5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • My name is Kristi. My goal is to be healthy for my kids.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sunnysloth
    sunnysloth Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'4'' and my goal is 145
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal is to be 135 lbs by my 56th birthday in a couple months. Already down 18 from the beginning of January! Just joined tonight and becoming addicted to this site already. lol
  • @ceg2003

    Yeah, muscle is heavier than fat. Nice abs btw!!
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I'm 5'5''my goal weight for December is 150 but ultimately my goal is to stay between 130 and 140 lbs. I carry most of my weight in my stomach, chest and back, with thinner arms and legs. I look really good at 175 but it's a weight that easily turns back into the 190's for me, where I currently am so I'd like to get well below that.
  • I'm 5'3" I was 182 but now I'm 174 my goal is 135
  • I'm 5'4", I used to be 147 but now am 126. I'm hoping to be 115 by summer.
    My weight isn't that much but most of it is fat rather than muscle.
  • I'm 5'3 and have started my weight loss journey at 140. My goal is to be 125. I hope I can reach that goal.
  • LaceyVskmp1980
    LaceyVskmp1980 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'3" and am aiming for 155. I am currently 214, and I have been 155 before, and enjoyed the confidence and freedom that I felt then. Once I get there, or get close, I might try for 130. I don't want to do it too quickly, because I don't want to hear that I look unhealthy from family and friends and loose the encouragement. Best wishes for you on your journey.
  • 5'3'' and 126 lbs. :smile:
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    I'm 5'5.5 ( I want credit for that 1/2 inch :wink: ) I have a pretty large frame, really muscular. Extremely top heavy so I would be happy at 160. However, I am aiming for 152.

    Right now I am waaaaaaaay over 200 lbs, so I will just be happy to get to one-derland.
  • farfar06
    farfar06 Posts: 1 Member
    5'5" and 158 currently... I'd like to be back down to 120, which is what I weighed when I started college, but really, I just want to be healthy and fit into my old jeans so I don't have to buy more!
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my normal weight is supposed to be about 120-145 (or close to). I'm struggling a little to lose the weight so I'm keeping my goal at 140-145lbs. If I get there and think it's realistic I'll try to lose a little bit more.
  • Susete
    Susete Posts: 4 Member
    I am rather short, only 5 feet and age 44 i have to kids. My goal is not to be a size 1 and 99lbs. I just want to be health. I have a heart condition and was told if I didnt lose weight I would need a defib placed bc my condition was getting worse. I fought everything not to believe the drs. But I am not motivated to lose 30-35 lbs and get to my pre baby weight. Its where I feel best I WANT to be around for my kids!
  • I am 5ft 3 and I would like to be 135 I currently weigh 180
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    5'3" started about 132-134
    at 125 currently
    Ideally 110-115
    would be happy at 115-120
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'3", I started out at 197 and I'm at 180 now. I would like to be about 145. I was at 145 about 8 years ago and really liked it there, however, others (co-workers/family/friends) said I looked too thin.. I'm really not sure why, I fit into a size 8. I don't know if maybe they were just used to seeing me heavy all my life or what! But that weight would probably be my goal at this point. Some even said I looked frail..lol.. but yeah, I think that's pushing it a bit!
  • 5' 4.25" (yes, I want that quarter inch!) Currently a healthy 120 (smalllll frame) but my goal is about 115 with more muscle than I currently have. I'm working hard building up my yoga practice, so I can teach when I graduate college next year. Needless to say, it's easier and more satisfying when you're stronger!
  • my goal weight is 135, and i weigh 165 now. 5'4. i feel like i'm never going to lose the weight
  • IMHO...make your goal in steps, if you aim to high then it's easy to lose faith, if you make the goal attainable then you realize the results of your efforts more quickly.