

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good to read everyone's posts. Lots of new people...welcome!

    I finally feel better....whatever that crud was, it really made it difficult to keep on my schedule. I did get to my strength training class today. It is a small class and the teacher is great at getting just what we need into the class. After the class, I taught a private yoga session and that felt great. I did come home and took a two hour nap...so I am not completely out of the woods! I know that in the past my pattern would be to do really well with my food/exercise plan and then I would get run down/sick and stop. I have to make a conscious effort to keep on my path. I can really see how in the past, I gave up...and then things only got worse. Tomorrow morning I will get to the gym and get back into the routine!

    Have a good night!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Well had my grandson last nite, he is so funny. I had leftovers from my daughter's dinner with her dad. Tomorrow is a new week.
  • justplainoleanne
    justplainoleanne Posts: 38 Member
    I joined mpf on January 31 at my doctor's insistence. I have not regretted it one minute! While I knew what to do to lose weight, I had no one to encourage me. My husband is 150 lbs. overweight and proud of it. I don't want to follow him. I hope that by my 55th birthday in October, I will be close to my goal of losing 50 pounds. I have lost 7 already. Reading everyone's posts, I realize that I am not alone in the weight battle or personal issue battle.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I joined mpf on January 31 at my doctor's insistence. I have not regretted it one minute! While I knew what to do to lose weight, I had no one to encourage me. My husband is 150 lbs. overweight and proud of it. I don't want to follow him. I hope that by my 55th birthday in October, I will be close to my goal of losing 50 pounds. I have lost 7 already. Reading everyone's posts, I realize that I am not alone in the weight battle or personal issue battle.

    You are in the right place for encouragement! You have a good start, keep it up. Keep your eyes on becoming healthy, you are doing great!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hope everyone had a good week-end. Mine is only half over, as my job at the airport is Tuesday-Saturday. The airport has been pretty busy lately with long lines for most of the mornings. This is unusual for the Buffalo airport, but we have been told that everyone except crew members and young children should go through the body scanners. This has really caused a back-up, thus the lines.

    It sounds as though lots of people all over were affected by the high winds yesterday. There was no way that I was going to walk outside, and I am really tired of driving to the mall to walk. I decided that even though I shouldn't be doing any other exercise until the end of the week, that I could ride my recombinant bike without causing any problems. I rode at a moderate speed and resistance and all was well.Last night I went to a local community theater to see a play called "out of Order" It was a comedy and was very enjoyable. We we came outside, we saw that it had snowed a bit. Today I worked At Christopher Banks. It wasn't very busy. Come on people- lets get that new spring wardrobe!

    Hope everyone is off to a good start this week'

  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I was mia from this thread in February but hope to do better at staying caught up this month!

    I have been going to the gym with my hubby and he is helping me on working out on some of the machines. I am so darned flabby and just doing the elliptical or treadmill won't fix that! I have gained a few pounds and need to do a better job in logging my food.

    February was a busy month. I went home to WV to visit my mom and to see my 94 year old grandmother who is in a nursing home.

    I have been fortunate enough to make some new friends from finding this thread and have enjoyed getting to know them.

    Hope that everyone has a great Monday!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,399 Member
    Did do an hour of training games on the Wii today. tomorrow I'll do a yoga DVD and then take the extremepump class.

    I did so well last night, had mostly veges. But then I fell off the wagon, and have fallen down all day. I'm not even going to log food any more for today, but tomorrow I'll try my hardest to get back on schedule. It should be easier since it'll be the week and not the weekend. I feel "yuk", but I also know that this too shall pass.

