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My BMR is 1428--- SERIOUSLY. Know yours?



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    ok now a different site said my bmr is1361? mfp says 1252? man this stuff is way too confusing... i was using this site :http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/bmi-calculator.html

    yes i hear you about fluctuations but in 2 months i have stayed the same, no lbs or inches off. I only have 1 hr a day to get in exercise from 8-9 pm and i do that entire hr... 30 min 30ds and the other on the treadmill and elliptical.... i don't know what else to do or can do? when it gets nicer out i will be going for walks and bike rides with my son but they won't be intense calorie burners, just plain old exercise.....just moving...
  • Bump <3
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    uugghhh... bump... confusion abounds....

    Outstanding issues:

    --eat no less than your BMR ever? yes or no
    --eat back your exercise calories? yes or no
    --multiply by some factor to account for exercise and NOT add back your exercise calories?
    --never go below 1200 calories?
    --and just do what works? low calorie or not?
    --if it ain't killed me, it ain't gonna kill you?

    Thank you all for this insightful discussion. I am thoroughly confused but I do feel like I have learned a lot in a short period of time. Now, to just figure out what will work for me will be the trick. Time to digest all this great input!
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
    ok now a different site said my bmr is1361? mfp says 1252? man this stuff is way too confusing... i was using this site :http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/bmi-calculator.html

    yes i hear you about fluctuations but in 2 months i have stayed the same, no lbs or inches off. I only have 1 hr a day to get in exercise from 8-9 pm and i do that entire hr... 30 min 30ds and the other on the treadmill and elliptical.... i don't know what else to do or can do? when it gets nicer out i will be going for walks and bike rides with my son but they won't be intense calorie burners, just plain old exercise.....just moving...

    Are you logging your exercise calories?
  • It all depends on "what" you are eating, not just calories. Much of your calorie intake could be "empty" calories. Are you eating "clean" and reading labels for high fructose syrup, saturated fats, and trans fats? These are all key to your BMR and diet.
  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    To Sum it up, EAT MORE

    Thank goodness, all these posts were making the room spin and had me hallucinating numbers of calories and foods, and i was so scared I almost got in my car to get a burger from micky d's just so I dont die from not enough calorie intake.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    ok now a different site said my bmr is1361? mfp says 1252? man this stuff is way too confusing... i was using this site :http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/bmi-calculator.html

    yes i hear you about fluctuations but in 2 months i have stayed the same, no lbs or inches off. I only have 1 hr a day to get in exercise from 8-9 pm and i do that entire hr... 30 min 30ds and the other on the treadmill and elliptical.... i don't know what else to do or can do? when it gets nicer out i will be going for walks and bike rides with my son but they won't be intense calorie burners, just plain old exercise.....just moving...

    yes i log everything!
    i exercise about 1 hr a day and i will burn about 300-350 calories
    i feel like this is becoming a obsession and i don't like that. i hate that i take so much time into everything, yes reading labels, logging everything, figuring out nutritional facts on every recipe i make, etc... I have tried so hard since Nov, trying to eliminate bad habits, get moving, and i think i have done very well with all that considering how i ate before and never exercised. yet i can't loos weight or inches in 2 months? i only lost 5 lbs in 2 months and then the last 2-3 keep going up and down, i can't get them to stay off...
    Are you logging your exercise calories?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    It all depends on "what" you are eating, not just calories. Much of your calorie intake could be "empty" calories. Are you eating "clean" and reading labels for high fructose syrup, saturated fats, and trans fats? These are all key to your BMR and diet.

    sorry that was supposed to be combined on the above post, not sure why it's separate?
  • geecee77
    geecee77 Posts: 149 Member
    With a BMR of 1428 and a sedentary life style you should be able to eat 1713 calories a day to maintain, which would mean netting 1213 a day to lose 1lb a week.

  • gainingalife
    gainingalife Posts: 35 Member
    mines 1499....... and while I do wish I could lie in bed all day doing absolutely nothing unfortunately its not realistic haha so its not really relevant! I can lose weight on 1600 calories a day easy peasy, bring yours up!
  • Speaking as a health professional you do not need to eat less than 1200 calories a day, bottom line, end of story.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    yes, but what should i be eating a day to still loose weight? that is my question...
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I remain a bit confused as well. My BMR is a whopping 1,857 calories. Add in a good amount of exercise and MFP pegs my daily needs in the neighborhood of 3,000 calories... *burp*

    As it is, I'm netting far less than that, usually under 1,000 calories net for the day, often less than 500. If I eat 1600 calories, and exercise off 600, which I don't see as at all extreme, I'm already below 1200 net for the day.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Can you please explain TEE for a newbie
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Should that not be 2089 - 500 = 1589 ????
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    What you NEED to know is your TDEE - then all this worrying about your BMR and your exercise calories is moot. Once you know how many calories you expend all day, you can create your deficit and lose more reliably.

