Stretch Marks & Pouch Before & Afters



  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    after my 3rd baby my belly was not the same :(

    [img]<ahref="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>[/img]

    after a few months working out

    I am optimistic though, i do not see any "loose skin" but i do have stretchmarks, they are getting less noticeable though
    you look great
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm interested to see some before and afters too. After having two very large children through sections, at only 5'2, plus being obese, Im accepting that there will always be loose skin there...just curious to see what it may look like I guess.

    I get what you are saying Dexy about whats the point in losing weight if you still don't like your body, but I guess thats just part of the changes you have from having kids. The kids are worth the loose skin, its just getting your head around the fact that it may be there no matter what you do, unless you have surgery to get rid of it.
  • kbogati
    kbogati Posts: 39 Member
    i was using the st ives and that seemed to be helping but they dont sell it anymore. picked up a bottle of nivea a few days ago
  • mrsweigl
    mrsweigl Posts: 198 Member
    You look awesome mrsweigl!
    :flowerforyou: thank you
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Stretch marks, use Bio Oil, sold at Drug stores. Expensive, but worth it. Wont take hem away, but will help in their appearance,
  • agranados87
    agranados87 Posts: 23 Member
    Stretch marks don't go away, no matter what magic lotion or cream you use- it's not worth the money.Before I got prego I was in amazing shape, unfortunately I let myself go while I was pregnant and gained almost 60 lbs. So far I have lost 50 of it 5 months, it has been hard and my body doesn't look the same even though I am nearing my pre-preg weight. I am coming to terms with the fact that I will always have my baby pooch no matter how many ab work outs I do and that is just the way it is. I love my baby and if I have to have a pooch to have her, then so be it :flowerforyou:
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    I don't have any stretch marks but I do have the flabby lower belly, I have NOT had kids though!
    I hate it, It is getting smaller but it used to touch the top of my thighs on occasion! YUK!:sick:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I had my son when I was 14 (yeah yeah yeah i heard it all already) and lucky me I didn't get any stretch marks. Well except my boobs since they grew 2 cups, but hey it was gonna happen anyway.

    I have a pouch but I'm not sure how much of it is actual skin vs just fat. I'm trying to tone and build muscle right now so we'll see how that changes in the months to come. My mother suggested getting a tummy tuck but told me not to try it until I'm done having kids. So maybe after 1 more I'll get one for sure because I refuse to have a big family. It has nothing to do with "giving up my kids for a flat stomach"

    EDIT: Also I think it's funny that the ad to the right was for TriLASTIN-SR Intensive Stretch Mark Complex
  • luvlyjanny
    luvlyjanny Posts: 85 Member
    I have a bit of a belly pouch left and I've come to realize? It isn't fat, it is skin. Skin that stretched both with two pregnancies and weight gain. Unfortunately, it won't go away with diet or exercise. I didn't lose my weight quickly and I did it the right way. Sometimes the skin has just been stretched beyond its limits to return to its normal state.

    I accept that this is who I am. I have two kids and I won't ever have a flat belly again nor will I ever wear a bikini again. I'm okay with it.

    Perhaps some day - I will have a tummy tuck, but right now I'm too cheap to have cosmetic surgery just to have it.

    As for the stretch marks, they've all faded to my normal skin tone and can barely be seen anymore. :)
    lol nothing to do with the post but i am wearing the exact same t'shirt you've got on this very minute :D
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I had my son when I was 14 (yeah yeah yeah i heard it all already) and lucky me I didn't get any stretch marks. Well except my boobs since they grew 2 cups, but hey it was gonna happen anyway.

    I have a pouch but I'm not sure how much of it is actual skin vs just fat. I'm trying to tone and build muscle right now so we'll see how that changes in the months to come. My mother suggested getting a tummy tuck but told me not to try it until I'm done having kids. So maybe after 1 more I'll get one for sure because I refuse to have a big family. It has nothing to do with "giving up my kids for a flat stomach"

    EDIT: Also I think it's funny that the ad to the right was for TriLASTIN-SR Intensive Stretch Mark Complex

    I had my first at 14, too! lol
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I had my son when I was 14 (yeah yeah yeah i heard it all already) and lucky me I didn't get any stretch marks. Well except my boobs since they grew 2 cups, but hey it was gonna happen anyway.