    The gala was -- eehhh.... Like I said, the woman running it is really a control freak. When people started leaving at 9:30, she made a big announcement asking people not to leave because she had more door prizes. Honestly, people come (at least it seems to me) for the food and the dancing, not so much for the door prizes. People left and gave me their tickets, one ticket won this one dish. I really don't want it so I'll give it to one of the ladies who gave me her ticket. I don't know if it was hers that won it or not. The food was mediocre. A broccoli in sauce (which I didn't have) honey glazed carrots (not much honey so I had some of them), some sort of beef tenderloin in a gravy that I didn't have, garlic mashed potatoes that Vince said were VERY salty, rolls (I didn't have any of them), peanut crusted salmon which I thought was a bit on the sweet side, and some sort of peach cobbler or chocolate cobbler with ice cream (I didn't have any of that. Why is it that people are always pushing you to have ice cream, even when you say that you don't want any?). I had a bit of the chocolate, it was way too chocolatey for me so I gave it to Vince after taking a few nibbles. They didn't fill the water glasses which is rough for me since I'm such a big water drinker. I did take some glasses off another table that wasn't full. I'm thinking that we won't go next year. It looked to me like she was asking for so much extra in her budget because she bought the door prizes (in the past they've been donated). I know one of them came from this place where my girlfriend always sends me something from them (California Pantry?) Vince won a prize of three free games of bowling....lol I'll probably use them as I need the practice -- he doesn't. I'm sure I could find out if I wanted to if they donated them or if these games were bought.

    but they did have these candies on the table. Wish they didn't, that was my downfall.

    Rita - happy birthday to your son! Where does the time go to?

    Barb - Vince had some of the "special" brownies. He said they had an aftertaste. I still didn't tell him that there's spinach in them. Personally, I thought they were pretty good.

    Sarah - your lonely single socks are probably at my house, that's where they are!

    There's a board meeting for the Newcomers this Tuesday. I made an egg casserole (from Taste of Home) that I'm going to take. Vince said he doesn't want me to take something that he'll eat. I know he won't eat the casserole, for one thing because it has eggs in it, but also because it has spinach, cheese and mushrooms. To me, it was good. I spoke to Kathy (the president) on Sat at the gala, told her I was bringing the casserole, she said that she was planning to make French toast which Vince won't eat either because it has eggs. No, he's not allergic. He SAYS that he doesn't like them.

    Nancy - I do the same thing - have one of those plastic sleeves and keep my recipes in it, at least the ones that I'll use during the week. Earlier today I forgot to put one recipe into the sleeve, and, sure enough, water drops caused the ink to smear. But it'll be OK, it wasn't that bad.

    Mary - as far as the birthday list, I don't care either way, all or just a portion. I was just trying to make it easier for you, that's all.

    jane - as for the spinach brownies, I made them using a box of brownie mix, 1 egg, 3Tbs of water and a 10oz box of frozen spinach squeezed dry. To me they were pretty good. Yes, there was a very slight hint of an aftertaste, really it was the spinach, but I sure didn't tell Vince that! In all, they weren't bad at all.

    Next weekend there's an hors dourves and dessert with the neighborhood. For the last two years, I've offered to host it (since our house is one of the largest in the neighborhood). Guess I just don't do it at the right time because for the past two years they've always had it at someone else's house. Well, in the end, it's probably for the best.

    Then the 16th we're going to go to VA to see Jess. She wants us to come up for her bday (22nd). Only thing is that I need to be back here for the evening of the 17th since I need to lector at the church. Well, that's a good excuse to have to not stay a long time, I know that Vince is concerned about the money, especially since I want to go see Bryan.

    sally - so glad you're feeling better

    Welcome all new members. So glad you joined us. You'll get lots of support, laughs, tears, and everything in between here.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • MadeInUK
    MadeInUK Posts: 3
    I just signed up for MFP yesterday, I'm still finding my way around on here, but glad to find a bunch of ladies about the same age group as I am. I have managed to lose 42 pounds in the last 2 years, (and keep it off), but needed that extra push to keep going and re-motivate myself. Hopefully this is it.

    good luck to all on your journey.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    Evening, lovelies!
    In laws over for freezer purge snacks. Not a great day, over calories, under steps, but better than yesterday. Beautiful blue sky, almost 60, massage, hot tub, I am one lucky gal!
    Barbara: what is an AHMOD. I have tried to figure it out but have to admit defeat.
    Sorry Sarah didn't mean to be so obscure. JB turned me on to the "Hippie Mother of Dogs" acronym. I added "Ageing" to align with my profile.
    VickieM LOVED hearing about "Doing the Locomotion" What fun!
    Nancy great plastic sleeve idea, my mama typed her recipe cards but added notes by hand. I treasure them.
    Jane sounds like a lovely visit with Violet glad she's enjoying her new friends. Hang in there, the pain medicine will make it possible for you to do the therapy you need, and it won't be forever!
    lilselyn you made me laugh at the image of your horse shying away from the invisible cadbury eggs secret hiding place. Those little demons are sneaky!
    Welcome Anne and all the other newbies. these gals are the best.
    And to everyone else, read all your posts, but had to limit responses to make time to get DOWN on THAT MAT!

