Poll: YES or NO? Saying "Great Job!" On Your Diary



  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I tend to only comment on weight loss, at least right now. And I try to not have friends on my list that don't eat enough. Of course, some people keep their food private, so you have no way of knowing what they're doing, so these people I have to give the benefit of the doubt.

    I wish MFP would change the automated calorie goal messages to say "adolson13 completed his food and exercise diary for 03/04/2012 and was within 43 calories of his goal." instead of what it currently says. I sometimes find myself striving to be under my goal, when I know I should actually be trying to hit the goal.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I am assuming that the posting reflects the fact that they have achieved something they were seeking. In absence of a "like" button, sometimes I acknowledge that without reading.
    If I have a dubious victory, I immediately follow with a comment.
    If anybody doesn't like that, they are free to defriend me.
    I'm here to support those whom I have chosen as friendS, many with different approaches. If I think their approach is wrong, they are not my friends for long, if ever.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I have removed all my postings to the news feed b/c I find the “good job” etc comments annoying.

    Regardless of losing weight the healthy way or too few calories these comments bug me since I'm usually just trying to plan my day; I haven’t done the exercise logged yet or completed my day but wanted to check out what I would I weight in 5 weeks or if I better hit my macronutrients if I did a certain amount/type of exercise. Having strangers tell you good job seems silly. MFP is good if you have a question but if you’ve been successful use your real family and friends as the judges and if you don’t get enough compliments there, know that you have been just THAT successful, they are jealous. It’s how you look/feel in the end that matters and strangers telling you that you look good doesn’t mean a thing.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I typically comment on all exercise but will only comment on the food diary if I have time to actually review it. If someone ate crap all I day I make no comment at all. If they ate under goal and incorporated alittle junk I may say something like " Way to stay under good job keeping the candy to a minimum"
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    I also notice a couple people who say that when the person did horribly that day. Those are the ones I kick off my friends list.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    never really thought about this, I suppose we all just assume everything is OK, and the weight loss and low cals are deliberate but note taken, wrists slapped I shall read before I comment in future. :D good post
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I did a "great job" of eating my Quarter Pounder wif cheeze last night.

  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    And I absolutely hate getting that PM that says ... "Whoa! A little too much wine today." or "You went way over on sodium today good luck ever having abs." <--(it happened) ....I logged it, so trust me, I know

    Oh I know! I was in my first week of logging and I got some of those critical comments and I'm thinking, who asked you to be my police? And I wanted to ask some questions on the forums, but I saw how people jumped so harshly on others and decided to stay away.

    I like straight shooting, but I'm making good progress and am in good shape so anyone who is consistently critical without either a) being a good friend already or b) my asking their opinion gets X'ed off the friends list.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    My process:

    1: I ALWAYS w/out fail read before commenting
    2: If you are sick, I just write feel better
    3: If you are super low, I write nothing
    4: If your diary isn't open, I write nothing
    5: If you are over, I reassure (if you need it) that the world isn't over
    6: If you are under by a little, but I see that your day is filled with good choices, I may think it's a good job as long as you didn't exercise every calorie off, you know 1,100 calories and it's a rest day, may be worthy:laugh: in my eyes, lol
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I usually don't comment on eating. I've seen this happen on my food log when I'll eat like crap but still be under and I'll get congratulated. But I can't blame them because I have my diary hidden. >__>

    But I did like this one comment I got. I had eaten horribly one day, but I still logged all of it and someone congratulated me on keeping myself accountable and still logging it all, even though I could have just forgotten all about it. IDK, that made me feel better than the "great jobs."

    But I like getting "great jobs" on my workouts. :) That's encouraging.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I only comment on cals burned and weight loss. Food diaries, as we've seen from the multitude of comments and opinions on this thread, are touchy. That's why I take a hands off"approach to them. We're all adults so I'm pretty sure we can tell for ourselves whether we've had a "good" or "bad" day.
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    I made the mistake one time and commented on a friend who constantly ate under 1000 calories, so I just don't comment on those, but if you're diary is open I assume it because you want people to hold you accountable.

    That is why mine is open. Good days or bad days, I log it and I don't like generic good jobs, I like people who make a specific comments about my diary because that means I know they took the time to read it, if you don't have the time to read it I understand, but don't give a generic good job.

