

  • justaspringhaze
    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and this week I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about Metformin.

    For those of you who are on Metformin, did you notice a difference? I am most frustrated with being unable to lose weight and my male pattern hair growth. Do you think it helps with those two issues?

    One last question, I am actively trying NOT to get pregnant. I am on ortho tri cyclen...will Metformin interfere with that?

    This thread was so frustrating to read, but also felt really good to see that I'm not alone.
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I'm going to get an ultrasound this Wednesday to see if I have PCOS. I read through this forum and noticed that I do have a few hairs that grow on my chin and I gain all my weight in my mid-section. I regularly go about 60 days in between periods. My doctor did a blood test and though I might have "mild PCOS" we'll see. I haven't been able to get pregnant, but hopefully I can get pregnant naturally- that's a goal of mine in losing weight.

    It just makes me wonder, why do so many women seem to have PCOS? My entire family is SO fertile, so I don't understand why I would be the only one to have fertility issues. :frown:
  • madpurrrple
    What types of vitamins, supplements to people take. I know that a multi-vitamin is good but what can be added to that?

    This is the products I have been taking along with eating low carb. It has really helped with my belly fat and skin tags. They actually fell off the other day... I have never felt better and I had a period last week for the first time in a long time!

    I do not sell these products or anything I just know a lot of ladies on her line of supplements that have had tremendous success getting pregnant as well as controlling and halting PCOS.

    I have not experienced any side affects either which is really nice.

    Here is the link to the supplements I take.


    I encourage you to browse her website as she has spent most of her life dedicated to womans help. I just listened to her at a seminar last night and I am truly amazed at the studies and results.

    Enjoy the read :)

    just the website is

    I just ordered both of those supplements. I've been struggling with PCOS since i was 14. I just started having periods about 60 days apart after losing 60 pounds. Before that i would go years. Im also trying to get pregnant. So im hoping this will help. I no longer can afford the health insurance and regular visits to the PCOS clinic my dr. recommended. Just been trying to lose weight and exercise regularly.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    What types of vitamins, supplements to people take. I know that a multi-vitamin is good but what can be added to that?

    This is the products I have been taking along with eating low carb. It has really helped with my belly fat and skin tags. They actually fell off the other day... I have never felt better and I had a period last week for the first time in a long time!

    I do not sell these products or anything I just know a lot of ladies on her line of supplements that have had tremendous success getting pregnant as well as controlling and halting PCOS.

    I have not experienced any side affects either which is really nice.

    Here is the link to the supplements I take.


    I encourage you to browse her website as she has spent most of her life dedicated to womans help. I just listened to her at a seminar last night and I am truly amazed at the studies and results.

    Enjoy the read :)

    just the website is

    I just ordered both of those supplements. I've been struggling with PCOS since i was 14. I just started having periods about 60 days apart after losing 60 pounds. Before that i would go years. Im also trying to get pregnant. So im hoping this will help. I no longer can afford the health insurance and regular visits to the PCOS clinic my dr. recommended. Just been trying to lose weight and exercise regularly.

    Good luck dear~! Im in the same boat, and starting to try different more natural and alternative methods. At least It will make us healthier?! Praying that we have our babies soon!
  • scatterbrained
    scatterbrained Posts: 4 Member
    Hey girls! Have any of you been able to regulate your periods and ect with diet and weight loss WITHOUT Birth control? I have been prescribed with metformin but have only been taking it properly for the last week and no luck. I can skip periods for months and months at a time. Ossasionally I get provera to force it back. I hate pcos!


    Sorry for the late response - but I might have response which is hopeful...

    I too have PCOS.
    I have managed to lose weight and maintain fertility without any hormonal intervention. My cycles are like clockwork.

