Alcohol and Weight Loss



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    I drink socially, which sometimes can add up depending on how long you are socially. So I usually take my 5 oz of wine and add a flavored seltzer to it and it makes it bubbly, flavorful, and I can get two glasses out of it with the calories of 1. Sometimes the drinking is just to have something in your hand while socializing (plus a little buzz doesn't hurt)
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    I love wine! If I drink it I log it. I have cut down tremendously, that said there are days when it's just unavoidable!
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I honestly lost weight at a time when I was drinking quite often. I did stick to certain alcohols though with the OCCASIONAL beer. I mainly drank vodka and tequila (some good nights...). I do not drink that often anymore, but the one thing I did try to watch no matter what I was drinking is the drunk munchies. Those kill me sometimes because I lose the idea of what is healthy and what is not.
  • I1ahunt
    I1ahunt Posts: 72
    I cut back alot, but not completly...I am still losing weight so I guess it's all son recently got married....I went to the gym the morning of the wedding.......I got my work out in........ate helathy at the wedding even avoiding the cake and deserts......but I did raise more than a few with freinds and family in celebration and still came in under my daily goal.....I am going to my nieces birthday party tonight.....ran 7 miles this afternoon and had a salad for lunch....I should be fine tonight.......
  • Dashal
    Dashal Posts: 13
    Same here and agree with a lot of the peeps on here - I drink at the weekend but to compensate I store up about 1000 cals over the week and have changed from beer to voddy and diet cokes. Seems to be working ok..
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Strangely for me when I drink I lose weight, I guess it's because when I do drink or if I'm going to the club, I don't eat so I can get completely wasted. I never drink just to be social, if I drink I plan to get completely **** faced, otherwise I'd just have a drink of water :P

    However I don't often drink, maybe like once every few months :P last time I drank I lost like 2 pounds the following day :P plus I dance like a wild creature at the club XD

    It's not really an issue for me, if I wanna drink then I bloody will. Ya gotta live a little when you're losing weight lol but then again we all are different
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Make sure you log everything that goes into your mouth. MFP works but only if you're honest in logging EVERYTHING.

    I calculate what cals I will be drinking and I have to burn that much at the gym b4 I am allowed to drink em, its that simple!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I still drink and I lost 5+ pounds last month alone. I don't drink heavily and I log everything.
    It's all about moderation, but we all have our own opinions. I take this as a lifestlye change, not a diet. I do not avoid foods or drinks, I learn healthier ways to enjoy them.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    5 oz is not that much?! It's a glass of wine as poured at a restaurant or bar. I have 4 oz of wine almost every night and I enjoy it.
  • foxfieldzoo
    I think its ok to drink alittle ,but I find that even alittle for me doesn't work when I am trying to loose weight ,it never fails that I will gain 2-3 ibs if I drink on the weekend .I know that it is water retention ,ut it will take days for me to get back to where I was before AI drank ,so it sucks for me because I do enjoy a cocktail every now and then ,so I just live with it:grumble:
  • Rlboston
    Rlboston Posts: 10 Member
    Im not a big drinker at all but did come across Crystal Lite water flavoring that tastes like mixed drinks. I bought the margarita one and its pretty tasty, kind of makes you feel like your having the real thing and its only 5 calories. They have several other flavors or mixed drinks as well you might check it out. It at the store in the section with all the other water flavorings. Hope it works as an alternative for you. Good Luck !
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    .... that totally happened to me once....

    It was all back and then some by Monday. :laugh:
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member

    .... that totally happened to me once....

    It was all back and then some by Monday. :laugh:

    Hahaha this is awesome and so true. It's my favorite time to weight myself because all that alcohol dehydrated me and took away some water weight. Butttt... it comes back after you pound a ton of water, coffee, and aspirin to get rid of the horrendous headache.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I'm a weekend drinker but I'm healthy and don't eat my exercise calories during the week in order to bank some space on the weekly calorie goals. As many have already said, it is a life style issue rather than a diet. No sense cutting out drinking if you are just going to start up again after you reach your goal.

    I drink regularly and just calculate it all in. f I want to drink one night...I make sure I get exercise that day to cover the calories. Just on weekends should not be an issue.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm hearing that belly fat isn't going to budge if you drink at all

    That is a serious load of sht!!! Its simple if you add more calories than you burn its stores if you burn more calories than you intake you lose. Just because you drink does not mean your not going to lose belly fat. hahahahahahahah thats just silly :laugh: I drink once a week some times x2 and I am no light weight and yet look my belly has not changed into fat.. You must learn balance grasshopper!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I'll being enjoying my well earned Shiner Bock tonight while watching the Eastboun & Down!
  • angelapolite
    I have a glass of red wine every night to unwind. I always allow myself 180 calories for the evening, it's my daily reward for watching my cals and doing my exercise and it's not affected my weight loss or toning up at all so far (1 year)

    I'm sure if I cut out the wine I'd lose weight faster but to be honest, I'd probably find soemthing to snack on instead of slowly sipping the wine.

    I dont think it will make a difference as long as you have the space in your calorie total for the cals the booze will add.


    I do the same thing, I have my nightly glass of red wine. I allow for the calories. I'm losing...
  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    5 oz is not that much?! It's a glass of wine as poured at a restaurant or bar. I have 4 oz of wine almost every night and I enjoy it.

    I'm probably comparing it to a can of light beer, which is what, 12 oz?
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I just factor mine into my day, I don't get drunk often but I usually end my day with a few drinks. some days more to reach my calorie count. still loosing but with drinking you need to have control because it can get out of hand and such :)
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
    So, I'm a weekend drinker. Not every day of the weekened, but I do have a couple on Friday and Saturday. I hit the occassional happy hour on the weekday too, but that's not very often.

    Weight loss and drinking seem to be a hot topic. What are your thoughts on it? Quit drinking all together? Not to drink beer? Then if no beer, do you trade the calories in that for soda? I don't like diet soda, so that's out.

    I know many would say "if you take your weight loss/health serious, you wouldn't drink at all" but I guess I'm just trying to find a healthy balance, if there is such a thing.

    Also, many of our activites with our friends usually involve drinking. I am somewhat afraid that if I cut back or quit all together that I will be the "boring" friend, and I do like to kick back and have a few with them too, but this is becoming much more important to me. I dunno.


    I believe in a healthy balance. When I drink these days it's usually wine or vodka with club soda and extra lemon. Both do the trick with a ton less calories than beer. Not to mention the blood sugar impact of beer....