    I have a pouch but I'm not sure how much of it is actual skin vs just fat. I'm trying to tone and build muscle right now so we'll see how that changes in the months to come. My mother suggested getting a tummy tuck but told me not to try it until I'm done having kids. So maybe after 1 more I'll get one for sure because I refuse to have a big family. It has nothing to do with "giving up my kids for a flat stomach"

    EDIT: Also I think it's funny that the ad to the right was for TriLASTIN-SR Intensive Stretch Mark Complex

    I had my first at 14, too! lol

    Okay now I don't feel so bad lol
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    Argh! It's exactly this that makes me want to just be fat forever, what's the point in being healthy if I still HATE my body?

    I used to think the same way and get all depressed over the situation. At the end of the day, being healthy, active, and most importantly HAPPY weighs above aesthetics. And realistically you're most likely going to look better at a healthy weight with a pooch than you would overweight btw :flowerforyou: .
  • CailleachBeara
    CailleachBeara Posts: 86 Member
    I have a pouch due to a botched appendix removal when I was 13. I also have a terrible scar and a lot of nerve and muscle damage which means I have constant lower back problems and can't do most ab exercises as the signal from my brain simply doesn't get to my abs due to the nerve damage.

    So I took up belly dancing and got some movement back in that area after a LOT of hard work but I will never have a flat stomach and my Dr told me that surgery won't even fix it so I have to learn to live with it. Sometimes you just have to accept that your body looks a certain way and just accept it. One thing about having a problem tummy is that you become an expert in dressing to minimize that area!

    I have stretch marks from losing and gaining weight over the years (I don't have kids, can't have any due to the botched op) and expensive creams just don't work and I've tried plenty of them but one thing that I've found to improve my skin tone is dry brushing which I do daily before showering, it's smoothed out the skin texture and reduced my cellulite a bit too. Get into the habit daily and you'll notice a difference after a few weeks :)
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    I have a bit of a belly pouch left and I've come to realize? It isn't fat, it is skin. Skin that stretched both with two pregnancies and weight gain. Unfortunately, it won't go away with diet or exercise. I didn't lose my weight quickly and I did it the right way. Sometimes the skin has just been stretched beyond its limits to return to its normal state.

    I accept that this is who I am. I have two kids and I won't ever have a flat belly again nor will I ever wear a bikini again. I'm okay with it.

    Perhaps some day - I will have a tummy tuck, but right now I'm too cheap to have cosmetic surgery just to have it.

    I think in the back of my head I knew this, just didn't want to believe it! Argh! It's exactly this that makes me want to just be fat forever, what's the point in being healthy if I still HATE my body?

    the point to the exercise and feeding your body with the right fuels is to actually learn to love your body or come to terms with it. no surgery in the world can do this. there is no 'perfect' body, thats why magazines still air brush and movies are editied. the type of perfection you're looking for is found on a software disc somewhere in cyber space called photoshop. i'm so fed up of all mums going on about body image, what are you passing on to your kids? you were giving an amazing gift, a child and you came out of child birth with no permanent complications and you moan about something as little as saggy tummy skin and wearing a bikini. There are worse things in the world than not looking perfect on the beach.
    This is what the media do, they make you feel so inadequate as a human being and some of it is your fault because you let them. i had a big baby and i have excess lose skin, i was over 14 stone after i had him and made the decision to become healthy, fit and strong for my family. like you i expected to get my body back to what it was pre pregnancy and why wont i? hiedi klum did it, kate moss did it even jlo did it. so of course i would. big mistake, i'm an average woman, my wages do not depend on how i look, and so i cant justify spending thousands on my body. you shouldnt. its just so ugly to be that vain. focus on the good things in life, the great things in life. you're alive, you helped mother nature in the life cycle and now your a mum. be healthy and fit for the sake of it. and love your body with the saggy skin and all.
    vanity is just that!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I have a bit of a belly pouch left and I've come to realize? It isn't fat, it is skin. Skin that stretched both with two pregnancies and weight gain. Unfortunately, it won't go away with diet or exercise. I didn't lose my weight quickly and I did it the right way. Sometimes the skin has just been stretched beyond its limits to return to its normal state.