    My BMI is around 23 (trying to get it to 20/21 so that I have wiggle room - I am quite petite). I have worked very hard since the age of 21 (I'm 27 now) to keep in a healthy weight range. I don't eat bread, pasta, potato etc... I avoid sugary things and only indulge on special occasions. I also try to limit calories so that I don't overeat. I am sensitive to sugar and starches, and my life has improved beyond measure since limiting their presence in my diet.

    It's no picnic, BUT... I choose to put in the effort so that my body feels like it's mine again. I HATED the way I felt when I was overweight. I hated not knowing when my period would come. I hated not knowing if I was going to wake up heavier due to having eaten something that any other non-PCOS person wouldn't have to think twice about.

    Now, at 27, I am as fertile as any other woman my age. The only trace of my PCOS is the facial hair, which I despise. I have to pluck, wax etc at every opportunity.
  • wifeydevine
    wifeydevine Posts: 19 Member
    currently in the process of lasering the heck outta mine with Sona... after 13 years i couldn't stand it anymore
  • jenday333
    jenday333 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Cysters,

    It's so hard to hear your struggles and yet it gives me so much relief that I'm not alone in all of this. Stuggling every day with the weight gain, lack of confidence and depression can make you feel pretty isolated when no one around you can truly relate. I detest working SO hard, trying every possible diet and exercise and having no results. I run a marathon every year and get heavier with each one - the irony! I hate that doctors try a few of the standard approaches and then just say "Well, you're probably going to struggle with your weight for the rest of your life. You should learn to accept it and be confident in yourself". While I appreciate the thought... why can't they try something new?

    I was quite thin and on BC 6 years ago, and conceived my daughter as a "surprise" very shortly after going off of it. Since then, the weight has piled on (I weigh more now than at 9 months pregnant), the periods are nonexistent, my estrogen is nonexistent and we can't conceive a second child no matter how many rounds of Clomid.

    I'm on Metformin, with no positive changes. I've started on Yasmin again (6 months) and it's regulated my periods, but it increases my mood swings, gives me 2 weeks of breakthrough bleeding and I haven't lost a pound.

    Has anyone tried a different BC pill that has had positive results? Weight loss and period regularity. I'd like to try and do what worked for the first baby and see if it will do the same for #2. :) Fingers crossed!!

    Thanks girls! Good luck in all your struggles... one day, they'll figure this thing out!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    my mom thinks that my PCOS is nothing to be stressed about and that it shouldn't take any time out of my day to deal with.......ARE YOU FRIEKING KIDDING ME?????????????? If I don't focus all day everyday on this damn PCOS it will get the best of dumb can people be......
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    im hating the ingrowing hairs on my chin, i have black lumps and have to cut the skin to try and work it out

    talking to my consultant recently about it all and the fact i havnt concieved in 3 and a half years of try and she came back with good we dont want you to concieve. well cheers that sure makes me feel good about you

    no tips from her on helping me lose weight just a refusal to give me my medication back for the insulin resistancy/ metabolic disorder just no more babies for you!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    im hating the ingrowing hairs on my chin, i have black lumps and have to cut the skin to try and work it out

    talking to my consultant recently about it all and the fact i havnt concieved in 3 and a half years of try and she came back with good we dont want you to concieve. well cheers that sure makes me feel good about you

    no tips from her on helping me lose weight just a refusal to give me my medication back for the insulin resistancy/ metabolic disorder just no more babies for you!

    She didn't give you an explanation of WHY??????????? I mean no one can decide that FOR YOU.......You might need to look around for a better doctor...because that just seems wrong in many ways. Good luck dear!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    im hating the ingrowing hairs on my chin, i have black lumps and have to cut the skin to try and work it out

    talking to my consultant recently about it all and the fact i havnt concieved in 3 and a half years of try and she came back with good we dont want you to concieve. well cheers that sure makes me feel good about you

    no tips from her on helping me lose weight just a refusal to give me my medication back for the insulin resistancy/ metabolic disorder just no more babies for you!

