30 Day, 30 Minutes Challenge!!!



  • Inspiredambition
    Inspiredambition Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in...my body needs it! Great idea!
  • crazymom23boys1girl
    Count me in! I need the accountability.
  • Vanessa_lilia
    Thank u sooo much :)
  • smoore1988
    smoore1988 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in!
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 324 Member
    I'm in! My first day on MFP :)

    March 2- 30 minutes walking outdoors
    15 minutes zumba 2 wii

    That's the way to do it, jump in with both feet!!! Thanks for joining my challenge and welcome to MFP:)
    <3 Jenny
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 324 Member
    I'd like to say thank you for such a great turn out with this challenge. I needed a challenge to keep myself motivated so I thought this up. I wanted something that was do-able by most. My hope it that we all feel a sense of accomplishment when this challenge is over and I also hope new friendships are made. Lets work together people and get our bodies MOVING:)

    My first 3 day report....
    March 2~ 50 min on recumbert bike
    March 3~ 50 min on recumbent bike
    March 4~ yet another 50 min on recumbent bike.

    I'll try to change it up tomorrow and hit the YMCA.
    Have a great weekend everybody:)
    :heart: Jenny
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    March 3rd - 35mins 5km run
    45mins Group Training/Bootcamp
    60mins Elliptical/Summit Trainer

    I had a big day yesterday, doing a challenge which calls for a SSS (Super Saturday Session). Between my run, lots of squats/lunges at the bootcamp and the cardio machines at the gym my legs are super sore today. Might just have a rest day today and if the rain here stops enough just take a nice walk with Hubby and kids.

    Keep moving everyone :smile:
  • camillian48
    camillian48 Posts: 14 Member
    friday march 2,2012
    30 mins. elliptical

    sat-march3, 2012-
    60 mins.- zumba-
    high impact

    60 mins. masala bangra
    low impact-toning
  • Jessica_Henry74
    I'm in! My first day on MFP :)

    March 2- 30 minutes walking outdoors
    15 minutes zumba 2 wii

    That's the way to do it, jump in with both feet!!! Thanks for joining my challenge and welcome to MFP:)
    <3 Jenny

    Thank You!!!!
  • amandaoc2012
    I'm in! This sounds like fun! :D
    Great way to kick start my weight loss :)
    Every one feel free to add me
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    I would love to join in this! I am on my way to bed so I won't start till tomorrow, meaning I'll be behind a couple days. I have no problem getting my exercise at work, but doing a workout at home is a tough one for me, hard to stay motivated. This will get me moving and doing more, I hope.
  • Vanessa_lilia
    March 3( eliptical 30 mins) (bike at gym 30 mins)
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    count me in! so far march 1-3 ripped in 30 level 1 :-)
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 138 Member
    3/3: 30 mins.
    Walking with my babies..
  • mom1520
    mom1520 Posts: 73
    I'm a day (technically two since I didn't work out today either) late but would like to join. I pledge at least 30 minutes of exercise each day starting tomorrow, Sunday, March 4th.
  • Jessica_Henry74
    I'm in! My first day on MFP :)

    March 2- 30 minutes walking outdoors
    15 minutes zumba 2 wii

    March 3-
    25 minutes zumba 2 Wii
    3 sets of 25 crunches
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    March 3rd. Played with my dog for 1 1/2hours at the dog park.
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    March 3rd - 54 minutes Circuit training, general (30 day shred level 1 and 2)
  • Donkeydriver
    March 1 Home workout on the Xbox kinect and some Youtube videos
    March 2 Downhill Skiing 3 hours
    March 3 Horseback riding
    March 4 (Plan) Downhill skiing 4-5 hours
    ... hey when you list it like this it makes you feel kinda good :):bigsmile:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I like this because another MFPer said this is Melting March Madness so I need to get on the ball but are you going to make this a Group?? I find it hard to find these after we suggest it?? I love it though!