ulterior motives..



  • kmbhoya2000
    kmbhoya2000 Posts: 174 Member
    I definitely want to be a hot wife but I also want to be strong and healthy to be able to play with my boys and be around for them for a long time in an active way. I have autoimmune rheumatoid problems, and I am refusing to let it keep me down!
  • All the cheesy answers, like, to look good, to feel good, I'm getting married next year. The real triggers though were:

    1. Me and my fella want to be able to have sex standing up :wink:
    2. To get rid of the dreaded 'chub rub' and manage to keep a pair of trousers from wearing out between the thighs for more than a couple of months!
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I'm gonna go with the look good naked! Felice you can go with so you can sleep with any guy you want...with the lights on for motivation!
  • alexa_ann
    alexa_ann Posts: 26 Member
    I'm going to Vegas next year and want to wear teeny tiny skin tight dresses when I'm there with my friends....ahaha. Yep. Im shallow but I could care less
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    oh no, my weight loss is most definitely for me! he probably won't even enter my head when i'm skinny, but right now the satisfaction of knowing he will be kicking himself is keeping me going. i guess looking good naked is a popular one, then? haha

    For the record, i think you are gorgeous already, so your ex is just a *kitten*. On that side note, I have had 3 babies in the last 3 years from my soon-to-be ex husband, youngest being 2 months old, I am losing the weight for me, I am trying to lose the weight under a certain timeline to show him he shouldn't have fled the coop and be back to my pre-marriage size on my big D-day. Plus it keeps my mind off the divorce and focused on myself and our kids and getting back to tip-top military-style shape, because they keep bugging me to get back in, but Im not ready, still have 4 months post-partum recovery woohoo! :/
  • I just want to look good naked.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    To help the fishing boat go faster
    Hahah, now that's my kinda motive. But I just use a canoe, so for me, losing a bunch of weight will mean collecting far fewer rocks to act as a ballast when I take it out on my own. :)

    Also, I am doing it for my wife. She deserves better than what I've given her so far.
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    looking hot naked is a great motivator
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    My 10 year high school reunion happening sometime this year. It was truly coincidental, I decided I wanted to lose weight and get in shape first and then my boyfriend and I were talking (we graduated high school together) and realized we graduated 10 years ago, so the reunion must be coming up soon.

    I wasn't very popular in high school, was involved in choir and theater so I wasn't one of the "cool kids" and I got made fun of sometimmes, but oddly enough my bf was one of the popular guys (he was on the Varsity baseball team and girls used to throw themselves at him haha). We got together much later after high school, so it'd be nice to go back and throw my rockin hot body in all those mean girls' faces :)

    You go girl !!!! Show those mean girls who rocks now !!!! Love it !!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I know this is crazy, but I really did just want to get healthy.

    I didn't realize that I would get an awesome butt out of this journey, or that might have been one of my motives. As it is, it's just icing on the cake.
  • Mine is for the awkward moments when I run into the girl my husband cheated with...:mad: She always gives me b**** looks like I am the one who did something wrong...Really?!?!
  • So I can live to see my 5 yr old granddaughter get married. If God chooses to take me another way, at least I can say I went out thin. Also, I love the fact I am beginning to like how I look in clothes. When you're overweight no matter what I wore looked like crap. I have more confidence when I'm up singing at church too.
  • kmbhoya2000
    kmbhoya2000 Posts: 174 Member
    Oh, and also want to get rid of these darn love handles, other than that happy with my nakedness!! :-)
  • to look good dressed or undressed
  • I definitely want to be a hot wife but I also want to be strong and healthy to be able to play with my boys and be around for them for a long time in an active way. I have autoimmune rheumatoid problems, and I am refusing to let it keep me down!

    You go girl!
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I've never been attractive. I hope to be a butterface. I have a lovely boyfriend whom I love immensely, but I want to be hit on when I go out!
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    i want this dress.

    and i want to look amazing in it.

    <this is a replica, in red, of the dress marilyn monroe wore in niagra>

  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    It's a much cheaper way to go faster than installing a turbo charger on the Harley :)

    Every ten pounds is equivalent to 3hp... Used to race sportbikes (amateur) when I was younger and that was why the small guys always kicked my butt, well one of the reasons!
  • To help the fishing boat go faster

    This makes me very happy!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    my parents have a house boat at the delta in stockton,ca, and they have a power boat to play with. every time i get on the boat to go somewhere, i have to sit in the middle under the bow because i'm too heavy to be on one side or the other.

    i want to be able to sit in one of the regular seats.