    She didn't give you an explanation of WHY??????????? I mean no one can decide that FOR YOU.......You might need to look around for a better doctor...because that just seems wrong in many ways. Good luck dear!

    unfortunatly shes the only pcos doctor where i am, i live in england and with the nhs your lucky if you get to see a specialist at all

    what she doesnt know is i still have 5 months worth of clomid left over from when i concieved my daughter so if i get that desperate and still cant get any help from the doctors then i might just take the feker anyway
  • HeatherRW
    Is there a certain brand of epilator that anyone recommends?? Thanks a bunch : )
  • BritskyB
    BritskyB Posts: 13
    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and this week I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about Metformin.

    For those of you who are on Metformin, did you notice a difference? I am most frustrated with being unable to lose weight and my male pattern hair growth. Do you think it helps with those two issues?

    One last question, I am actively trying NOT to get pregnant. I am on ortho tri cyclen...will Metformin interfere with that?

    This thread was so frustrating to read, but also felt really good to see that I'm not alone.

    For those others of us suffering with the excess hair thing, I would highly suggest "Micro Tweeze" microwavable wax. I've had waxes at the salon before and they hurt far less than this stuff and work far less. My bf got it for me cause I've been complaining about the hair issue as well. After some time he spent researching, he found this to be the most liked. Good luck everyone and happy losing!
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    I'm new to MFP, and just found this thread.

    I have a PCOS and weight loss story to tell. I just hope I can make it more succinct than I usually do. ;-)

    I've had PCOS since I began menstruating, but was diagnosed maybe 20 years ago, or so. I only had the inovulatory dysfunction, but none of the other symptoms. I was thin without trying. My normal weight from about age 16 to early 30s was 97lbs. It never changed.

    In my 30s, I gained maybe 20lbs. But because I felt I looked better at that weight, it didn't bother me. That was my new normal weight for several years.

    Then, in my early 40s, the weight started to pile on despite no significant lifestyle changes. I tried aggressive diet and exercise, and couldn't lose an ounce. I'd evntually give up, only to have to try again at a higher weight.

    Last September, i began again. But, for some reason, this time was different. I was looking for answers, more than listening to the inexpert folks who think they know everything, and imply/suggest/insinuate/accuse me of lying about my diet and exercise claims. "Oh, just exercise more and eat less and you'll lose weight." Riiiiiiiiight...

    I was killing myself in the gym, and eating the healthiest food, in small amounts. I only gained weight. For 2 months, September and October 2011, it went on like this. Out of desperation, I did an online seach of terms like exercsing like mad, eating nothing, but gaining weight. The most common result? PCOS women echoing the same problem.

    That's when the light went on. I have PCOS! No doctor ever told me PCOS is linked to insulin resistance and, for sure, none of these self-described fitness "expert" losers were knowledgeable enough to recognize signs of insulin resistance, much less suggest a possible treatment.

    From there I learned more about insulin, the link between PCOS and insulin resistance, and various treatments for PCOS-related insulin resistance. I decided to try one of the most innocuous, yet recommended, treatments: cinnamon.

    It worked like magic!

    Literally, I took 3g of cinnamon supplements one day, and lost 1.5lbs by the next morning. Then I lost a few tenths of a pound the next day, and the next, and the next.

    I'd been keeping a weight graph, and from the day I started taking cinnamon, my weight has been in a steady, downward trajectory. It's undeniable.

    I've been averaging 2.5lbs lost per week for the past couple of months, beginning with the day I started taking a cinnamon supplement.

    Life is so different now than it had been for the past 5-6 years. I have some control. I'm nearly at my pre-insulin-resistant weight, and looking foreward to getting fit and DOING things. (I've been a virtual recluse because of my fat.)

    And in case anyone doesn't know or is curious, the science behind cinnamon as a natural insulin sensitizer is pretty well accepted at this time. It was discovered by accident, in a study of insulin resistant people. Those study participants who hapoened to eat apple pie were found to have better fasting glucose levels. With further study, it was found that it was the cinnamon in the apple pie that was doing the trick.