    Invest in a BodyMediaFIT or a BodyBugg and then you can eliminate all this fear and guesswork.

    If you want to take the "guess work" out of figuring this all out, you have to do this! I got a BodyMedia armband in October, and it really has helped me dial in my "caloric needs"! For example... On a day that I don't exercise, and don't go to work, and don't do much around the house, in other words, a well needed lazy day... I may only burn 2050 to 2100 calories in a 24 hour period. That means in order to create a Calorie Deficit, I would only eat 1050 - 1100 calories on that day. On a day that I have a killer Zumba work-out, and go to work, and run errands and stuff, I burn 2600 - 3000+ calories. On those days, I would adjust my caloric intake accordingly and eat 1600 or more. I shoot for a 1000 calorie deficit per day in order to have a 2lb. loss per week. I no longer stress about whether or not I am eating enough, or too much!
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Okay, I am NO EXPERT, but I read these forums a lot, read lots of other fitness articles, and belong to a triathlon club with professional coaches who tell me stuff. Here's my take:

    Outstanding issues:

    --eat no less than your BMR ever? YES
    --eat back your exercise calories? DEPENDS ON WHAT WORKS FOR YOU
    --multiply by some factor to account for exercise and NOT add back your exercise calories? COULD ALSO WORK
    --never go below 1200 calories? EAT YOUR BMR
    --if it ain't killed me, it ain't gonna kill you? ILLOGICAL =)

    Thank you all for this insightful discussion. I am thoroughly confused but I do feel like I have learned a lot in a short period of time. Now, to just figure out what will work for me will be the trick. Time to digest all this great input!

    Okay, time for a true story. Hopefully this will help some with the WHY'S.
    I belong to a triathlon club where they will measure our BMR using the funny breathe-into-this-machine-for-15-minutes (it's bizaare, but it's what they use in hospitals to figure out how much to give comatose patients, so I figure it's a pretty good estimate. I've had mine tested, by the way, and it's 1800/day. Rare to be an exact number. Anyways...) A client came in wanting to improve his triathlon times and had his BMR tested to see how to properly fuel his workouts. At around 5'8", 170lbs, this man had a BMR of 1100. "?!?" you ask? He raced jetskiis professionally for a number of years and, just like a jockey, severely restricted his calories because every lb of flesh = 1mph slower on the jetski. He had been eating about 1000 cals/day for YEARS. In contrast, my trainer is also around 5'8", 170lbs, races triathlons but has been EATING to fuel his workouts. His BMR is around 2200. Yes, two men, both athletes, who are pretty much the same height/weight have over 1000 calorie difference in what their body thinks it "needs" to function. THAT is the danger of eating below your BMR for an EXTENDED period of time. Your metabolism does slow. I'm not saying if you ever net below it you will immediately throw your body into a crazy funk, but there is a real consequence to consistently following this approach. I am no nutritionist/chemist/doctor of any kind, but my general understanding from reading is that it would take several weeks/months to affect this change.

    GOOD NEWS: you can reverse it. BETTER NEWS: just try not to go there. Calcuate your BMR, and try to not eat less than that. So, for the OP, that means eat at least 1428/day. From what I understand from my trainers at the triathlon club (several of which DO have nutrition degrees), occasionally falling below in your NET calories is okay. So, if you eat 1428 and burn 300, making your net 1128, you're okay. Especially if this is not a daily thing, you won't affect your metabolism. In fact, the words straight from my coach's mouth were "To lose weight it's simple: eat your BMR and exercise."

    Anyone more educated is free to disagree/clarify. I don't have any fancy letters after my name to make me rock-solid in my stance =)
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    thankyou for this ^^^

    eating below BMR will lower your metabolism and also will mean you catabolize more lean mass.

    muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, therefore you want to lose as little of this lean mass as possible, the way to do that is to eat enough.

    never go below your BMR. ever.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    ok, so since my bmr is 1252 on mfp, i should NET 1252 daily....correct.... now how do i know is mfp bmr setting is correct or this other site i checked out ? that one said 1361 for my bmr?

    ok i started my own thread so i don't take up anymore room on this one. i apologize to the OP for kinda taking over their question.... sorry..
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member