Go away!!! I don't need you!!!



  • Barbie1125
    Barbie1125 Posts: 115
    I have rum saying DRINK me and get a head start before going out tonight.
  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 235 Member
    The only thing I can do when that happens is..... I make air popped popcorn, a little spray butter, seasoning salt low sodium and I dip the popcorn in PB2, very filling and yummy and no guilt!
  • cassie2467
    cassie2467 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a Klondike Bar staring me in the face yelling "Eat Me"!!!!

    I've only been on this site for about 3 weeks, but one way I manage is to find out how many calories are added, calculate that into my daily allowance, and then make sure I also do enough fat burning exercise to match the calories. I also exercise BEFORE I let myself eat it. Half the time, after exercising I don't want it anymore. the other half of the time, I do and I eat it. So far I've lost 4.5 pounds so maybe this approach is ok.
  • cassie2467
    cassie2467 Posts: 8 Member
    :laugh: to the Russel Stover affair.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    The pleasure is so short lived too! :frown: :grumble: :angry: :noway: !!! I have to constantly remind my self of how good I'll feel , the clothes I can buy not in the plus size, shoes don't need to be extra wide, mysterious pains I have may just go away! , I'll stop taking all these prescription medications! , joints will stop hurting, !!!! I want to live while I'm alive! I want to look good again! :smokin: :devil:

    Have some treats that are really worth it and last longer than a few bites!
  • plethorax
    plethorax Posts: 33 Member
    You know, it might be really satisfying to take that klondike bar outside and stomp on it with your righteous, vegetable-loving boot of justice. At least, that would be the solution I would wish I had thought of 20 minutes after eating it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't know...call me the odd man out, but if I REALLY wanted the Klondike bar - I would have eaten it. This isn't a diet, it's my life and I flatly refuse to make ANY food "off limits". Telling myself I won't ever eat cake, ice cream or something else deemed "bad" for me is me just kidding myself. And trying to do it? Well, it is going to make me resentful, grumpy and more likely to binge eat.

    Yesterday I had M&M's and today I had Bunny Grahams (like teddy grahams, but better in my opinion). Oh and don't forget the Birthday Cake Oreo's I had too.


    I'm not living the rest of my life without some yummy goodness in it.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Throw it away.
  • PrincessCelestia
    PrincessCelestia Posts: 28 Member
    Grab it, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it! >:D
    Klondike bars have got me before on my diet.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I just started MFP today and I am already salivating over the following things in my house (which my husband & kids need to eat pronto, before I go crazy):

    Girl Scout Cookies
    vanilla ice cream
    chocolate syrup to put on the vanilla ice cream
    chocolate bars (my boss gave me a freaking box of them - mainly because SHE didn't want them around)

    It's actually kind of amazing these items ever stayed in my house this long without being eaten (by me of course). So maybe I have subconsciously been prepping to start in earnest.

    I will not eat these! I will, however, go eat the dinner I planned that's within my daily calories. :)

    P.S. My apologies if mentioning these items was cruel, for putting the thought of them in your head.

    Oh man, those Girl Scouts and their moms are ruthless at my college! More than half of my class in my program is trying to lose weight, and then those cookie boxes start showing up... It took some WILLPOWER to turn away from Thin Mints this time around, but I felt like a boss getting to high five the only other person in the class that said no to cookies.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Ended up drinking about 3/4 of a Carl's Jr chocolate shake that my friend and I "split". :( Between that and breakfast, I need to do some serious exercising this afternoon.
  • File it under B ... For Bin
    Or E.....Empty calories

    Your choice. You can eat it, just then file it under W...work it off baby.
  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    I have a Klondike Bar staring me in the face yelling "Eat Me"!!!!

    It's called a choc ice in the uk, lol. :laugh:
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    The girl scouts are setting up camp outside my door.
  • bjc101
    bjc101 Posts: 25 Member
    Remember you're a stronger person than any food. One thing to keep in mind; is not just the calories and weight from high calorie and high fat foods, the long term health risks are the real detriments. Obesity, diabetes, bad knees, missing out on activities because you're to fat and to tired, are bad ways to go through life. Remember, you're better than all this, be strong, be healthy!!
  • Hi all, I just today started a eating plan for people that are insulin resistant. I always wondered why I couldn't get the weight off or keep it off. I ate less and exercised more than others and still couldn't get any decent results. I am using this site to track my progress and keep track of those horrible carbs that I must balance out with protein. It looks like a lot of you have had sucess with your programs. Good for you!! I am excited to look and feel better.
  • shuffle03
    shuffle03 Posts: 1 Member
    I started My Journey Aug. 19th 2011 at 247lbs I was beyond disgusted with myself. I found that through this adventure of weight loss, I had to watch kids down ice cream, candy, pop cycles, Halloween candy, thanksgiving , Christmas, new years party, and valentines day. Some days I want to seethe at my family for not embracing my health tactics. I too have had my slip ups but I paid dearly for them by exercising till I was nearly a puddle on the floor. So I say when you have a craving go do some jumping jacks, go for a walk, run or do some yoga. Its like any addiction if you want to stomp it out do it by doing the complete opposite. Our brains are wired for action/ reaction if you touch a hot stove you get burned, we learn this at a very young age. So same logic you touch candy you end up working out till your limbs are like Jell-O your cravings will get under control; And weigh loss is all about control. Hang in there.:smile: as of today Im down to 201
  • cawleen
    cawleen Posts: 23 Member
    I just started MFP today and I am already salivating over the following things in my house (which my husband & kids need to eat pronto, before I go crazy):

    Girl Scout Cookies
    vanilla ice cream
    chocolate syrup to put on the vanilla ice cream
    chocolate bars (my boss gave me a freaking box of them - mainly because SHE didn't want them around)

    It's actually kind of amazing these items ever stayed in my house this long without being eaten (by me of course). So maybe I have subconsciously been prepping to start in earnest.

    Throw the food out!
    I will not eat these! I will, however, go eat the dinner I planned that's within my daily calories. :)

    P.S. My apologies if mentioning these items was cruel, for putting the thought of them in your head.