Going off birth control...what should i expect?



  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    When I went off the pill I unfortunately didn't lose weight but my mood stabilized within days. I also got my period within days so expect your cycle to change. I've since gone on the Nuvaring. I experience no symptoms with that.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    As others have said, I would also assume that weight loss would become easier off the birth control pill. I too have heard that bc pills make one gain rather than lose. That being said, since I started the bc pill in August (for hormonal reasons--I have PCOS), I have lost more than 60 pounds (most of that being since October, since I wasn't really trying in August and most of September). Perhaps it would come off more easily without the pill (or perhaps not for me since pcos also makes you gain). I don't think you need to worry about gaining off the bc pill though.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    When I stopped taking it, I didn't have any side effects like moodiness or weight gain. I was taking BC to regulate my cycles because they would come once every 3 months. I was on Ortho TriCyclen Lo and I was just fine.

    Certain BC I have heard from people's personal experiences made them gain weight. I had a cousin who gained mega weight from being on the NuevaRing (sp) for a month. She gained 20 lbs and she has NEVER been heavy.

    But now that I'm lighter and healthier, my body seems to be governing itself just fine, which makes me (and my OBGYN) happy. =]

  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Seriously such an old wives tale! Was anyone who told you that an OBGYN?

    Actually yes. He said that some people CAN gain on bc pills. Of course, not EVERYONE gets EVERY side effect reported, but the two CAN be linked for some women.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    I cam off all hormonal birth control at the same time as starting on here.

    I'd been on a variety of contraception for about 17 years so figured my body wouldn't mind a rest from it all.

    I've lost 23lbs since mid jan. I have a feeling this may be partly due to ending my prescriptions.
  • enigrebua
    enigrebua Posts: 113 Member
    The combined pill actually fixes my hormones...I was prescribed it for PMDD and depression when I was 16. I've been off and on it since but always feel better on it...I never really notice any weight fluctuations other than normal water retention a the time of the month.
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 213 Member
    double post
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 213 Member
    I got a TONNE of spots and oily skin, neither have gone and I've been off nearly 2 years!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was on the pill for 14 years. Never had a really issue but as I got older I had more problems regulating my hormones. Over the years I've tried that patch (horrific migraines) the ring (damn thing kept falling out) and I was on the progesterone only while nursing (no problems with that one, kinda liked it as far as oral is concerned)

    But I must say, an IUD is the GREATEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD!! If the hormones are the problem then get the one without them. I have the mirena with the progesterone and I LOVE IT. PMS? What PMS! water weight cut in half, no flow to speak of, and I don't have to worry about forgetting to take it ( I was bad about that, hence baby #1 LOL)
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I saw no change between being on or off the pill with acne, weight or moods (except a low dose pill - that made my period last for WEEKS). The downside for me now that I'm off is my periods are back to being highly irregular and the PMS can last longer some months. So everything is different for everyone! You need to do what's best for you. I would say even if you gain a few pounds and have to deal with the occasional pimple, it's better than having a racing heart and being moody all the time - not only for your own health and personal sanity, but for your relationship as well. Plus who knows, you may see no changes with your weight or complexion or even better, you may find it easier to lose weight. If I were you, I would get off the pill ASAP (and buy some condoms :wink: ), but that's just me! Good luck :-)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Hey all,
    So as you may or may not know last week i had terrible heart palpitation and went to the E.R.... They ended up just saying that i had an episode of tachycardia. I called my doctor who is more into the natural approach as possible and she told me that my birth control could be the cause. I know that some people have problems with it and i have been on birth control for almost 4yrs. I was unsure but my fiancee and i have also noticed that my mood swings are ridiculous! It is to the point where i am so emotional that i cry and yell and we fight over stupid petty things. I don't want this to ruin my relationship or our future marriage. He told me yesterday he will not leave no matter what. We are soul mate. Anyway, because of all this i am going to stop taking my pills and take the more natural tract ovulation and cycle route. I was wondering what happened to you guys when you when off birth control?
    I have heard that people gain weight and that is a very scary thing for me. I really do not want to gain or get acne. Which i have also heard can happen. Anyone drink yogi women's moon cycle tea? Did it help?

    sorry for the rant i just need some help and want to fix all this before it ruins my fiancee and my life. <3 Thank you all who can help.

