5'4. Girls what are your weight goals



  • llarsen29
    llarsen29 Posts: 19 Member
    My goal is 140-145. My lowest was 145 when I was running cross country in high school, and I felt good at that weight ...I can't really imagine getting below that.
  • Currently at 169 and would like to get down to 135 or 140. Have been working on this for several years. Started at 196 at Weight Watchers and got down to 162 and had some problems with cancer and quit. I got back up to 179 and decided to try My Fitness Pal. Was down to 162 before the Christmas holidays, but picked up 8 pounds which I am currently trying to get rid of and then work my way down from there. So long losing and so quick to put the pounds back on.
  • i am 137 lb. and wear size 10. where do you shop.

    amen sister! I am 133 and still wear some 10's, some 8's but a 2/4?? umm no
  • I'm at 145 right now, aiming for 120. So stoked!
  • I would love to be 120.
  • Maxingtonbear
    Maxingtonbear Posts: 47 Member
    I would like to get down to, at least, 130. In my wildest dreams? 120.
  • looking at everyones answers makes me feel like my goal may change but Ive been overweight my entire 21 years! well as far as I can remember and as long as it actually mattered to me the lowest weight compared to where I am now that I can actually remember was 208 so my thoughts were to be at 170-175 I dont really say thats a goal because i want to lose until I like the way I look
  • penney88
    penney88 Posts: 32 Member
    Im currently at 147- heaviest I have ever been is 150 (a week and a little ago) but im trying to get to my post-pregnancy weight of 125
  • sosdenton
    sosdenton Posts: 15 Member
    I am at 170. my goal is 140 but my dream goal is 125:)
  • Goal weight is 115-120
    Currently 132
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    I WILL get to 190! Im realistic and know I'll be banging lol! Lets get it #teamsmalls
  • sm0113
    sm0113 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 168 now, I was 155 in august (sucks, i know..). I'd love to be 125-130.
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    I am 163, wanting to get to 133!
  • Coco_puff901
    Coco_puff901 Posts: 54 Member
    154 right now.... The scale is only a number, how do you feel, and do you fit into the pants you want to ? (or one day you will)
    My goal would be 130 ...... :) Good luck !
  • krishino
    krishino Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'4.5"
    HW: 165
    LW: ? 139?
    CW: ???
    GW: I don't have one.

    I'm unsure of my lowest weight, b/c I may or may not be there now. I've always consistently been around 145-155 since I'm a every active, high performance athlete. I play and coach volleyball, so most of my weight comes in muscle.
    I dont own a scale, nor do I ever want to... however, this Christmas I visited back home and my parents have one. Decided I'd hop on, just once during my stay, and I was 139. I've increased my lifting a bit since then, so I anticipate I may have gained since then. So far, that has been the lowest I remember being as an adult.

    My Goal is to look in the mirror everyday and be proud of my work. No regrets. And to love myself the best way I can that day.
  • Me too!!!
  • Same here!! My weight is from Baby (hes 2... thats cheating saying that.... but really I was 120 before that!!)
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I'm an inch short and trying to get to 140lbs. Currently 153lbs.
  • I'm 161 (2 weeks ago, haven't weighed yet) wanting to get to 140lbs :-) x

    We're twins! haha

    I'm at 162, my goal is 140 also :)
  • Currently 202 and hoping to reach 180. Then once I get to 180 hoping to get to 160. lol baby steps :tongue: