28 Ilbs or Less Club



  • nikiholm
    nikiholm Posts: 19
    I'm in. I want to lose 10lbs...but haven't found anyone else with that low of a goal before. I will weigh in on Friday morning. Before the weekend ruins me. :)
  • mrsjones
    mrsjones Posts: 9
    AJCM- If you look like skin and bones after you have lost your weight it should be easy enough to put some back on...that IS what has brought us all together!
  • Well i was refering to American sizes! Hahaha Can you Imagine... A size Zero.. OMG lol
    Nah just a UK 6 and ibe be pleased
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    I'm in. I want to lose 10lbs...but haven't found anyone else with that low of a goal before. I will weigh in on Friday morning. Before the weekend ruins me. :)

    Me neither. Why the idea for this came to me. An epiphany. Good luck for your weigh in!
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in! I have 13 lbs more to go to hit my main goal but I'd like to lose 24 eventually.

    :heart: Kels
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    So who's got the first weigh in? I'm Monday!
  • kimmerlyjo
    kimmerlyjo Posts: 134 Member
    I feel your pain audmn... (i hope i spelled it correctly). According to the new air force fitness standards i need to have something like a 26 inch waist to get max points for that. currently i think i'm a 32 1/2 so i've got a way to go... i've already lost 2 inches in the past 3 weeks so i'm excited but i can't even imagine myself that small... i just have to keep reminding myself to take baby steps. i'm one of those who wants to see change instantly... i'm so impatient!!!
  • kimmerlyjo
    kimmerlyjo Posts: 134 Member
    Great I'm glad this is proving popular. Good luck to everyone! I hope you all reach your goals!

    I only have 433 kcal left for dinner...oh dear! Looks like I'm going spinning tonight :laugh:

    i noticed you brought up kcals... that's how everything runs here in japan also... any idea what the comparison is between a kcal and calories? it would sure make the counting a whole lot easier!!!
  • nikiholm
    nikiholm Posts: 19
    I am weighing in this Friday.
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I weigh in on Tuesday's. So ..... we'll count my yesterday's weigh in as my first one. :tongue:

    04/01/08 weigh in ..... 141.5 pounds.

    OK - there's my starting point. My ultimate goal is 130 pounds sooooooo 11.5 pounds to go!!

    As a side note ..... when I started MFP in February I was at 146 pounds so I've lost 4.5 pounds officially.

    Here we go!!!! Keep me motivated!!!!!

    How 'bout a Club Motto ...... any ideas?? :smile:
  • Aoife101
    Aoife101 Posts: 7
    Im in.. looking to loose about 14ibs... weigh in next monday! At the mo im 135ibs aiming fro 120ibs!
  • thegirlwholived
    thegirlwholived Posts: 27 Member
    I'm so glad I decided to try this community. A few months ago I tried getting some friends to join me online with the Live Healthy America Challenge. We had to pay to join it and still no one participated it really bummed me out. I'm at the minimum weight loss amount for the weight loss group at my gym so I know I'm bound to get some looks when I start, but 20lbs to me is a big deal especially since I gained it in just 2yrs! I totally understand when ya'll say that people tell you that you're not overweight, but they have no idea what you look like under your clothes! I look like I did when I was 6mo pregnant and it makes me feel horrible.
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    Yay look at our little clan. I'm looking forward to my weigh in I think this is going to be a good week! Welcome girlwholived! :happy:
  • I really don't! :sad:
    Im sooo drained today. Trying to keep in my calories but feeling run down, with a sore throat, mouth ulcers, headache and belly ache tody, all arent helping me. Had very little sleep last night (were talking 45 minutes) so im wiped out completly today! But i am going to gym it tnight, and work as hard as i can possibly manage!

    Maybe i just wont weigh in or measure again now will the 14th! Give myself a little longer to loose this first 1lb.

    Here i come, May 7th

  • I really don't! :sad:
    Im sooo drained today. Trying to keep in my calories but feeling run down, with a sore throat, mouth ulcers, headache and belly ache tody, all arent helping me. Had very little sleep last night (were talking 45 minutes) so im wiped out completly today! But i am going to gym it tnight, and work as hard as i can possibly manage!

    Maybe i just wont weigh in or measure again now will the 14th! Give myself a little longer to loose this first 1lb.

    Here i come, May 7th

  • I really don't! :sad:
    Im sooo drained today. Trying to keep in my calories but feeling run down, with a sore throat, mouth ulcers, headache and belly ache tody, all arent helping me. Had very little sleep last night (were talking 45 minutes) so im wiped out completly today! But i am going to gym it tnight, and work as hard as i can possibly manage!

    Maybe i just wont weigh in or measure again now will the 14th! Give myself a little longer to loose this first 1lb.

    Here i come, May 7th

  • I really don't! :sad:
    Im sooo drained today. Trying to keep in my calories but feeling run down, with a sore throat, mouth ulcers, headache and belly ache tody, all arent helping me. Had very little sleep last night (were talking 45 minutes) so im wiped out completly today! But i am going to gym it tnight, and work as hard as i can possibly manage!

    Maybe i just wont weigh in or measure again now will the 14th! Give myself a little longer to loose this first 1lb.

    Here i come, May 7th

  • I really don't! :sad:
    Im sooo drained today. Trying to keep in my calories but feeling run down, with a sore throat, mouth ulcers, headache and belly ache tody, all arent helping me. Had very little sleep last night (were talking 45 minutes) so im wiped out completly today! But i am going to gym it tnight, and work as hard as i can possibly manage!

    Maybe i just wont weigh in or measure again now will the 14th! Give myself a little longer to loose this first 1lb.

    Here i come, May 7th

  • kimmerlyjo
    kimmerlyjo Posts: 134 Member
    Okay so I saw this on another page somewhere and I really liked it as far as mottos go....

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels... :wink:

    it's so true! I know any time I break down and eat something I know I shouldn't have I kick myself in the butt and say that so wasn't worth the weight I possibly gained back!
  • I would like to join too. I have 17 lbs. to go. I am so sick of people around me saying "oh you dont have any weight to lose, you're thin enough" Thin enough for what???? I need to be comfortable with me and right now I'm not. Besides like someone else mentioned, clothes hide ALOT! I want to be able to go to the beach and not constantly worry about if the way I am standing/sitting is making my rolls visible. You know what I mean? Its like I'm constantly posing in whatever way makes me look skinniest. I dont want to live my life like that, I want to be free and comfortable in my own skin:smile:
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