    I accept that this is who I am. I have two kids and I won't ever have a flat belly again nor will I ever wear a bikini again. I'm okay with it.

    Perhaps some day - I will have a tummy tuck, but right now I'm too cheap to have cosmetic surgery just to have it.

    As for the stretch marks, they've all faded to my normal skin tone and can barely be seen anymore. :)

    what a lovely post, showed my wife, she says 'Thankyou' :smile:
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I have a bit of a belly pouch left and I've come to realize? It isn't fat, it is skin. Skin that stretched both with two pregnancies and weight gain. Unfortunately, it won't go away with diet or exercise. I didn't lose my weight quickly and I did it the right way. Sometimes the skin has just been stretched beyond its limits to return to its normal state.

    I accept that this is who I am. I have two kids and I won't ever have a flat belly again nor will I ever wear a bikini again. I'm okay with it.

    Perhaps some day - I will have a tummy tuck, but right now I'm too cheap to have cosmetic surgery just to have it.

    I think in the back of my head I knew this, just didn't want to believe it! Argh! It's exactly this that makes me want to just be fat forever, what's the point in being healthy if I still HATE my body?

    ^^this is exactly my thinking some days!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have a bit of a belly pouch left and I've come to realize? It isn't fat, it is skin. Skin that stretched both with two pregnancies and weight gain. Unfortunately, it won't go away with diet or exercise. I didn't lose my weight quickly and I did it the right way. Sometimes the skin has just been stretched beyond its limits to return to its normal state.

    I accept that this is who I am. I have two kids and I won't ever have a flat belly again nor will I ever wear a bikini again. I'm okay with it.

    Perhaps some day - I will have a tummy tuck, but right now I'm too cheap to have cosmetic surgery just to have it.

    As for the stretch marks, they've all faded to my normal skin tone and can barely be seen anymore. :)

    what a lovely post, showed my wife, she says 'Thankyou' :smile:

    Aw. Thanks.

    Learning to love yourself isn't an easy or quick journey. But, when you finally get there - it is an amazing feeling! I felt like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders when I finally came to terms with who I used to be vs who I am now. I felt like I could stop chasing that unattainable dream. I'm 36. I've had two kids. I've had an extra 60+ pounds on my frame. It is impossible for me to look the way I did when I was 19. Impossible. And really? At 36, do I want to weigh 100lbs and be that thin? NOOO.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It takes two years post weightloss to have a clear idea of what your skin will look like longer term. So don't be too put off by immediate post-weightloss horror stories about loose skin.

    You're young, and you definitely have that in your favour.

    Where I've lost weight, there's definitely a little sagginess, but I'm not sure I'd describe it as 'loose' in the 'hanging off my body' sense. It's just a little... saggy. It will, I feel sure, taughten up with time.

    try not to worry too much about what might happen, for now. Focus on the things you have control over.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member

    I've had 2 C-sections, and have tried some not-so-healthy means of losing weight, so I had TONS of loose skin, plus my remaining pooch. I can tell you that my loose skin (not to be gross, but the part that hangs), has dramatically decreased in the last 3 - 4 months or so. I've done Insanity and P90X, elliptical work, etc. I can tell you that I've seen the most change once I started running. I hated running, but I started the Couch to 5K program and that has made all the difference. Of course I watch what I eat and drink loads of water, but I am here to tell you there is hope. I'm not sure if I'll ever have a completely flat belly, but I sure am on my way there. Now I've still got stretch marks so I'm not sure I'll ever be brave enough to wear a 2 piece bathing suit, but at least my tummy will be a bit flatter.

    Just keep working hard. It'll happen for you. Don't worry about that right now, worry about the next 100 feet in front of you. Think about what you're doing today, tomorrow, this week to help you reach your goals. Once you're almost at your goal weight you can re-evaluate your strategy and tweak it as you need to. Good luck!!
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