Piercings & Gauges... Like them, hate them, or have them?



  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    id love to get my belly button pierced again (had it done when I was 19 but had to take it out)...but I'm afraid Im getting to old for something like that. lol is there an age limit for things like this???
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I had my Monroe pierced, but it had something heavy fall on it and I got scared so took it out!

    I fancy getting my tragus done, just a nice little jewel
  • emc1976
    Piercings....Like, Gauges....Not my thing they look like they would hurt. I know people who have them and I have no problem with them.:smile:
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Well, you can probably tell by my picture that I have the industrial. Got it last July and I absolutely love it! My only other piercings are in my lobes.

    I don't mind other piercings. I don't understand some of them, but to each their own! Not a big fan of gauges. The smaller ones look okay, but the large ones...no thanks. I can't help but wonder what that would look like when the person gets older and decides to take them out.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Wanted to get my eyebrow pierced to go with the multiple ear piercings but then I had to get a job. Reality stinks!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't have anything pierced, except my ears, but that's just because I'm not a big piercing kind of person. I've considered getting my belly button done, but I'm more keen on getting a tattoo before that point, haha. I actually don't mind them at all on other people, I just don't see them easily on myself. ;)
  • ohsweetcalamity
    ohsweetcalamity Posts: 78 Member
    LOVE 'EM. I work in a piercing shop, I have 15 piercings right now, 5/8 plugs. Teeeeechnically they're all called plugs/eyelets/stretched ears etc. Gauge just means measurement, so all jewelry, even the kids earrings at Claire's or your grandma's heirloom diamond studs are gauged, they're just a small gauge. Just a technicality.
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    I have ears pierced and I had my nose pierced for almost 2 years...

    about a month ago I lost my nose piercing...I wonder if the little hole already close... Anyone know if I can still put a stud on my nose after so much time?
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I meet a lot of different folks and have attended clothing optional events lol, and since you've asked my opinion here's my truth on it:

    It all depends.. like where is the piercing and whether it suits the person or not. I have a friend with a piercing at the side of her nose and it looks absolutely beautiful on her but some people it just doesn't look so awesomely good. I think skin texture goes into it, as well as your features in general. You have to be able to pull it off whatever it is, tattoo piercing or anything.

    I do not like lip or eyebrow piercings as a rule though, I don't think they really look good on much of anyone. Unless you look like a punkrocker for real and then it's kind of cool. Tongue piercings are just weird, I get the mystique a little in a way, but not really.. mostly they just gross me out. Same with nipple piercings, just ow.. that's all I have to say.. for me anyway, just looks painful like looking at someone's appendix scar. I've seen some guys that were pierced down there, and have to say my first reaction tends to be "oh dear god no, looks pretty but I would never want that junk coming near anything of mine" lmao.

    Especially I don't like when someone with a lip or tongue piercing fidgets with it, with their tongue. I mean really, that's just gross and not fun to watch lol. And if your tongue piercing keeps you from being able to speak without a lisp and improper diction, you just seem like a zero, sorry.

    Otherwise if you have something and wear it well and it really compliments you.. it can definitely add to your look.

    Me, I only have double ear piercing, in the normal lower ear region.. but I enjoy wearing all sorts of earrings and some I can wear in my top piercing can give the illusion that I have cartilage piercings higher or all the way around the top of my ear. It can be fun to do that on one ear sometimes for effect. Lately I love really small huggy cartilage hoops for both my ears in all 4 spots.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    have piercing (4) no tats tho..
  • dollymixsix
    Stretched ears freak me out. And they smell when the plug isn't in! My friend has huge ones and whenever she leaves them out she has the unfortunate nickname of onion rings.

    I do like piercings, had 14 at one point but now I'm down to 8.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I've got tragus, cartilidge, had my nose done twice just have one now and had my lip done twice and took it out...I dunno I loved them when I was a teenager and thought they were so sexy on men....and now I still find them sexy on men but for some reason it really takes away from the prettiness of a girl when u get older...I dunno its confusing lol
  • freaksfitness
    I have a Prince Albert.

    Just kidding.
  • allison_42
    I have my ears pierced and used to have my nose and belly button pierced. Hopefully if I lose more weight and get more toned in the tummy area I'll get my belly button pierced again.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I find them very interesting. As a nudist I have seen my share of piercings! www.aanr.com
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I do like piercings to look at, but don't have many myself (low pain threshold and not 100% it's for me to have loads)

    I have ear lobes, left top part of my ear, and belly. I like the stretched ears to some extent - I don't like massive holes, or the way they look when they're empty, but the not so extreme ones can look good on certain people :D
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    My ears, tongue, and nipples are pierced. The ears have a 0 gauge and 2 8 gauges in each, the tongue is a 4 gauge, the nipples are just 14's.
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    Don't mind seeing gauges, but they're not for me... but I have 10 piercings (ears, eyebrow, tongue) and I've signed for my kids to get pierced (just ears, for now... they're 8 and 10... but later on piercings will be an option for rewarding good grades/behavior)
  • KaseyLynn410
    loe gauges and piercings im at 7/16ths in both ears
    and when ever i wear metal it always get gross so quick i just use the soft platic ones that go in easy they fall out alot but i like thoose glass and woods ones best
    beside that i only have one other piercing currently i use to have both sides of my lip pierced and nose twice my problem is the healing it takes months for my piercings to heal but IF i get through it, its fine after but it took me along time to have any of my piercing actuly heal
  • youngtweezy
    I have a lip ring, but once I get into awesome shape I want to get my hips pierced. I can't remember what that's called.