I know I'm a nerd, because...



  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Because... I learned to program in BASIC on a TI-99/4a. Anyone else have one of these?

    Learned my BASIC (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) on a Commodore 64.

    And no, I didn't have to look up the meaning of the word BASIC....

    I learned BASIC and LOGO on an Apple IIe and still have my TRaSh-80 with the cassette player.
    T o me floppy discs will always be Verbatim 5 1/4" double density.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I circle typos in books and, when someone was recently asked to describe me, they used the word "bibliophage"
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I went to the movies to see Lords of Rings, Return of the kings ....... By myself.

    This makes you epic.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I sleep with a "blankey", i play online fantasy games, i like anime, i like to smell paper.

    Holy crap, I thought I was the only one who liked to smell paper!
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I sleep with a "blankey", i play online fantasy games, i like anime, i like to smell paper.

    Holy crap, I thought I was the only one who liked to smell paper!

    In high school my friends and I would smell our books before we would read them. We were convinced we could tell how good a book was going to be by the way it smelled.
  • Because when I run I think of it as training to become the next companion to a certain Doctor with a certain blue box.... :happy:

    LOL, Love it...In certian hallways, even in wallmart! I find myself running with a small blonde of mine!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Because... I learned to program in BASIC on a TI-99/4a. Anyone else have one of these?

    Learned my BASIC (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) on a Commodore 64.

    And no, I didn't have to look up the meaning of the word BASIC....

    I learned BASIC and LOGO on an Apple IIe and still have my TRaSh-80 with the cassette player.
    T o me floppy discs will always be Verbatim 5 1/4" double density.

    Yea, I learned BASIC on my TRS-80 as well... I also modded an 8 track player to work in it instead of a cassette player... later I got a floppy drive and an expansion box that let me have 4 or 5 slots instead of just the one in the side... plus more memory.

    I also learned Apple BASIC around then since the school had Apples and I got to play on them a bit.
  • This is how i'm a nerd! Type in the graphing calucator... y^2+(y- cubedroot x^2)^2=1
    ( I have to give props to Thinkgreek, but i love it)..... Doctor Who, Cons , Anime, and books...My favorite series is Repairman JAck, by F Paul Wilson!
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    1) My friends hate watching movies with me b/c I can rip any of the hollywood movie "science" to shreds.

    2) I play with bacteria on the weekends.
  • I play World of Warcaft too much, Well only about 3-5 hrs a day, and I HATE TUESDAY from 5:00am to 11:00am pst
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I play World of Warcaft too much, Well only about 3-5 hrs a day, and I HATE TUESDAY from 5:00am to 11:00am pst

    I've decided that Tuesdays are laundry day for this very reason. Not to mention that my husband crafted some glyphs last nights put them up to auction, then he remembered that no one can get on this morning. We'll see if any of his stuff sells. Yep, Tuesday mornings are a drag.
  • I sleep with a "blankey", i play online fantasy games, i like anime, i like to smell paper.

    Holy crap, I thought I was the only one who liked to smell paper!
    Seriously? The only reason i dont have a nook and a million dollars in fines, Is because the smell of a good old book!
  • If you havent got your health....
  • Also I can quote every disney movie, Harry potter, 80s movies anime and randoms bits here and there!.... That and i suck at comebacks unless i dont
  • The License plate on my motorcycle is DTHEATR :)
  • Starslight9
    Starslight9 Posts: 4 Member
    I love RPGs and MMOs, I go to anime conventions and Renaissance Fest dressed up. I love Big Bang Theory and Once Upon a Time, I read a loott of books, and I love cookbooks and Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. Also, once I get to my weight goal, I am getting a Zelda tattoo. =D
  • t3hsandy
    t3hsandy Posts: 54 Member
    I forgot the biggest nerdy quality of me:

    I've been apart of an anime forum since 2004. In 2007, I was made moderator. In 2009, I was bumped up to head moderator. Later that year, I was made Community administrator. 2010, I was given another admin title: deputy administrator. I manage a group of ~80 people (assistants; regular members who help the moderators). I have to do bi-monthly reports for them. Then I run an additional group of about 15 moderators and head moderators. I do bi-yearly reports for them. All while making the graphics, running the radio section, managing the shop, dealing with ALL forum complaints (only community admin gets those), fill in for whenever another admin is away (2 always are), manage the "currency" on the forum anddddddddd deal with other requests. Oh.... And run events. It's one of the top 5 anime forums in the world, mainly run in England. Has 4 conventions every year - along with multiple meets around the England area.

    I don't get paid. But it's hella fun. I have NOTEBOOKS dedicated to my reports, plus all other information I keep track of. The bi-yearly reports take me 8 hours. The bi-monthly ones take 1 week.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I forgot the biggest nerdy quality of me:

    I've been apart of an anime forum since 2004. In 2007, I was made moderator. In 2009, I was bumped up to head moderator. Later that year, I was made Community administrator. 2010, I was given another admin title: deputy administrator. I manage a group of ~80 people (assistants; regular members who help the moderators). I have to do bi-monthly reports for them. Then I run an additional group of about 15 moderators and head moderators. I do bi-yearly reports for them. All while making the graphics, running the radio section, managing the shop, dealing with ALL forum complaints (only community admin gets those), fill in for whenever another admin is away (2 always are), manage the "currency" on the forum anddddddddd deal with other requests. Oh.... And run events. It's one of the top 5 anime forums in the world, mainly run in England. Has 4 conventions every year - along with multiple meets around the England area.

    I don't get paid. But it's hella fun. I have NOTEBOOKS dedicated to my reports, plus all other information I keep track of. The bi-yearly reports take me 8 hours. The bi-monthly ones take 1 week.

    you're getting hosed.
    either get paid, or do the same thing for a real job.. :p
  • Lilith8984
    Lilith8984 Posts: 69 Member
    I play World of Warcaft too much, Well only about 3-5 hrs a day, and I HATE TUESDAY from 5:00am to 11:00am pst

    I've decided that Tuesdays are laundry day for this very reason. Not to mention that my husband crafted some glyphs last nights put them up to auction, then he remembered that no one can get on this morning. We'll see if any of his stuff sells. Yep, Tuesday mornings are a drag.

    Tuesday is my normal day off...I've considered having it changed due to maintenance...But, it is the only day I get anything done around the house!
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    I play Magic The Gathering wth my hubby and I'm pretty damn good at it lol