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    March: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hi Everybody,
    I’ve missed all of you. I was gone for three days without free internet access and I’m so happy to be reading all the posts and seeing what’s going on with you.

    :flowerforyou: We had a wonderful trip…..saw many good friends, enjoyed staying in a luxury hotel, had a few restaurant meals, mostly ate healthy, and got some exercise. We can’t pick up the animals until tomorrow morning so it is very quiet here tonight.

    :flowerforyou: The hotel had a great fitness center so I got to do some great weight training, ride a spinning bike (OMG what a fierce workout that could be), did squats with a 30 pound barbell on my shoulders, and walked on a treadmill that had a screen so you can play solitaire while you walk. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory twice. I ordered off the “Skinnylicious” menu, didn’t have any cheesecake, but ate some of the dark bread. By getting up extra early and walking around the quiet public areas of the giant hotel and going up and down the stairs, I was able to start the month meeting my goal of 17,000 steps a day.

    :bigsmile: I haven’t read all the posts from when I was gone, but it’s bedtime and I’ll have to finish tomorrow. I stopped reading at blissfuldrake’s amazing “dog pulling” adventures. I probably burned a few calories laughing at the narrative of trying to take Scooter for a walk.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :cry: :cry: Cindy, I am so sorry for your loss….one day at a time you will be able to walk through your sorrow……your memories of all the good times will be great companions for you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    My life today is so great today it should have background music

    March goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.”
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *17,000 steps a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning everyone - sorry I was missing most of February, I plan to get right back on track starting today.

    Haven't managed to read all the posts yet, I will try and catch up after work today.

    I didn't realise I hadn't signed in for over a week, (until I got a nice little reminder from MFP this morning when checking my emails) not quite sure what happened, but for most of February I felt in a funk. No excuse now that March is here, the days are getting lighter and longer.

    I must go and do my exercises - I've been pretty consistent for the last few weeks of getting in some exercise each morning before work and I have a strict schedule for it otherwise I don't do it.

    Take care everyone - sorry I haven't been here for you, but I'm back!!

    Viv :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm trying to decide on what my goals for March should be. I think I'll work on my financial live this month and not worry about "When will I be able to work out again." I'm keeping up a nice calorie deficit even without exercise and the winter weight is slowing coming off. I should be where I want to be by June and I'm hoping that I'll be able to exercise by then too.

    So this month: get the credit cards paid off and fix things with the IRS. Those are my goals!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Morning,

    First of all let me say how much I've appreciated all your kind words of care & sympathy.

    I've reset my starting weight and am ready to get going.

    So many new faces here that I am hoping to get to know. Some of you are so good at posting something to everyone. For right now I think I will be doing good to track all my food & exercise.

    My goal this week will be to get back into the swing of things, exercise everyday (which I have been doing for the past 2 wks) and get my house in better order.

    Better get some breakfast and get going,

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    well its starting another week. so far i havent messed up, but its only 8:30am...heehee.
    @kayms13 - wish i was going to mexico...sounds like u had a great trip

    @megathome - yikes! grout! that is why i didnt put any tile on my floors....love the look, hate the upkeep...tho my daughter says i shuld have put tile with dark grout and that helps!

    @marclynh - yum, mexican food!

    @liselyn - clearly there was a horse eating troll living in that corner of the arena! my mare is coming 8 but pretty green as we didnt begin her training under sadlle til almost 7....she knows ALL about trolls...lol

    @sally - glad you are feeling better keep up the good work!

    @ sally - welcome, congratulations and keep it up!

    @ barbara - love the AHMOD!

