Snickers diet?

I really don't get the difference on MFP between eating healthy, and just eating Fiber One bars (for regularity!), a multivitamin (so we don't get scurvy), and Snickers (for deliciousness) all day every day. Doesn't fat, carbs, and protein ultimately all get turned into the same thing - glucose?

The way I understand it, the body uses glucose for energy, and stores excess as fat. If the body needs energy, it can take fat or muscle (protein) and turn it into glucose? We need fiber to poop, and we need vitamins for healthy skin and coat.

Basically I eat a lot of junk food (diary is open to friends, this much I know). I know I need to stop existing purely on diet soda, pizza, and Chinese food but right now it seems to be working for me. MFP works whether I eat a salad or a burger as long as I get my deficit. I know people who have existed for years without vegetables, yet I know they are critical, but I don't understand exactly where my motivation is to change my tasty tasty lifestyle?


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Lou Schuler, author of New Rules of Lifting for Women, says it best: "Everything works. Nothing works forever."
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, it's as much about how LONG the body takes to digest food as it is about what kind of food it is. By that I mean, things that are highly processed are easy to break down in the body, which means all the nutrients are transfered to the body in a very rapid progression, besides it being turned into fat it spikes the blood sugar which, if done regularly can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Foods with complex carbohydrates need their bonds broken before the polysaccharides can be turned into glucose.

    So that's the first problem you have to understand.

    second, vitamin pills aren't broken down in the body the same way food is, so receiving your micro-nutrients all via vitamins might keep you alive, but it's not how the body was designed to work, it's far less efficient, and will eventually cause long term deficiencies, it may take years for these problems to manifest, but it will happen.

    the third part is about fat itself.

    even though fat is a fuel source, it's not the one the body likes to use, the body likes glucose, and will always try to use that first for most things, eating a lot of highly processed food increases fat stores, which causes the body chemistry to change and ultimately leads to health problems (such as the above mentioned diabetes for example, among others).

    these are some top of my head answers to your questions.

    hope they help clear it up for you.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I don't understand exactly where my motivation is to change my tasty tasty lifestyle?

    You're cutting maybe 10-15 years off your life. If you want to see your grandkids you need to get real. That's it. You can be thin even if you eat nothing but the Snickers. But you'll have high medical bills and die young.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    You may do fine eating just crap. Some people have really strong constitutions. You see even so called healthy people get cancers, die young of some disease. But why would you miss out on the foods you could eat - fruit, veggies, meats, etc. It just sounds so boring.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Hm I believe in everything in moderation. If knowing eating your fresh fruit and vegetables will help your body, cholesterol, etc, won't change your outlook on it, maybe considering it could give you really bad skin might? It may work for you but balance is the key.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Please google: Twinkie diet.

    You don't have to give up your tasty food. But if you want to be slim and trim, you're going to have to bust your butt to earn all those calories.

    You are about to hear a LOT of responses about how clean eating will lengthen your life, and "junk" food will harm you, but if you're active enough to be using up the calories you consume, you are going to be very very healthy.Reagrdless of how often you eat tasty stuff.

    My friends list is filled with gorgeous, rock hard bodies, and they belong to people who eat pasta, and chocolate, and fast food and oreos. ALL. THE. TIME.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Most of the advice I read from people here on MFP or other fitness gurus that I trust because they do their research and it's not all hype indicate that if you eat healthy 80-90% of the time (the percentage varies), that you can enjoy some junk the other 10-20% of the time. I don't know if I meet those percentages but I do try to eat healthy most meals but I don't turn away junk food, candy, or baked goodies if it fits into my calorie target for the week and I want it. But I don't think all junk food is doing your body any favors or giving you proper fuel. I think it's all about finding a good balance.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I don't understand exactly where my motivation is to change my tasty tasty lifestyle?

    You're cutting maybe 10-15 years off your life. If you want to see your grandkids you need to get real. That's it. You can be thin even if you eat nothing but the Snickers. But you'll have high medical bills and die young.

