GREAT read on plateau-ing!



  • Excellent read..have been on a plateau for three weeks feeling frustrated tired and ugghh!!!! need I say more this article has helped thank you very much.
  • kellytaylor13104
    kellytaylor13104 Posts: 11 Member
    Awesome post. I just changed my settings yesterday to lose half pound/wk vs one pound/wk. I'm hoping the extra calorie bump will get my past my plateau, especially since I'm just a few pounds from my goal weight!
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    I guess I better increase my calories. I tired extreme cutting and working out everyday and it has gotten me nowhere! I have been on a plateau since June 2011! AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!

    a little like me....i stay the same, lose a few, stay the same and then gain a few.....exercise like a fat lass at biggest loser some days and eat between 1200-1500 a day but then when i am in negative numbers from the exercise i feel bad when i eat up to 1200, that would mean i need to eat over 3000 cals some day!! omg!

    gonna have to try something though!

    good luck those that are on a plateau! x
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    bump to read later
  • Laura26C
    Laura26C Posts: 18 Member
    Great info! Thanks for posting :)
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    So was at a gain of 3 lbs for the last two months, guess u could say a plateau which sucked. Ate 1200 give or take cals. Started excersising lik ive never excersised before....and nothing. Was getting pissed. So been told to eat more. Which killed me i hated hearing that. Its been like 2 days of pushing my self to a break down to eat more. At least half my excersise cals. And BAM the scale moved down...back to my original low....before i gained worked! I will continue to try this for a bit....if it keeps moving down, i will continue to do it...if not back to my 1200/ excited! Now!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Bump....this is my life right now :sad:
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    Bumping for later - a great article!
  • ge0rgieb
    ge0rgieb Posts: 10 Member
    Bump for later reading - thanks very much
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    The suggestion from the Mayo Clinic typefies their--frankly irresponsible--cookie cutter approach! Some time ago I checked their website on perimenopausal weight gain. The website explained that women in their fifties get fat because they live on the couch and eat junk food. Misogynistic much?

    I'm fifty, eat extremely healthily, and work out every day, cardio and strength. I still gained weight. I also got so angry that I complained to them. Mayo's response was equally cookie cutter in that it suggested to check back on their site frequently as new medical discoveries are made daily. Here's hoping for swift progress in the area of attitude transplants!
    I searched the website for perimenopausal weight gain and nothing matching her above claim was returned.

    From the Mayo Clinic website. .

    By Mayo Clinic staff

    Although there are genetic and hormonal influences on body weight, obesity occurs when you take in more calories than you burn through exercise and normal daily activities. Your body stores these excess calories as fat. Obesity usually results from a combination of causes and contributing factors, including:

    Inactivity. If you're not very active, you don't burn as many calories. With a sedentary lifestyle, you can easily take in more calories every day than you use through exercise and normal daily activities.

    Unhealthy diet and eating habits. Having a diet that's high in calories, eating fast food, skipping breakfast, eating most of your calories at night, drinking high-calorie beverages and eating oversized portions all contribute to weight gain.

    Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman's weight necessarily increases. Some women find this weight difficult to lose after the baby is born. This weight gain may contribute to the development of obesity in women.

    Lack of sleep. Getting less than seven hours of sleep a night can cause changes in hormones that increase your appetite. You may also crave foods high in calories and carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain.

    Certain medications. Some medications can lead to weight gain if you don't compensate through diet or activity. These medications include some antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, diabetes medications, antipsychotic medications, steroids and beta blockers.

    Medical problems. Obesity can sometimes be traced to a medical cause, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other diseases and conditions. Some medical problems, such as arthritis, can lead to decreased activity, which may result in weight gain. A low metabolism is unlikely to cause obesity, as is having low thyroid function.
  • Thanks!!
  • krsaxton
    krsaxton Posts: 56 Member
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    interesting,. will keep for future reference
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
    bump :)
  • Love this article! Completely understand now and Thanks so much for posting. :)
  • deverdad
    deverdad Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks so much for posting! Great information!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Great information! Thanks for sharing.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    bump to read later