Alcohol and Weight Loss



  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    The short answer is that alcohol and weight loss don't go together very well. It is way more than the calories from the alcohol. Studies show that people eat more when they drink and that alcohol lowers your metabolism. That being said I am 100% sure that there are people that lose weight and continue to drink. In the end it's totally your decision. Just know it will help you lose or allow you to lose more. But, do what makes you happy!
  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    I should mention that I DO see this as a lifestyle change. I'm not going to suddenly hit my goal weight and lose all sence of reality and control. I'm simply trying to find the balance in it and I think the best way for me to do it is to get back into training mode. Someone commented about working out the morning of their sons wedding. I think I just need to plan ahead like that and make sure I am getting my workout in if I have an event or something where I might consume more than the "norm" that I will allow myself. I don't plan to give it up, but I absolutely plan to modify it to where it works for me and I am able to stay making progress.

    I refuse to let drinking F up any progress I've made. In the past I've let stress do this and it's a $hitty feeling.
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    I used to drink almost every night, but have cut it down to every weekend (Fridays and Saturdays), if that. I've never really found it to be a huge weight-loss problem, although it could just depend on the person i suppose.

    It's just too hard for me to give up the wine totally. :laugh:
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    Life isn't all about being skinny. That may be heresy around here but that's my opinion. That's not to give you an excuse for cheating but it's also about good friends, good food, and spirits now and then. My vice is bourbon.

    Life is for enjoying and yes you can enjoy it and get skinny too.

    Don't forget to budget your calories.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    5 oz is not that much?! It's a glass of wine as poured at a restaurant or bar. I have 4 oz of wine almost every night and I enjoy it.

    I'm probably comparing it to a can of light beer, which is what, 12 oz?

    In my opinion wine does a lot more for me than beer. I can have a 12oz can of beer and not even know I drank any alcohol. If I have 12oz of wine... well I start feeling more friendly towards people.
  • G3ross
    G3ross Posts: 1
    On June 26, 2011, I decided to lose weight and get down to my 'playing' weight of 176lbs...from my mid '20's. I was 215lbs. My means to attain this was by reducing my intake and increasing my output. That simple. On Jan 1, 2012 I was 194lbs and now I am 182lbs. I have done this while having 3 Heinekens every Thursday night, along with sharing a big plate of nachos with my buddy and then having an entree. I also go out on one other night and have 2-3 beers weekly. with that said, I keep my intake to right around 1200 cals/day and my exercise level is between 1000 and 1400 cals/day, seven on seven.

    I am 51 years old and am amazed at the transformation my body has made! The fat layer on my abdomen is almost gone and people tell me I look 15-20 years younger! Keep it up and don't give up!

    God bless you,

  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I have 2oz of vodka with lime juice and club soda almost every Friday night, and I have lost 20.7 pounds in 8 weeks. I eat butter, chocolate, cheese...not every day (well, chocolate almost every day :smile: ), but I don't feel deprived and I've had great results. I think if you stick to one drink one or two nights a week and accurately count the calories, you'll be fine. Make sure you get in some exercise, though! :happy:
  • wolfehound22
    Well it is all in how you work it into your new life, this is a lifestyle change, and if we are going to be successful we need tobe able to deal with what life throws at you. Is it a great thing, will it hinder weight loss, maybe a little, it will just depend on how much you drink. DOn't go out and get hammered everynight. The only thing I will say is it won't help your weight loss, but it may help to keep you on track during your really strict day.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I think there's no point in being skinny if you can't drink!

    I drink vodka water and am trying to limit drinking to 1 day a week (my "nonadherent" day) while I get ready for summer. But in the past I've made progress even while drinking socially on the weekends.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    I stopped drinking for my first year and I lost 24.3 lbs... I decided for my 2nd year that I was going to drink only 4x a year, and I gained 2 of the lbs I had lost the year before... It was a REAL bad year for me, so I don't blame the alcohol on it because my 3rd year I did the same thing, 4x a year, which was REALLY hard because there was a lot going on in 2011... But I lost 15.8 lbs (this includes the 2 lbs I gained back) and I saw myself as successful! This year I have not drank yet, but I may drink in a few weeks for my best friend Mia's birthday, but I wouldn't "over do" it. That's what is important. I still believe that calories should not be drank unless its HEALTHY, but I can't deprive of myself the alcohol but I really don't miss drinking at the same time... Even on the biggest loser, they say that calories should come from food, not from drinks, you really want to minimize the empty calories.
  • jeanbedford
    If you are thinking of health and fitness in the short term then drinking on the weekend is probably not a good idea. However, if you are like most serious people and view your health and fitness as a lifestyle change and not a diet for the short term, then indulging once and awhile wont hurt. Being care free 1-2 days isn't what got most people to where they are, it was adding the other 5 days of over eating as well.

    good advice!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Honestly, I love my wine (and mixed drinks sometimes) and wouldn't give it up. However, I do know it can hinder the weight loss if gone overboard (and I do sometimes!). I find a big problem with alcohol sometimes is it makes me want to eat, and not the healthiest things. So I just have to be careful with that. I think you have to find a way to get yourself healthier in a way you can sustain, and mine includes alcohol!
  • pittfancbk
    pittfancbk Posts: 9 Member
    My husband drinks a lot. He & I are working on cutting him back to like twice a week & maybe just as much as a 6-pack. This may sound a lot to some people, but compared to what he's done & what he's been doing, I say it would be a big achievement. I love to drink to be social. Since I've been watching the calories, just having a couple of beers or maybe a margarita or two, it makes me just as happy to know that I can still loosen up & have fun w/ that small amount. ;) So drinking twice a week isn't bad in my opinion, just work on cutting down. ;)
  • aggie613
    aggie613 Posts: 21
    Per the nutritionist, you can drink, but as she says..."pick your treat". If that's your treat for the day, then eliminate another carb. She tells me "little to no alcohol", but I don't feel like that's realistic for my lifestyle, which is why your topic piqued my interest! I used to work out with a personal trainer and only drank vodka w/water and added a little bit of a Crystal Light "on the go" packet. I got down to the lowest I'd been since high school!! So it CAN be done! Be sure you are incorporating strength training and I would suggest cutting out the beer. If you like wine, measure out the 5 oz so that you can visually see how much that is. We have large stemless glasses, but even 5 oz was almost half a glass, so I was suprised at how MUCH, not how little it really was!
    Good luck! Can't wait to read everyone's tips!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    .... that totally happened to me once....

    It was all back and then some by Monday. :laugh:

    Hahaha this is awesome and so true. It's my favorite time to weight myself because all that alcohol dehydrated me and took away some water weight. Butttt... it comes back after you pound a ton of water, coffee, and aspirin to get rid of the horrendous headache.

    Really?? Ive never had it come back with a gain O_O
  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
  • wolftrax
    wolftrax Posts: 50
    Agree with msapril..

    My wife and I have wine and beer at cocktail hour even though I am on a diet..If I plan on the cals in my budget, I can still lose #..
    I have had to change to Bud 55 select @ 55 cals/can, but that is not so bad..

    I feel like msapril, I don't want to become a stick in the mud because I want to lost some #
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Make sure you log everything that goes into your mouth. MFP works but only if you're honest in logging EVERYTHING.
