What do you eat when you have calories left over?



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Depends on my mood. I dont make up rules on how I have to eat, I try to keep my calories and macros in check and just go with the flow.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    A few nights ago I had a banana dipped in 1Tbsp of Hershey's syrup. The serving size for the syrup is 2Tbsp, but 1 was more than enough. It took care of my sweet tooth and was filling too.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Depends...sometimes I'm just not hungry,so I don't have anything. Sometimes a chocolate Greek yogurt, or a Skinny Cow bar,or even s smart bagel with a little schmeer. Nice to have the options!
  • Depends, If I'm not hungry then I won't have anything, but if i'm little hungry i'll usually just have an orange or another kind of fruit :)
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
  • 2Phat1
    2Phat1 Posts: 74 Member
    I generally won't feel hungry even if I have calories left over so i treat myself to a glass of wine or a whiskey at the end of the evening.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I don't eat them. Usually because I'm not really hungry, and I always like staying under my calorie intake. Instead of indulging because they're there, I save my weight by not eating them. But if I do eat something, it's a brownie or a box of Nerds.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    A dark micro-brew if there is enough calories to pay for it.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I am at 1200 cals, so I eat good portion of my exercise calories back. It really depends on what I choose and what I had that day. Sometimes it's sweets, sometimes fruit, sometime it's leftover meat from dinner lol. If you've earned them enjoy them!
  • I dont eat if I have calories left over.
  • If I'm far away - Like today I had 600 to go so I had a turkey brat, a protein bar - got me to a 300 calorie deficit. I'm just not hungry enough to finish it.

    Otherwise I treat my calorie bank account like a weekly requirement - Sometimes I go over (the weekend) other days I'm under. So long as I average at my goal I consider myself doing OK. It's not like you'll drop dead if you don't hit that magic number.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    Never eat less than 1200 calories. On days I have extra calories that is when I will let myself have a "treat" chocolate, chips, whatever I use to eat on a regular basis but does not fit into my diet at this time. Or because I log what I am going to eat before I actually eat them I find I can have instead of 1/2 cup mashed potato I can have a whole cup.... I log before I eat!
  • I was not eating anywhere close to my calories recommended, and stopped losing as quick as I was, so I have been trying to get closer to my calories, as was recommended by a couple people, so I ended up buying some skinny cow ice cream. I also have some nuts and they help out if I need the extra calories, as well. Milk is another good way to get some extra calories.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Peanut butter. 2 TBSP every day for me!
  • I save mine up for an evening glass of wine
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Since beginning MFP 26 days ago, I have found that my cravings have become almost non-existent. I am pleased with this and also greatful, but it does leave me sometimes at a loss on how to fill in my calorie counts. I firmly believe that 1200 is a good working number for me, as I have not yet started any major exercise. I also have not recorded exercise that I "squeeze in" at my job. I will admit that I do take the stairs much more often than before and get a nice light workout each day, but it is not an over abundant amount, so I just disregard at this point. When I really start exercising, I will begin counting and finding ways to eat back some of those calories in a healthy manner.

    As far as filling in my calorie count at days end, I usually just try to find a healthy snack to complete my count. I am tempted to just not eat the full amount, but I know that would be unhealthy, so I just make good choices. Sometimes to get my count, I have to splurge just a little on fats or proteins, but so far these have been minimal. I think I am doing pretty good.

    I bite my tongue sometimes when I read a diary and see cookies, candy, and icecream on a daily basis when there are so many good and non sweet foods out there that these calories could be spent on. Why would you deprive yourself of something healthy and filling for a sweet, when you can find healthy sweets that won't bog you down and leave you craving more sweets?

    Just my opinion...that said, I know we are here to encourage one another and try to help others as they help keep us on track, too! I appreciate all your comments and wonderfully helpful thoughts and ideas and hope that you can find the gold in this feedback! Just do your best everyday and remember if you are going to rid yourself of the cravings (and pounds), you are going to have cut some of that junk out "cold turkey" until it becomes "an undesirable" in your body~then moderately add them back if you still want them, but moderately does not mean 1 a day, it may be more like 1 a week or 1 a month...I successfully fought off an ice cream and soda addiction and you can, too!!

    Let's banish this fat, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!
  • I just had that problem tonight so I ate some malto meal, 170 calories per serving and 0g of fat.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I like to eat something dessert-y... like strawberries and nutella. Or a cookie. Sometimes I just pull some random things to eat though... like a banana and a granola bar, or string cheese and crackers, or something like that.
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    i know we should eat them but if i am feeling good and not going hungry i sometimes just don't use them

    Me too.
  • If I'm not hungry I don't eat !