    To get pregnant

    No seriously, both my sister and my cousin had been using the rythm method successfully for the last year and both are now pregnant. The also combined it with the pull-out method which does not work either, as both have shown!

    If you don't want a hormonal contraceptive but do not want to get pregnant look into a paraguard IUD or get fitted for, and learn how to use, a diaphram.

    Please DO NOT confuse the rhythm method with natural family planning. They are not the same thing AT ALL.

    OP - If your doctor has not already suggested it, please read TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY. It is the most reliable method you can use for natural family planning and is NOT the rhythm method or just counting days crap.

    As for the Yogi tea, that mostly just helps with cramps. You can drink raspberry leaf tea fro the same effect. And I have found they work. The Yogi tea is more flavorful because it has other ingredients, but I actually like plain raspberry leaf tea (not raspberry tea, raspberry *leaf* tea).
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    I went off of my birth control and I gained weight...from being pregnant :) But seriously I didn't have any ill effects after stopping it and found that I lost a little weight. My cycle isn't as regular as it was on the pill, but it's not overly wacky. Just don't rely on cycle-tracking alone for several months...if not a year unless you are ok with having a surprise baby
  • Christinecc16
    Christinecc16 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on the pill for 12 yrs. And I was depressed, crying for no reason, angry, violent. So I looked at the label for side effects and everything I was going through was on that label. So I've been off the pill for a yr and my mood did a 180. No depression, no crying, no anger, no violence. But the down fall is my periods r longer, heavier and the cramps are worse. Me and my boyfriend use condoms now which he hates. I talked to my doctor about the whole taking pills does it really make you gain weight and he said no. He said the most you would c would be about 5 or so lbs. He said its about your lifestyle are u active bc if not u can gain weight but that wouldnt be from the pill. Recently it seems my family keeps taking a vacation when I'm on my period which sucks. So now my boyfriend wants me to get on microgestrin. Thats the one where u have no period. My sister has been on it for awhile and she has no problems. I was on ortho-tricyclen and the off brand?cant think of name right now but I heard Yaz was BAD! I mean its on those lawyer commericals right??Like if this happened to you while taking Yaz then you could have a case? Dont think I would be taking that. I'm reluctant to get on the pill again bc I'm scared I'm going to go back to my old ways.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Seriously such an old wives tale! Was anyone who told you that an OBGYN?

    Read the pamphlet that comes with the bc (that's why it's there!). One of the POSSIBLE side effects listed is weight gain.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Nothing happened to me when I went off mine. Nothing whatsoever, actually, but I was on a low-dose one already, because my family has a history of clots with birth control, so that might have made a difference. It's a completely individual thing, since every woman's body will react differently.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I stopped about a month and a half ago and have still lost weight. It happened kinda slower but I think it was also because I was going over on calories a lot. The hormone changes really wreaked havoc on my body and I've been a little crazy... I think I am evening out again but I still haven't had a period yet :/
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I didn't gain or lose weight on any birth control until I got the Mirena IUD. I'm not sure if it was the IUD or just my metabolism slowed as I turned 20 years old, but either way I gained weight pretty quickly after getting it and it's been really hard to get off compared to how I used to lose weight easily. You'll probably lose weight when you get off the pill!!

    In theory birth control tricks your body into thinking that it is pregnant all the time so it never ovulates because it doesn't need to. Thus it can make you gain weight because your body thinks it's pregnant.
  • hillary124
    hillary124 Posts: 112
    I lost weight when i went on it....so for me id say id probably stay the same if i went off it.
    but most people gain when they go on it....so id assume if that was the case, youd lose if you went off it.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I lost a few pounds, but I'm pretty sure it's the reason I've been getting severe acne. I'm just hormonally messed up now. In hindsight, I probably should have stayed on it.

    Edit: I also have Bipolar I, and I feel as though my mood as improved since being off of it. I took Ortho Novum, which has a pretty heavy hormone balance to it, and I only took it because I have a brain tumor that affects my cycle. So, going off of other types of pills may be different....obviously.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    could you not try another pill? I had to try 4 different types before I got my moods and cycle right.