5'4. Girls what are your weight goals



  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    started here at 182 two weeks ago.
    currently at 175
    goal is 125... :)
  • emfnp
    emfnp Posts: 23
    I'm 5'4, currently about 148/size 8 and trying to get to 130/size six!
  • I started out at exactly 222.2, im currently at 210.0 and right now my goal is 150 - but since i havent been that tiny since i was too young to care - im not really sure how that will look on me, so when i get there, i might try to go down to 140 or 130, ill stop when i feel like (and my hubby says) i look healthy :)
  • hides89
    hides89 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 150 now, and I wanna be about 135. Then depending how I feel and look at that weight, maybe try to get down to 125.
  • holyguacamole
    holyguacamole Posts: 34 Member
    We should make a group :) Only found out today what height I was in feet today when I saw someone posting about 5'7'' girls, so I googled it. I usually work in cm and kg.
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    I am 5ft 4 and my profile pic is me at 130 which is the weight I try not to go above
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm at 140.6 with a goal of getting to 139.8 and NEVER going over 140 again. I would like to lose a bit more fat from a couple of places, but I don't have a specific weight number in mind. I'll just know it when I see it.
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    Started at 146
    Currently 137 (ish)
    Next goal: 125
    Ultimate Goal: 118
  • Started at 198.....I'm at 193 now. Was 172 a year ago. UGH!! Felt decent at 170, but I'm aiming for 150!! At 150 I feel GREAT!!!!
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    CW: 191 Size 10/12

    GW: 170 Size 8
  • I'm at 140, hoping to get to around 135. It's not a huge issue for me if it doesn't happen, though--I'm pretty happy with the way I look now. Getting out of the 140s is enough for me.
  • Michelle333
    Michelle333 Posts: 24 Member
    SW - 172, CW 142 and GW 130. But feel good right now also as pants are size 4-6. Good Luck to everybody!
  • november03
    november03 Posts: 205 Member
    Love this thread!!! It is fun to see where others are that are 5' 4".

    I am 154lb now. My goal is 135lb. I'm not even sure what size that would be.... Not sure if I'd want to go lower or not. I will have to wait and see how things go. I am trying not to fixate on my wt and more so go by my size. I just fit into my size 12's Yeah!!!! Would like to be a size 6-8.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I don't have a weight in mind...ultimately I want to get to 18-20% bf. I'm 157 (sz 8) right now...and I think I read that I'll be around 140-142 when I hit that bodyfat (based on my current levels). But maybe not...I don't really care what weight I am as long as I look good nekkid! :D
  • gagagul....I'm the same as you, I can never seem to get lower than 161, for a whole year now I've been a lb below or above it! x
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    My goal weight is 130 and I'm currently 135. I plan to continue doing what I'm doing when I reach my goal, so I may lose more than that. 120 probably isn't out of the question, but I'm just going to see what happens.

    Here's the latest full body shot I have of me at 140.
  • I started at 184. My original goal was 150 but now that I'm 152 I've dropped that goal to 140.
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    ideally in the 140's...if its 149 I'll take it. The scale these days stress me out, so depending on how i progress i might shoot for goals in inches lost and a lower body fat %
  • I'm 5'4, currently about 148/size 8 and trying to get to 130/size six!

    We have very similar goals! I was at 170 last year and did great and lost many pounds! But I lost my motivation and got lost. I started up again 2 week ago. I was a 151 and now I am at 147.5. My goal is 136 (that is where I was before I have my son 7 1/2 years ago) but would LOVE to be at 130.

    I am watching my diet closely and doing Zumba, JM 30 Day Shred, and Yoga. I want to start running again, too!

    Good luck 5"4' Ladies!!

    Feel Free to friend me if you want to moticate each other!
  • My goal weight is 130 and I'm currently 135. I plan to continue doing what I'm doing when I reach my goal, so I may lose more than that. 120 probably isn't out of the question, but I'm just going to see what happens.

    Here's the latest full body shot I have of me at 140.

    You look great!! Good going!!