not about weight..but about a creepy guy..advice please



  • neekz0r
    neekz0r Posts: 41 Member
    i know i shouldn't cuss him out but im just so fed up....& i deff. am going to talk to my landlord ..shes a women i hope she will understand..i just feel like maybe im over boys will be boys? because i said this to someone and they said to not be so dramatic that hes just ****ing with you... not a big deal. but im scared, i hate going outside now

    This is not "boys will be boys" and you do my gender a disservice in even suggesting it's so.

    That being said, landlord first, confrontation with pepper spray back up second.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    BEAR MACE! Not pepper spray!
  • ebaywidow
    ebaywidow Posts: 30
    I work as a legal advocate & deal with circumstances like this often, but it is lengthy...I'm going to message you to give you some help.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Do these things

    - Call landlord. Tell him what you shared with us.
    - Call the police. Tell them what you shared with us, give them his address and name (that you'll get from the landlord if you dont already know) and ask them if he's got some sorta record like sex offender or anything.
    - Keep a bat near your door.
    - Keep pepper spray, theres some that you can put on your keychain. If he tries to scare you, just pepper spray him (after checking talking to the autorities, tell them that you're feeling scared and you'll be keeping a pepper spray and will be using it on him if he tries something like this, this way you have an alibi sorta). After pepper spray, scream on top of your lungs while trying to get the bat and beat him as much as possible. This is violent, yes, but atleast you're safe from a creep who's on purpose trying to scare you
  • ebaywidow
    ebaywidow Posts: 30
    Message sent to you...hope it helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.
  • xoAmyxo
    xoAmyxo Posts: 110
    thanks everyone for posting to me..the day i wrote this it actually blew my mom said something while she was drunk and i didn't want to speak to him and i heard him talking crap so i turned around and went off on him and told him he was a no god piece of ****, creepy old mother f*cker lol..he told me that i was mental and needed to be put in a hospital..and that he sees me as a "child" nothing more and how hes not watching me hes PROTECTING who says this to a STRANGER?? lol...i told him that i didn't need that..that he doesn't know me well enough to be saying the stuff hes been saying..he said it was just him shootin the *kitten*..i told him id beat his *kitten* if he came near me again..i know I shouldn't have said the things i said but i couldn't help it..lucky my brother was there..because the guy started walking towards me and my brother stuck up for me and said listen you don't know her, shes 21, you need to leave alone he said he would leave me alone and not speak to me anymore and all that...i still cant get over how he said his excuse for staring was because hes protecting is that this guy does not know me from the man in the moon. I feel better about telling him i just hope he just leaves me alone and doesn't take it to the next time because i could tell just me being a women and telling him off like i did majorly pissed him off..and also me being so young & calling him a creeper really really pissed him off...also another thing..i never ONCE brought this word into the conversation..but the guy on his own kept saying "im not a pedophile" i never said this word yall..why would he just bring that up out of the blue on his own? why would he even be thinking like that?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Amy, this last post you made just alarmed me very much. There are many things you described me thats very alarming. I would really appreciate it if the very first thing you do right this second is call the police, tell them word for word what happened with your family still around you. KEEP MACE ON YOU PLEASE! God forbid but the way you're describing, he might try something funny so please, call the landlord right now along with the police and describe them word for word, Have them pay him a visit so he knows that you've informed the police about what went on today and so that if anything were to happen to you (once again, I hope not) you've already told people about it.

    I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just being precautious and you should take every measure to prevent from this creep.
  • xoAmyxo
    xoAmyxo Posts: 110
    riz- in a way it scared me to...when he started walking towards me...this guy is tall but probably like a buck 40 and really old and beat up looking..i know im silly to think i could kick his *kitten* but i think I could and i will if he trys me anymore..that being putting my fighting side away and realizing that I do not know this guy & that i am a girl .. I am being cautious, my mom is with me and my brother is with me and my mom actually told me to be really careful the next few days for sure. I really did try to control my temper and not cuss him out ..but its so hard not to defend your self and i should have done it in a better way....also i read all the comments about the clothes...i don't really dress sexy..and when i work out i don't wear a tight shirt..i wear tight shorts but still it doesn't matter what i wear. a freak is a freak.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Listen, this isnt about self defense or you being surrounded by family or friends for the next couple of weeks anymore. I still strongly urge you to call the police AND the landlord, have them come over your place right now and have them have a talk with the creep. These are necessary steps to prevent him from doing anything in the future. Once again, I really hope my fears arent valid but I am a careful person and maybe its the rough life I've lived or the area I have lived all my life but I'm thinking you definitely should bring in some re-inforcements to let him know that you're not messing around and have told people about him. Alot of things you said in your post about the confrontation are very alarming and you should definitely get the police involved now
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    What riz9007 said is pretty spot on. The comments the person made are really crossing a line. Contact the authorities and bldg management as soon as possible.

    It's not worth it to take the risk because he doesn't look like much. This also isn't about being safe for the next few days, this is about being safe, period.

    I sincerely hope everything turns out ok for you.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I agree with Riz also. This is what we have police departments for.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    My creeper kept telling me that it was for my own good the whole time he did his thing to me. You have got to follow the advice of riz...for your own safety. Guys that say things like "I was just protecting you" are finding ways to justify their actions. Next he'll be attacking you telling you that he's just trying to show you what can happen if he is not protecting you. Please get the police involved. Now.
  • AussieGem
    AussieGem Posts: 96 Member
    Agreed with the posters above. Please please call the police now if you havent done so. His "excuses" are alraming, you hear all to often from victims that their attackers thought that they were, protecting, sharing their 'love' and all that sort of crap. You do not know what this guy is actually capable of or what he actually believes.

    Do not aggitate him even more, although it is good that you have your mother and brother with you, you really have to think about the time in future where they wont be there ... when people get fixated, it is scary how long they can 'watch and wait'.

    This is about your personal security ... from what you have told us, everyone on MFP is concerned and we dont have all the facts etc. Please follow their awesome advice ... NOW!! riz gave great advice and also iddreams. If nothing changes in the future, you need to move (no if or buts about it!).

    Follow your gut ... use your head and stay safe!