Boob jobs...



  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    I want a reduction/up lift after I hit goal weight but the hubby doesn't want me to get one. The last place I lose weight is my chest and I'm still a DDD - losing everywhere but there. Now that I'm no longer wearing tent shirts its really frustrating because if it fits in the torso the chest is too tight and its just trashy. I'm a mom in my 30's and its not a good look, LOL!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Had it done 6 yrs ago, very happy!
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    I have every intention of getting a reduction when I'm at the end of the weight loss journey. I've always been large breasted, even when I weighed 125. Now, I have back pain, neck pain and permanent indents in my shoulders from bra straps. I love yoga, but hate it when my own chest suffocates me. I would have it done tomorrow but if I lose weight first, insurance is more likely to pay for it. I'm nearly 41, so breast feeding isn't a concern and quite frankly, mine have never been that sensitive anyway so losing sensation - not such a big deal. Being able to sleep on my back again? Priceless.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I took pictures of mine when I was 18, front and both sides. I am planning on getting them done back to that state when I get done with baby-making. I don't want them bigger, I just want them a few inches up from where they will be when I am done producing offspring and breastfeeding.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Titties, be them natural or not, black or white, big or small, are ****ing great. The end.
  • MissyL84
    You're right about women with smaller breasts being more sensitive to touch. It is one of the benefits of small breasts. But I gotta say I really want to get them done. The only thing I'm worried about is losing sensitivity. It really is the only upside but otherwise the look of small breasts is pretty daunting when you are the smallest in your group of friends AND the fattest.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    Wow at the amount of men 'putting in their two cents' about how they don't like women with breast implants. You mean there's men out there who DON'T like them -oh my god!!!! I am shocked! - Pure sarcasm btw.

    For most women, what some random men think (as of course with everything, there are different opinions and preferences - what a surprise >.<) weighs in very little as to whether or not they want breast surgery. Most women do it for themselves - not for random men. And it isn't always about upping a few sizes. Babies and time can dramatically change breasts for the worse, and can bring down a person's self confidence, just like weight can or scars or the like. Jog on fellas.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm either a D or DD (I honestly don't know because I haven't been properly fitted in years) and they're uber saggy (always have been since I was a teenager and they were Cs). I figure I've already had my two kids and don't want anymore so once I reach my goal weight, I'd really like to get a lift since I'm sure they'll be smaller and I already plan on potentially getting skin removal surgery as well since I'll most likely have too much of it just hanging around. I feel that perkier breasts (even of a smaller size) would fit much better in with my fantasy body image.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    So I am curious, how much does the surgery usually cost? I would love to get mine done but I am pretty sure I could never afford it.

    Anywhere from $4000-$8000 and can go to about $10,000. It all depends on the surgeon, area (city, state, country), and type of procedure.

    I already calculated mine and it'll be about $5000. Very reachable for me since I get $6000 in school refunds every semester :laugh:
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    You can work your chest muscles, but it'll do nothing for the size/shape of your breasts. I'm planning on getting one done when I reach my goal. The risks do scare me, but I know so many women that have had it done for years and so far no problems.

    Exactly this. Could have written/typed it myself. :)
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    So I am curious, how much does the surgery usually cost? I would love to get mine done but I am pretty sure I could never afford it.

    Anywhere from $4000-$8000 and can go to about $10,000. It all depends on the surgeon, area (city, state, country), and type of procedure.

    I already calculated mine and it'll be about $5000. Very reachable for me since I get $6000 in school refunds every semester :laugh:

    You can also get 'em on credit. teehee. Super low payments. ;)
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Had it done 6 yrs ago, very happy!

    Which type did you get? And did you get them behind the muscle? Do you have to get them replaced at 10 years?
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I work with what my mama gave me!

    I think all women are beautiful. A boobies or DD's!!! :flowerforyou:

    There are things I most definitely CANNOT wear because my bust size. My bff just got hers done.............and she looked fine before. If you truly think they will make you happy I don't want to be rude and call you shallow or anything...I just don't understand why people can't embrace what they were given. You are the result of your parents!!!!!!!

  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    I want to get mine done! I was a full C and now I think they're getting smaller as I lose more weight :(. I want to hear from women who exercise a lot and have gotten them! What's your experience been like?
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    Best money I ever spent! I would not trade them for the world, went from an A cup to a D, and since i have some junk in the trunk now i am perfectly balanced, they look extremely natural now that my body fat is lower, Just do you research and take care of them, you get what you pay for so be careful. My Doctor was Dr Malek in scottsdale AZ, and he is an artist. :) I got saline. but silicone is good to, it is just a matter of preference.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I had a breast reduction about 6 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I got most of the surgery covered by insurance and to do so I needed to visit a physical therapist for about a month. My first visit she said we would start each visit by putting a warm pack on my upper back/neck to help with the constant twitching in that area, due to my large breasts. I went from an "H" (yes you read that correctly) to a "C". I am much more active now and have never looked back.
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
  • fallenangel6447
    As a woman who has always had large breasts (nicknames in HS- "Titty Titty Bang Bang" and "Jugs" and "Watermelons") I have thought about getting a reduction. Because my muscles strain to hold up my chest, my spine is now beginning to curve in the wrong direction. I have "military neck." When the doctor held a pencil up to the x-ray, my spine was parallel (in a straight line). I often have neck problems. I cannot run. I lost over 20 pounds my freshman year of college and they continued to GROW! I am waiting to get a reduction until after I am done having kids (I haven't even started yet) because I want to breast feed. My boobs are for nurturing children some day- but after that they'll be cut down. I have a few friends who have gotten reductions and their chests actually have thick scars (mostly leading to under their arms) but I've been told they sometimes hurt too. I also have friends who have gotten implants and were unhappy or very happy with the result. No matter what you decide, make a list of consequences and good things that could come of each scenario. Research research research! Talk to and look at (and feel) the chests of women who have had the surgery you are looking to do. And remember- nothing is ever guaranteed in surgery.
  • VintageDisaster
    I'm getting one by the end of the year, as soon as I reach my goal.
  • ballerina454
    ballerina454 Posts: 73 Member
    Best decision I ever made hands down! I did my research and found a very skilled surgeon! I could not be happier! I waited years to do this for myself and I am so happy I did. I think as long as a girl is doing it for herself to make herself feel better and happier then it is great! I think people have a very distorted image of breast implants. Breast implants dont have to be huge and look un-natural they can look beautiful and modest :). Dont hate! Just my 2 cents!