    Yes, this. Are you serious? Geez.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Most people here actually want to be healthy.
    That is apparently not the case with you.
    That's cool for you, I suppose.

    You can weigh the perfect weight and still not be healthy.

    I beg to differ............most people on this site don't care about health concerns and such, I debate with many of them almost every day............. They just worry about the calories losing weight.

    I could actually care less about the weight, I just want to be healthy.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Most people here actually want to be healthy.
    That is apparently not the case with you.
    That's cool for you, I suppose.

    You can weigh the perfect weight and still not be healthy.

    I beg to differ............most people on this site don't care about health concerns and such, I debate with many of them almost every day............. They just worry about the calories losing weight.

    I could actually care less about the weight, I just want to be healthy.

    I care about healthy eating and losing the weight. You can be healthy carrying excess weight but without the excess weight you may be even healthier.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I don't understand exactly where my motivation is to change my tasty tasty lifestyle?

    You're cutting maybe 10-15 years off your life. If you want to see your grandkids you need to get real. That's it. You can be thin even if you eat nothing but the Snickers. But you'll have high medical bills and die young.
    Please explain.

    As long as I take a multivitamin I am good.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Most people here actually want to be healthy.
    That is apparently not the case with you.
    That's cool for you, I suppose.

    You can weigh the perfect weight and still not be healthy.
    Most people want to look good naked. Period.
    Health is secondary benefit.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    I really don't get the difference on MFP between eating healthy, and just eating Fiber One bars (for regularity!), a multivitamin (so we don't get scurvy), and Snickers (for deliciousness) all day every day. Doesn't fat, carbs, and protein ultimately all get turned into the same thing - glucose?

    The way I understand it, the body uses glucose for energy, and stores excess as fat. If the body needs energy, it can take fat or muscle (protein) and turn it into glucose? We need fiber to poop, and we need vitamins for healthy skin and coat.

    Basically I eat a lot of junk food (diary is open to friends, this much I know). I know I need to stop existing purely on diet soda, pizza, and Chinese food but right now it seems to be working for me. MFP works whether I eat a salad or a burger as long as I get my deficit. I know people who have existed for years without vegetables, yet I know they are critical, but I don't understand exactly where my motivation is to change my tasty tasty lifestyle?

    Yo. Motivation has to come within. If you want to eat snickers everyday for the rest of you life. Do it.
  • crazylikefox
    well, it's as much about how LONG the body takes to digest food as it is about what kind of food it is. By that I mean, things that are highly processed are easy to break down in the body, which means all the nutrients are transfered to the body in a very rapid progression, besides it being turned into fat it spikes the blood sugar which, if done regularly can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Foods with complex carbohydrates need their bonds broken before the polysaccharides can be turned into glucose.

    So that's the first problem you have to understand.

    second, vitamin pills aren't broken down in the body the same way food is, so receiving your micro-nutrients all via vitamins might keep you alive, but it's not how the body was designed to work, it's far less efficient, and will eventually cause long term deficiencies, it may take years for these problems to manifest, but it will happen.

    the third part is about fat itself.

    even though fat is a fuel source, it's not the one the body likes to use, the body likes glucose, and will always try to use that first for most things, eating a lot of highly processed food increases fat stores, which causes the body chemistry to change and ultimately leads to health problems (such as the above mentioned diabetes for example, among others).

    these are some top of my head answers to your questions.

    hope they help clear it up for you.

    Thank you so much for this reply! This is what I love, the science behind the scenes. This makes much more sense to me now than calories in, calories out. I would love to hear more about how the body processes different kinds of foods. It is really hard to research this without getting pointed to various fad diets. Knowledge is power and understanding how the body works really is vital to health.