    Caution, though. If you aren't insulin resistant, cinnamon won't have any effect. All it does is improve fasting glucose levels closer to that of people who aren't insulin resistant. Also, even if you are insulin resistant, you won't lose weight without caloric deficit. Cinnamon's affect on insulin sensitivity is what makes it possible for insulin resistant people to lose weight through diet and exercise. As women with PCOS-reated insulin resistance know, it's nearly impossible to lose weight if you're insulin resistant.

    Insulin resstance is linked to PCOS, but is not automatically present. For maybe 20 years I had PCOS but (apoarently) wasn't insulin resistant.

    Learning about PCOS-related insulin resistance and cinnamon has changed my my life.
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 161 Member
    Fellow cyster here... and like most of you, I've suffered with the mood swings, excess weight, chin hair, etc. What I haven't seen anyone else post, and which truly frustrates me is that I also have (what I consider to be) the worst PCOS side effect: androgenic alopecia. That's right ladies... I've lost most of my hair. So on top of already feeling fat/ugly/infertile, PCOS has also taken my thick, radiant hair (a symbol of beauty and femininity). :cry: I'd gladly endure everything else for the rest of my life if I could only have my hair back. Sure I wear wigs all the time, but it's not the same thing as having your own hair.

    (Yeah, it seems my body didn't miss one PCOS side effect... I swear I have them all.)

    I'm being seen by an incredible endocrinologist now, but Metformin did nothing for me. Well except for the violent gastrointestinal issues it caused. I'm now on Spironolactone and things have improved drastically. I'm losing weight for the first time ever, my mood is improved, the chin hair/shaving is less frequent and I'm starting to feel better. My scalp hair however will likely never return. Oh well. :frown:

    PS: For those newly diagnosed, please do not treat PCOS lightly. Do what you can to improve your health today. Exercise, eat well and take those meds. Trust me!
  • lesliemifflin
    i've never known this many women with PCOS! it's nice to know i'm not alone!!!!!!!!! it can really suck sometimes, but i'm glad it's not anything worse!
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Always looking for support . Friend me :smile:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    I have lost an entire person despite you- thanks for rearing your ugly head when things are the most difficult for me.
    If you decide to blow another gasket in the middle of the night and leave me in such a state that I have to make an emergency doctor visit, can't lift anything or workout for a week, cause me to blow up like a balloon and generally feel like sh*it one more time I may be forced to take measures into my own hands. SERIOUSLY. I will punch you in your little cyst-y face.

    Consider this fair warning

    the body you take great pleasure in wreaking havoc on.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I have PCOS, I don't take any treatments for it, no health coverage. I'm still paying off a emergency room bills from when I had a cyst burst and was in the worst pain of my life, a year ago. That's with the 50% discount the hospital gave me for being low income, sigh, the joy of poverty. I struggle with losing weight, I don't even know when I'm going to get my period or when I do get them how long they gonna last, they sometimes go 2-3 weeks, 3 weeks only happened once, though. I can get pregnant, but all 6 times ended in miscarry. Yes it sucks, but I think I manage it pretty well. I just hate explaining it to people who have no problem popping out kids, like some of my husband family. I get "you can adopt", alot too. Which is true, but If I can't afford fertility treatment and medicines, I sure the heck can't afford to adopt a kid, besides we currently live in a tiny 1 bedroom apt. so I would have no place to but a kid anyways. Sorry that turned into a vent, feel free to add me.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    i've never known this many women with PCOS! it's nice to know i'm not alone!!!!!!!!! it can really suck sometimes, but i'm glad it's not anything worse!

    I know right, I've only met 2 people with it, in real life. My cousin (hubby's side) she said she's been pregnant 15 times, but she has 4 kids. The other is an old co-worker of mine, who just keeps having miscarries like me. I had no idea this many people have this same issue as I do, its kinda nice to know I'm not alone.