All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



  • One of the members said this and it was awesome:
    "You are beautiful and worth every drop of sweat."

    I think that's my new mantra!
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
  • Eat thin sliced turkey.... it's low in calories and VERY filling! Hang in there!!!!! I believe you will always feel some sort of hunger regarless though.... fill up on the right foods and you will be successful!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    1) Pre-plan meals. And pre-log them.
    2) Walk a minimum 5 days a week for 50 minutes each time. I normally do other exercise, but the walking is something I try not to go without even when I don't do anything else.
    3) Eat. Ice cream, chocolate, chips, etc. should not be verboten for any reason. In addition to carrots and broccoli and lean meat, you gotta have garbage sometime. Even when it's reduced fat, light, sugar-free garbage. I eat a lot of food and stay under 1300 calories. I never feel deprived, never feel that starving-to-death feeling.

    My husband's are:
    1) Have a good partner
    2) Be excited. B-E excited.
    3) Patience

    My husband is way more Yoda than me. :bigsmile:
  • ashlyrose14
    ashlyrose14 Posts: 28 Member
    1 Mark everything that goes in your mouth ( I have trouble with this sometimes myself but then I see the scale not moving or going in the wrong direction and I get more strict with it)
    2. Exercise- I know it is a pain in the butt sometimes. but it really does help even if you break it up to like two -three 15 minute walks very easy yet effective
    3. Watch/read success stories! This helps me alot to stay focused seeing other peoples results
    4. Write yourself a letter... I actually just did this last night I find writing out what is going on and why Im not doing what I need to and what I should be doing it gets me back on track.

    Best of Luck!!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    Eat regularly through out that day...3 meals and lots of healthy snacks

    Log everything and be honest about it

    Set your environment up for success...don't keep junk food in the house

    Make exercise fun! I really enjoy games on the wii :)

    Plan ahead!

    Don't give up because of minor set only fail if you quit!
  • Lots of great tips here!
    I sugggest:
    1. Eat Nutrient Dense Food and log it.
    2. Get Moving!
    3. Have Accountability Partners. They will help keep you focused and on track!

    Remember that everyone has good days and bad days but if you have more good than bad you'll start seeing results :)
  • gaylecw
    gaylecw Posts: 34 Member
    Great tips!! Also, thanks for the info on ~ Bump
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member

    -Don't eat out, it really just sets yourself up for disaster, youll NEVER really know the nutritional info..youll always be soooo tempted, i hate to say eat boring and plain at home, but it helps.

    Maybe not helpful, but those are 3 of the main things I try and do.

    I disagree with this one. Most restaurants (except Wingers - the jerks) post nutritional information online. Some have menus where the meal is under 600 calories. I eat a few times a month but still manage to hit my macros and lose weight. It is about making healthy choices and not being afraid to custom order.
    Chains post nutrition info online. I live in Brooklyn, NY and its made up of a lot of small shops that do not know this info and don't have it anywhere for you

    Yup same for me, I live in Oakland and it is pretty much anti-chain. Good luck figuring out the nutrition when eating out. I know my days are way off when I do. I guesstimate.
  • iceshark26
    iceshark26 Posts: 5 Member
    My secret weapon is 50 grams vanilla casein protein powder, 2oz. cranberry juice, and 16 oz. water in a shaker cup to hold me over during the day.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Eat healthier.... not less

    move more..... and move more often!

    Track EVERYTHING...... it's not just accountability.... it's learning what happens when you do THIS with YOUR body..... and what happens if you do THAT...........

    good luck :)
  • miller0438
    miller0438 Posts: 72 Member
    Awesome advice I can contribute one thing thats finally clicking for me and thats you have to truly love yourself!! Ive always believed that if I hated myself enough id lose the wrong!! It all starts with love for yourself :)
  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    1. Log everything - that means EVERYTHING - and be honest about it.
    2. Eat your exercise calories - at least half of them.
    3. Strength train - you can increase your resting metabolism and look better!
    4. Get more protein - the MFP guidelines for protein are too low I think. I try to get close to 100g a day, especially with exercise your body will thank you.
    5. Drink more water - I feel better and look better and perform better when I'm hydrated.
    ^this. Plus I would add, Eat clean 80% of the time, and give yourself some slack for the other 20%
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Bump for later! Awesome Thread!
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    bump to read later
  • Bellemorte24
    Bellemorte24 Posts: 24 Member
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    1. You have to fuel your body so eat enough calories NETTING over 1200 cals. I actually net 1400-1500 and have lost 101 lbs and still losing. The healthier the food the better.
    2. Log and accurately measure everything. Even condiments.
    3. Find a steady balance of cardio and strength training.
  • Caylee320
    Caylee320 Posts: 56 Member
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    1. no fried foods
    2. no fast food
    3. Track EVERYTHING even if you know you shouldn't have had it still track it. It's a teaching tool.
    4. me personally I like games and I like challenges so I challenge myself weekly goals and monthly goals, when a goal is reached and I busted the walls of my challenge, I reward myself with something like shoes, purse, something I want that isn't food. We aren't dogs so don't reward yourself with food.
    5. Cardio is great calorie burner, but add some strength training, and ab work with it, you might not see the scale go down but don't freak about the scale my tape measure has become my best friend.
    6. Find what works best for you, just because someone eat's back their calories they burn works for them, it might not for you. I know I'll probably get slammed for that, but I'm living proof that after 102 pounds lost, it doesn't work for me. I do not nor will I eat them back unless I stop losing and need to figure out what's going on.