100 pounds to lose



  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hello everyone....I use to get on this website all the time untill I moved back to Missouri. I would really like to join, I need all the help I can get. If you guys have any beginner exercises that you would reconmend to me that wouldnt make me want to give up right away? lol

    Current weight: 230
    I'm not sure what a realistic goal for me would be....but I would love to lose 31 by the beginning of September....? :smile: thanks for any help!
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    I did ab jam this morning and i'm def. feeling it, does that count towards our goal this week?:laugh:

    im not sure what ab jam is.... (sorry)
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    Hello everyone....I use to get on this website all the time untill I moved back to Missouri. I would really like to join, I need all the help I can get. If you guys have any beginner exercises that you would reconmend to me that wouldnt make me want to give up right away? lol

    Current weight: 230
    I'm not sure what a realistic goal for me would be....but I would love to lose 31 by the beginning of September....? :smile: thanks for any help!

    welcome welcome.....

    i like the richard simmons videos but only the starter videos, the advance kicks my butt
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i'm with all of you! once i reach my goal i'll be down 102lbs! if i surpass my goal i'll be down 120lbs! that's the plan anyways. :bigsmile:
  • I am definitely in!!! I desperately need to lose 100 pounds. I started at 268lbs and am now 265. I would love the support and encouragement. It is so important to take this weight lost day by day but sometimes it can get so frustrating.

    We have a 16 month old son and we would like to get pregnant again but I am NOT getting pregnant at this weight.

    I have been working out on my elliptical for the last week for 30 minutes. I need to keep this up.

    Let's cheer each other on!!!!!!!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I'll have to look into the video....I use to do one called Belly, Butt and Thighs
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning everyone................

    My Friday weigh in was 203.4, so I am up 1.4 pounds from last week...........

    I have had a couple of days where I ate fast food, so it is water retention from that.

    Have a fabulous holiday weekend!!!
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    Good morning everyone................

    My Friday weigh in was 203.4, so I am up 1.4 pounds from last week...........

    I have had a couple of days where I ate fast food, so it is water retention from that.

    Have a fabulous holiday weekend!!!

    dont feel bad, i was up to. from 259.4 now 259.6
    i know thats not alot but still a bummer for me..

    happy 4th
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    I am definitely in!!! I desperately need to lose 100 pounds. I started at 268lbs and am now 265. I would love the support and encouragement. It is so important to take this weight lost day by day but sometimes it can get so frustrating.

    We have a 16 month old son and we would like to get pregnant again but I am NOT getting pregnant at this weight.

    I have been working out on my elliptical for the last week for 30 minutes. I need to keep this up.

    Let's cheer each other on!!!!!!!
    welcome....i love this place so far. been on here about 3 weeks
  • Wow!! I'm so glad to see so many on here. I've been on a little hiatus these last 2 weeks. My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out so my schedule hasn't been normal. She seems to be feeling back to herself and I'm looking forward to sleeping through the night and getting back to work. I will be 'restarting' tomorrow and do weekly weigh-ins on Mondays instead of Fridays. I'm not so sure about doing weigh-ins after a weekend but it might also me from cheating :wink:

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hey everyone, there is a new thread started for a Labor Day Challenge for 100 + pounds to lose. Check in and join the challenge, love to see ya!
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    Wow!! I'm so glad to see so many on here. I've been on a little hiatus these last 2 weeks. My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out so my schedule hasn't been normal. She seems to be feeling back to herself and I'm looking forward to sleeping through the night and getting back to work. I will be 'restarting' tomorrow and do weekly weigh-ins on Mondays instead of Fridays. I'm not so sure about doing weigh-ins after a weekend but it might also me from cheating :wink:

    Have a great week everyone!!

    I weigh in on sundays because it helps me not go over board on the weeknds, lol
  • Veracruz4
    Veracruz4 Posts: 22
    Wow - great group - I'm in! I have about 120 to lose (realistically) - shall we start an actual thread and do weekly goals? Accountability is my friend in this weight loss journey and so sharing with a group who understands what I'm going thru would be amazing. What shall we call ourselves?
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    Wow - great group - I'm in! I have about 120 to lose (realistically) - shall we start an actual thread and do weekly goals? Accountability is my friend in this weight loss journey and so sharing with a group who understands what I'm going thru would be amazing. What shall we call ourselves?

    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    Hey all! I haven't checked in for a while but it looks like everyone is doing great. As of Friday I was 194, and i NEED TO STOP getting on the dang scale every day!!!:explode:

    I weighted myself on Friday and everyday there after and was 194, so what do I do? I weight myself this morning and I'm 2 pounds more...:sad:

    I know weight fluctuates, and I know it can be water weight, but I still let it get to me!!!:mad:

    I need to tell myself ONLY WEIGHT IN ON FRIDAYS! :angry:

    :heart: So for those of us who see less then 5 pounds increase when weighting one day to the next please let us all remember this is probably not fat gain, it could be swollen muscles, water weight or just a back up in our "plumbing?" :blushing:

    Even the thinnest of people have weight fluctuation and I need to remember that...:flowerforyou: I say we all need to remember that because that stupid scale can demotivate me so dang quick:cry:

    Keep up the great work all!!! TTFN!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am so sad today...................

    I have been doing so well and this weekend my husband and I got into a bad argument and he called me a fat azz. I am so hurt, he has been telling me for years that he loves me now at 200 + pounds and he loved me when I was 120..............Now, I know how he really feels and it is very hurtful. I have been eating and drinking everything in sight that I should not have...............2 days of this bingeful type eating, I feel sick, depressed and just don't want to go on..............

    He has been the 1 person that has always been supportive and now I know it has all been fake, a facade.............He told me yesterday that he apologized and took back what he said, the problem is, he can't take it back, the words have already come out of his mouth. :cry: :cry:

    He knows how self- conscious I am about my weight and have always been, no matter how small I was, I have always viewed myself as fat.

    I forgot to weigh in on Friday, so weighed in yesterday, the scale now says 211.0 again. I know its water weight, but I am not even caring, I just want to go the opposite way now and gain up to 300 pounds so I can make him leave me...............
  • Veracruz4
    Veracruz4 Posts: 22
    LeanLioness - I'm so sorry!! My husband is a good 70 lbs lighter than me and it kills my self-esteem knowing that. We depend on our spouses tremendously for constant support and to hear those words has to be heart-breaking. . . Keep up the fight FOR YOURSELF!!! :flowerforyou: You're worth it!
  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    Don'y give up! You've done such a wonderful job so far! I've been through a similar situation, though with my father instead of my husband. I can completely sympathize with not caring after something like that. But this change isn't about him. It's about YOU. And you can do it! You have been doing it!! Keep up your awesome work and screw what other thoughtless people say.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jenny0599
    jenny0599 Posts: 4 Member
    That is awesome...what an inspiration!!! Keep up the hard work:flowerforyou:
  • DFoether
    DFoether Posts: 8
    Hopefully it's not too late to get in on this group :wink: . I started out at 380 at the beginning of March and am now down to 356. My ultimate goal is to get to 275 before July next year and see how I look at that weight before trying to lose more. I know my ideal weight is 179, but that seem a little light. But who knows, by the time I get to 275, 179 might seem that unattainable.
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