    It makes sense that the body doesn't want to use fat first the same way it makes sense that fat tastes good. The body wants us to eat it and to keep it. I'm just begining to understand blood sugar, and why it is so hard for diabetics to lose weight. Insulin lets the cells use glucose for fuel. So if the cells can't use the glucose because they don't respond well to the insulin, then the glucose gets stored as fat. Meanwhile your cells are starving for energy, right? And is this why diet soda is bad, because the sweet taste makes your brain think "Sugar!" so it releases insulin to utilize the glucose, but there is no sugar there. This maybe causes a craving for sugar, the unused insulin? I drink at least three cans of the diet every day and I would love to break myself of this habit.

    Also, I would like to state outright that I am not seriously advocating eating junk all day every day. I know that it is not healthy, I am trying to understand the science behind why. I was trying to use humor while at the same time gain knowledge. If I could market a Snickers Diet and make myself ridiculously rich I wouldn't do it. I know what its like to struggle with my body (the same way some people struggle with satire) and the only magic solution is to eat right and exercise.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    well, who needs a healthy heart anyway. once yours gives up, they'll just put you on the transplant list, so you get a new one from a person that had to die in an accident or something. i mean **** happens, right? .... :huh:
  • cheyniemama

    Thank you so much for this reply! This is what I love, the science behind the scenes.


    I am interested in both losing weight AND improving health, but I did wonder some of the same questions you were asking. I am taking a nutrition class right now and it is facinating, learning the ins and outs of WHY eating healthy is good, and exactly what your body needs, etc.

    That said, I am no expert, but it sure seems like the "snickers" diet is out :)

    (at least in the long term, lol)
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Most people here actually want to be healthy.
    That is apparently not the case with you.
    That's cool for you, I suppose.

    You can weigh the perfect weight and still not be healthy.

    This. Basically.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    why dont you try having a 'treat' or 'spike' day where you eat all the crap you love - i do too btw. if you save a few calories from other days it shouldn't harm your weight loss. and sorry to sound boring but if you eat healthier the rest of the week you will feel so much better.

    i'm no expert but i'm pretty sure your body can't carry on indeffinately on carbs and sugar - sure your body may burn up some muscle but you need to put protein in in the first place to make new cells. you can do without either enough fat or enough carbs (its not good for you either) but you CAN'T do without protein.

    once you get out of the habit of eating this stuff you will want it less and less. YES, i still eat snickers, pizza, chinese and pasta but its the exception now and not the rule.

    try it for a week and see how you feel :D
  • crazylikefox
    Please google: Twinkie diet.

    You don't have to give up your tasty food. But if you want to be slim and trim, you're going to have to bust your butt to earn all those calories.

    You are about to hear a LOT of responses about how clean eating will lengthen your life, and "junk" food will harm you, but if you're active enough to be using up the calories you consume, you are going to be very very healthy.Reagrdless of how often you eat tasty stuff.

    My friends list is filled with gorgeous, rock hard bodies, and they belong to people who eat pasta, and chocolate, and fast food and oreos. ALL. THE. TIME.

    Thank you for this post! I did google the Twinkie Diet and it made me sit back a little and marvel at how really adaptive and amazing our bodies can be! From what I've seen on MFP so far, the people who eat the least amount of relatively healthy foods are the ones who struggle the most. The ones who eat a higher calorie intake and then workout consistently have the best success. We need to get some pleasure and satiety from eating. Right now I do martial arts two days a week, and on those days my food intake doubles but I still lose weight. I feel more contented (and sore) on those days. It's like the reward for working out is sexy muscles and a cheeseburger if I want it.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    You just have to try and find the right motivation for you.

    Personally, I eat A LOT of chocolate... or I did eat a lot of chocolate. My motivation to cut it down, is that chocolate and candy is destroying my teeth. I have tons of cavities and having bad teeth can lead to many more serious problems, like infections in the gums and even death. My motivation is protecting my teeth. I also noticed that my skin was just AWFUL when I was eating poorly. Now that I have added nutritious foods into my diet, my skin has cleared up a lot. I don't look as old and aged as I did before.

    Those are my biggest motivators for staying healthier. You just have to find something that matters to you and use that as your motivation.