly frizzy. I don't wear make-up or mess with my hair beyond washing/conditioning on the daily. I do get what you're trying to say though, and thank you for the compliment.

    Alright, I'm actually going to be serious for a minute. I had a Cosmetology teacher who I am still friends with to this day. When she was 26 she had a hysterectomy due to cancer. At 37 she was diagnosed with breast cancer that was caused by the uterine cancer. She had to have both breasts removed. Months before surgery she told me, "Will I still be considered a woman after this." She talked to her doctor and was able to get the mastectomy and then get an augmentation. Thankfully insurance covered the augmentation. She went through chemo for two years after that to make sure everything was gone. She had no hair for 4 years. Is that superficial to you? If it is..... you're a horrible person.

    From the very first post I made on this thread...
    I've gone back and forth between whether or not I think they're ok. Personally, I think plastic surgery in general (aside from reconstructive for those who are burn victims, breast cancer, etc to restore what was there before) just feeds into the superficiality of our society. Someone stated that if every woman got a boob job, nobody would be able to tell. Well, I argue that if plastic surgery was only reserved for those times when it was really needed, women (and men) would not feel the pressure to live up to a standard that includes placing fake materials in your body, going under general anesthesia, and risking your life for the sake of physical appearance.

    I have been really respectful in my posts here, IMO, and now that I feel a bit attacked, I am going to bow out. Good day to everyone.
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Most of the time you can tell when someone has them. They sort of scream, "boob job!" when they walk towards you. My husband seems to think that it also shows a lack of self esteem but that's his opinion. I have natural D cups and I sometimes wish I was less curvy and more stick-like and comfortable. I hate how they announce your arrival in certain tops and dresses. I sound ungrateful but I'm not. I guess people just want what they don't have sometimes!
  • wow, this thread gave me a each their own, be happy :heart:
  • JustFloorIt
    JustFloorIt Posts: 19 Member
    Of course if its needed for reconstruction surgery. There's no argument there.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member

    For those who are curious about how to differentiate real from fake.

    @Tiny - while I think the term "trashy balls" is insulting and unnecessary, I was stating that you do have obviously round breasts that are unnatural looking. I assumed you posted the picture to prove that they did not look too round or unnatural, my apologies.
    Huh. Mine are natural. And a couple of them apply to me. I also knew a girl growing up that had disgustingly (Yes, I'm jealous) large perky breasts that were natural.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I like boobs, all of them... well, not ALL, but most of them :laugh:

    Anyways, to answer the OP, I don't mind implants at all, but I do have trouble with certain implants when they don't look in proportion with the body. I've seen skinny girls with boobs bigger than their heads, that doesn't attract me. Other than that, sure, they are awesome :bigsmile:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i wonder if the people who have a problem with boob jobs because its a vain thing to do would also have problems with people removing excess skin after weight loss? you are improving your appearance in both cases. some people think wearing make up is wrong. judgemental people suck.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    i wonder if the people who have a problem with boob jobs because its a vain thing to do would also have problems with people removing excess skin after weight loss? you are improving your appearance in both cases. some people think wearing make up is wrong. judgemental people suck.

    It's an opinion. Which was asked for.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I will be getting a boob job AND a tummy tuck.

    I have had 4 children in 5.5 years and quite frankly, I deserve it...I don't care that my husband will be the only one who sees the results, it will make ME feel good.

    I've gained and lost more weight than most people I know. I worked damn hard to get all my baby weight off after each pregnancy, and if it will make me happy, I am going to do it for me :)

    And I am getting the boobs for the shape..not because I want huge knockers.

    Flame away...I dont care :laugh:
  • Spamee
    Spamee Posts: 148 Member
    Life is to short. Do what makes YOU Happy.
    Research really good, Join a good BA Forum & find the right PS! Talk to their patients & see Pictures. Maybe meet some of their patients if possible.

    me, as a breast cancer warrior. id do anything to have my real boobs back ...and I dont have implants, its all me on top :o
  • unusualdani
    unusualdani Posts: 2 Member
    As for implants, if they're going to make YOU happy/confident then go for it.

    I had my breast reduction a year ago this May. Best decision I've made aside from losing weight. Ask me questions if you'd like.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i wonder if the people who have a problem with boob jobs because its a vain thing to do would also have problems with people removing excess skin after weight loss? you are improving your appearance in both cases. some people think wearing make up is wrong. judgemental people suck.

    It's an opinion. Which was asked for.

    exactly. thats why i asked that question. and its one thing to say its not a good idea for you personally but to attack someone and call them shallow is uncalled for and pathetic.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    Like em, love em, want more of em...Next question. ;]
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    1 – This *kitten* is craZy!!!
    2 – I will get implants when I’m done having kids. Why you ask? Because I had breasts, I thought they were big glorious bags of fun. I loved having them, I admired them in the mirror for what amounted to hours in the months that I had them, they were big and fun and usually perky (unless my son had just nursed). Before I was a nursing mom they were modest and perky (I’d refer to them as my red delicious apples, they were about the size of a large red delicious apple, about as firm, and DEEEElicious). Now my son stopped nursing (he’s 2.5), and my bf%age is lower than ever, and I’m fitter than ever, and my fun bags have become sad little deflated balloons. I’ve told DH that I can do anything and be fit except grow boobs, so those he’ll have to help me buy. Surprise surprise, he agreed. This isn’t for him, it’s for me, because I know what it’s like to have them and I loved them and I want them back. I don’t really see it much different from having test driving a car, I know what it’s like and I want to have one for myself.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I read the title as "blow jobs" and was very confused when I read the OP...