    Far as weight loss, that always gets a positive response!
  • brookebattaglia
    I always read the person's diary before I comment on their diary because I really like looking to see some of the different options of healthy food that people are eating. If you come up with great, healthy recipes and concoctions, it is fun for me to take a glance at your diary and see what you have been eating. Weight loss is another thing I always try to comment on. Even if you are only losing .4 lbs, you are still LOSING weight, not GAINING it. I agree that it is all about portion control and knowing your limits, so if you have a slice a pizza one day, that is great because you are learning to adapt your diet to fit your every day life. If we all eat fruits and veggies all the time we would be miserable, so it is nice to throw in some of your favorite foods, IN MODERATION OF COURSE!
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    If you don't have time to read it ... Don't take time to comment on it !

    Somebody might be under and had a Big Mac from McDonalds and three Hershey bars for the day ... And some *kitten* comes along and says " great job staying under " ....

    Really ??? Seriously ??? Wow ! Why not just say " great job clogging your arteries " !!!! Diabolical !

    Yeah ... I have a STRONG opinion on this subject ! :drinker:

    I can see where you're coming from, but I disagree. Not a single one of my MFP friends eats like that on a regular basis (or at least none who keep their diary open, lol) so if they give themselves an unhealthy treat once in a while and still manage to stay under then good for them! I would tell them good job staying under, we are all human ney? A lot of people feel guilty enough for having treated themselves without being judged by their so called friends.... If I noticed they were doing it everyday though I wouldn't say anything. I don't comment on food diary's that often, if I comment it's usually on exercise.

    What does make me angry though is when I see people commenting on those with super low calorie intakes... netting less than 300 a day.... and people still writing stuff like "great job" "good day" "well done". This is my fitness pal not my annorexic pal! I refuse to encourage this behaviour, and I have deleted people because I can't stand & watch others cheer them on.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I think it would be cool if your friends got notified if you'd stayed within say 5% of your daily calories, whether over or under.

    the idea is to shoot for a number, not give yourself a maximum and try to be as far under it as possible.
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    I appreciate encouragement. I don't expect anyone to read and judge my food journal. I need nice people on my side. I don't enjoy the message boards being pushy or judgmental. Everyone has their own issues.

    I agree! I try to encourage my friends! That is why a lot of us are on MFP, to get encouragement, not negative comments! Please don't be the "food police" unless someone asks your opinion! My diary is open to my friends - I don't care who looks at it. I am doing low carb, not low cal, so I am often over on calories. What works for you may not work for me... and vice versa! I appreciate the "good jobs!" that I get!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Ballybabe1
    I dont mind if I get congratulated for eating crap even when I am under my cals, at least I was under Right ! I have spent so many days being over, I need all the support I can get and I dont expect my pals to read all of my diary, who would have the time. We all know ourselves what we have to do and words of support are nice to get at any time.
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    personally, i don't post anything unless i really look at it. i think like you too. also, this might not be a good or nice thing to do, but i've deleted ppl that I THINK aren't doing this the heathy way. i'm still learning, but well to me eatting 1000 calories or less a day just isn't healthy. that's what i mean by not doing this the healthy way.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    There are so many different opinions as to what's the right thing to eat, I don't think you would get a stright answer. Personally I don't post my food journal (when I do) to be judged.

    I agree with binary. But if you're gonna post, I can tell if you're posting without actually looking at my diary. #justsayin

    "Great job" ...when I had 3 donuts, a candy bar, and a cheeseburger? <
  • Lorrie_73
    Lorrie_73 Posts: 104 Member
    I appreciate encouragement. I don't expect anyone to read and judge my food journal. I need nice people on my side. I don't enjoy the message boards being pushy or judgmental. Everyone has their own issues.

    I agree! I try to encourage my friends! That is why a lot of us are on MFP, to get encouragement, not negative comments! Please don't be the "food police" unless someone asks your opinion! My diary is open to my friends - I don't care who looks at it. I am doing low carb, not low cal, so I am often over on calories. What works for you may not work for me... and vice versa! I appreciate the "good jobs!" that I get!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Amen! Have we lost so much weight that we run out of things to complain about? My friends do not judge me. We are all on different journeys. Do not judge lest ye be judged.