    @barbie - glad you had a good trip.

    to everyone else: happy monday! do your best and let God do the rest!


    goals for this week:
    start classes (exercise and yoga) at the gym
    ride at least 4 days even if it is cold and i dont want to
    bring the scale back in the house and weigh. ( i took scale to barn to weigh feed and didnt bring it back!)
    dont let my grandbabies being here wreck my diet even if we go to the dairy for real, fresh, organic ICE CREAM which is lukes all time fave.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Well I made it a week . Good food, exercise and I feel wonderful. So glad to be back on track. Still weighing every day. Will record my loss in a few days. I seem to do better about every 10 days for some strange reason. Yesterday after working out Kenneth and I got a nice salad for lunch and came home and had a nice quiet lazy day. He works all of the time so it was very nice just to spend some time together. Hope you all have a great week. Talk to you later.
    vicki m
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies,

    welcome to all newcomers, this is a wonderful group of supportive and caring women...

    march has been good to me so far, on track with logging , exercise and keeping with in my calorie range.....though i notice when i was spinning yesterday, that my lung capacity is not the same as before i had bronchitis....i guess it will take time to get back to normal...
    i will riding the bike today and do a weight training session...i also have to meet a plumber for a service call, run a couple of errands and by then it should be close to 5...home to start dinner(i am thinking leftovers).....i hope you all have a lovely day

    @barabie....happy you had a wonderful time on your weekend away, we missed you

    @jane.....i love to hear things are going better for you..
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    We still don't have running water at my house so I've become quite adept at getting ready with only a bottle of water. Nothing like an early morning trip outdoors to "take care of business" to wake you right up! :noway: Oh the joys of rural life! :wink:

    Getting ready for this road trip without water has made things twice the work, but I am confident we will have a new well by the time I return the end of the month. The biggest fly in the ointment is that now hubby won't be flying to VA to meet us for our son's marriage blessing, but staying home to get the well fixed.

    This morning I must vacuum out my car and get my biking in before the wind gets up. Monday is my usual laundry day so I GET TO load that up and spend rest of the day with my MiL who has graciously invited us over to wash and shower while we are water-less. I say 'get to' because I am determined not to let this recent turn of events ruin my day or sour my enthusiasm. Instead I choose to focus on my blessings. For I AM blessed: blessed to have a MiL who offered assistance, blessed to have a dependable car to get me there and blessed to have clothes to wash. (Not to mention health, a snug house in the country, and a husband who adores me.)

    Happy Monday all! Time to get to it!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Bonjour, tout le monde, Hola todos (:happy: feeling multi-lingual today!)

    Meg – squats and lunges! :explode: Whew, that’s work.

    Cathy, I hope your house sells soon & life goes back to normal. Are things still hectic at work too?

    LIselyn, I have a 14 year old boy at home, and our daughter is 25. She’s a grad student in Creative Writing and definitely not ready to settle down. I’m happy to wait for grandchildren!

    Barbie, your trip sounds like fun. I love hotels – I don’t stay in them very often now that I am not travelling for work. Squats with 30 lbs? Excellent!

    Suz, thanks for the reminder to stay on the happy side of life. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to list the blessings of being on strike:
    - The Labour Relations Board has said teachers can only stay out for 3 days in a week, then one day each week following, so it won’t be long
    - I am not the only wage earner in the family, so the income loss will not cripple us
    - I can spend extra time with J’boy (though at 14 he may not want to spend extra time with his Mum)
    - We are all healthy, happy and safe and being on strike won’t change that
    - The union meetings are at the Rec Center, where I go to the gym. I can combine meetings with workouts.

    So there it is! :ohwell: This morning I’ll find out what kind of work the union has assigned me to for my mandatory two hours a day of strike duty.

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for March:
    Exercise at least 35 hours
    Run two miles in 20 minutes
    Finish Phase One of New Rules, perfect my form doing lunges
    Make the bed, put away my clothes, leave the kitchen tidy.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Woops, forgot to list one more benefit of being on strike. The union meeting is not until 10:00 - so I don't have to rush anywhere this morning. That is a nice benefit. :happy: