Weighing everyday or once a week?



  • Every morning, but only log it on Fridays. Helps me watch what I eat and motivates me to exercise more!! :happy:
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    I only weigh once a week. i think if the scale went up i might be dissapointed and slip. so once a week works for me
  • I would weigh yourself just once a week. Your body weight fluctuates throughout the week due to water weight. You'll drive yourself crazy with the ups and downs. I usually weigh myself on a Monday. But after a good day, I'm eager to weigh myself again. But ultimately... Monday's numbers are what count.
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    Somehow you have to train yourself to only do it once a week. I think there is some fluctuations midweek that might either falsely depress you or falsely motivate you. Do it on a day you get to sleep in if you can. After bathroom and before you get dressed.

    The scale will drive you crazy if you let it.

    Been there!

    Done that!
  • My "Official" weight in is once a week but I always take a peek at the scale every couple of days.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    I avoid my scale. It's evil and it lies! I usually weight in every 2 weeks. If i do it more than that i will start to obsess about the #'s. I try to focus more on inches than lbs. :)
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I weigh once a week.
  • I usually check a couple times a week but record only on Wednesday
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I weigh myself at least once a day, and I love to watch the daily and weekly trends emerge. I log my weight on Thursday, although typically Friday is my lowest weight of the week. Then I hold steady for the weekend and see a little increase on Monday and Tuesday and then start dropping again on Wednesday-Friday.

    I think daily weighing is helpful if you can keep yourself from freaking out over an increase. What we eat and our activity affects how much water our body retains, so I can watch the scales and sort of see what I do/don't do that affects it.

    Personally, I hate weekly weights because it's depressing to be stuck with a high number for a whole week when it's probably just water weight, anyways!
  • I weigh myself every morning when I get up before my shower and then I write it down on a little note pad in the bedroom -- just my thing -- doesn't bother me if its gone up a pound but it does let me know if I over exercised without enough water in my system etc.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I weigh every day but try to log weekly. The reason for every day is mostly... well, probably mania. :laugh: But it's MOTIVATING to weigh mid-week and see that half or whole pound loss!! Why wait for awesome news? GIMME GIMME GIMME!
  • I weight myself once a week and if I am feeling antsy about my poundage, twice a week.

    but no more than that. Daily would just discourage me.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday and record the lowest weight of the week,!

    Its not right and its not wrong for everyone, its what is right and wrong for you. This is exactly what I do and I will tell you why. I am on here to lose weight. The weight i see on the scale everyday is not the lowest I will ever see it. I am 30 pounds from my goal. I will see the number go down for several more months before I am satisfied. Sometimes you eat heavier meals later at night or more sodium one a particular day that might give you a different reading on the scale the next day that it would have if you would have eaten earlier, lighter, or sodium free. This is not true weight gain and therefore does not count. I never record a weight higher than my lowest weight unless it has been consistent for a week. This has only happened to me once since i've been on this journey.
  • breezee313
    breezee313 Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and sometimes at night, however I count my Wednesday morning weigh in as my actual weight. Depending on what you eat and how much water you drink can really change my weight from day to day. I'm not going to take a number that I know is lower because I was dehydrated or something. I like weighing myself everyday because it reminds me what I want to accomplish for the day.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i used to weigh every morning, and it really annoyed me when i saw the numbers constantly go up and down all the time! soo i had to stop recording every day and i do it every sunday monring instead! it gives more accurate results than what weighing every monring does!!

    its entirley up to you though! if you feel it will help you more to stay on track to weigh in every morning and then record the lowest weight, then go ahead and carry on with it =) no one can tell you what to do for the best, only you can decide that! x
  • I weigh every morning before breakfast, but record only on Mondays, figuring it's the highest, and most honest. If I don't like Monday's number I allow myself to record every day that week, just to make me feel better those subsequent weekdays when I tend to do better.

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  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    I've decided today not to weigh myself for at least 3 weeks because I'm so tired of seeing the 170s. I'm gonna try to work harder and hopefully the next time I weigh my self it will be in the :smile: 160s...
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I am a little OCD about the scale. I weigh every day first thing and if the weight is what I expect or lower I am okay - if not though it puts me in a terrible mood. I admitted it to my husband the other day, that this was the source of my crabbiness and he said "Yeah, I know." I have thought about doing a weekly weigh in - but like others have pointed out I worry that the day I choose might be a high and make me feel like my work is not paying off! So here is the part I find interesting, I went away for a 3 week fellowship in Summer 2010. We stayed in student housing and had no access to a scale or a gym (campus gym was closed for renovations). I had to walk everywhere (which was actually awesome) and went running periodically. They fed us 3 meals a day. I was really freaked about not having access to a scale. What happened you ask? I lost 6 lbs. Go figure. Back home again I managed to maintain that weight loss for over a year until a death in the family followed by the onslaught of holiday eating. I am now trying to lose that same 6 lbs (down two) and am wondering if I should ditch the scale for a while and just have faith in my fitbit and MFP.
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    I used to way weekly but switched to daily because I feel like it tells me if I've had a bad day of eating or not. I weight first thing in the morning and if it's more then the day before I know the day before was bad for eating and look over what I ate and I think that helps me a lot. Granted I've only only lost like 4 lbs but that was because I kept getting off track. I started a 21 day walking challenge and I know the scale is accurate since doing this and I've already lost 1 lb in 1 week.