
  • Trallaurrum
    Trallaurrum Posts: 25 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and this week I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about Metformin.

    For those of you who are on Metformin, did you notice a difference? I am most frustrated with being unable to lose weight and my male pattern hair growth. Do you think it helps with those two issues?

    One last question, I am actively trying NOT to get pregnant. I am on ortho tri cyclen...will Metformin interfere with that?

    This thread was so frustrating to read, but also felt really good to see that I'm not alone.

    Metformin treats the insulin resistance, so it will help with slowing the weight gain, but it doesn't treat the hormone imbalance that causes the other symptoms (hair growth, irregular periods, etc.) To treat those, they'll put you on certain kinds of birth control (with me, they also supplemental with spironolactone (sp?)), so I don't imagine Metformin will interfere with your birth control pills.

    The one thing to keep in mind about Metformin is that it can make your body behave much more like a diabetic. If you're in the habit of skipping meals (like breakfast!) DON'T. I crashed severely a couple times when I first started on it and had to carry around hard candy for a while before I stabilized.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I've been diagnosed recently with PCOS but because a blood test revealed minor abnormalities in my liver function, the gp won't give me Metformin etc to treat it.

    I've been dieting recently and have been slowly but steadily losing weight and i hope that will continue...

    What upsets me most about it right now is the hair growth!!! I feel like everyone is looking at me all the time. I've just started a new job and i am so self conscious about the way i look. Its affecting my ability and confidence a LOT. I spend ages EVERY NIGHT with my tweezers in my hand getting rid of as much as i can, but by the morning, it's all back again!!!!!! For the past couple of weeks i've been taking herbal supplements which i have read may help to reduce the testosterone but i read that they may take 3 months to start working!!

    If anyone knows of anything that helps with this (apart from shaving/epilation) i would be glad to hear about it because i feel at rock bottom about myself recently. :(
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    I just found this thread and have about 100 lbs to go. It's nice to see the other posts and know I'm not alone!!!
  • j_emerson
    j_emerson Posts: 48
    Love this thread and so glad I came across and I'm not the odd one out anymore. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 years old just through ultra sounds on my ovaries; When I was 18, I went to a different doctor and had blood work completed. At that time, I had the testorone levels of a woman going through menopause, so at that time, I was told children would like never be a possibility. This was heartbreaking information as I was engaged to be married. I, like many other posts I've seen, am so sick of the unnatural hair growth all over my body. I've resorted to "shaving my beard" area every morning. I know that I've probably made it worse by resorting to that, but I don't have insurance and can't afford to have laser treatments. Now, at 31 years old and single (as I'm horrified to let myself get close to anyone as I don't want them to find out my secrets), I've pretty much given up hope on having children of my own, but I spend as much time with my neices and nephews as possible. Its hard to get involved in realtionships with people who want children and know should it get to that point, you can't give them that. I wish every good luck on their weight loss journey and not letting PCOS get the best of us!!
  • plucking has become an obsession...I keep tweezers everywhere.
    the weight loss complications are SO frustrating.
    I hate the big belly - i wouldn't mind being overweight if I didn't have so many instances of strangers thinking i was pregnant - which hurts even more since i probably will need fertility meds to even GET pregnant - still doesn't stop me from buying pregnancy tests when my period decides to go MIA (I don't know why I bother - it's always negative) - and then I get PMS for like 2-3 weeks. (GOD BLESS MY BOYFRIEND WHO PUTS UP WITH THAT!!!) only to finally get it and be completely doubled over in pain. The bloating, the mood swings, the carb cravings, the skin tags/discoloration...Hair growth, thinning hair...

    I hate it all.

    I'm going through one of those phases where I get really depressed about the fact that I have this disorder. Hoping the upswing comes soon...
  • BritskyB
    BritskyB Posts: 13
    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and this week I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about Metformin.

    For those of you who are on Metformin, did you notice a difference? I am most frustrated with being unable to lose weight and my male pattern hair growth. Do you think it helps with those two issues?

    One last question, I am actively trying NOT to get pregnant. I am on ortho tri cyclen...will Metformin interfere with that?

    This thread was so frustrating to read, but also felt really good to see that I'm not alone.

    For those others of us suffering with the excess hair thing, I would highly suggest "Micro Tweeze" microwavable wax. I've had waxes at the salon before and they hurt far less than this stuff and work far less. My bf got it for me cause I've been complaining about the hair issue as well. After some time he spent researching, he found this to be the most liked. Good luck everyone and happy losing!

    This should have been.. The Micro Tweeze hurts far less than the salon waxes and seems to work so much better! My wonderful bf got it for me as a surprise Christmas present, and I was afraid to try it, but I love it. I would suggest it to anyone who has to deal with the excess hair issue. It's truly been amazing! HUGE hugs to all the supportive bf/hubbies/ SO's!
  • BritskyB
    BritskyB Posts: 13
    plucking has become an obsession...I keep tweezers everywhere.
    the weight loss complications are SO frustrating.
    I hate the big belly - i wouldn't mind being overweight if I didn't have so many instances of strangers thinking i was pregnant - which hurts even more since i probably will need fertility meds to even GET pregnant - still doesn't stop me from buying pregnancy tests when my period decides to go MIA (I don't know why I bother - it's always negative) - and then I get PMS for like 2-3 weeks. (GOD BLESS MY BOYFRIEND WHO PUTS UP WITH THAT!!!) only to finally get it and be completely doubled over in pain. The bloating, the mood swings, the carb cravings, the skin tags/discoloration...Hair growth, thinning hair...

    I hate it all.

    I'm going through one of those phases where I get really depressed about the fact that I have this disorder. Hoping the upswing comes soon...

    Reading your post sounds sooo much like what I've thought/felt/been through. Hang in there! I go through those times too where I just get so irritated and depressed about EVERYTHING with this and the weight.. and as an emotional eater.. it's like a vicious cycle that's a horrible ride. Amen to having a boyfriend (and family) who puts up with the mood swings and all of it. If you need to vent or additional support, feel free to friend me!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    we are getting a boxer puppy tomorrow! My first puppy:) Im excited! I will deffinately be walking him ALOT this spring summer! Can't wait! On top of my morning elliptical workouts, I should be getting in shape quickly I hope! PCOS will not beat me this year! Hope all my cysters are doing well! Stay STRONG!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    RANT WARNING - Amazon had a Kindle book special the other day on a short story about the trials of women with excess hair.

    REALLY? People - this is a SYMPTOM of a DISEASE that affects so much more than how many hairs you can see on my chinny chin chin! How can you imagine one short story about chin hair will adequately address (even in a literary fashion) the pain of infertility, debilitation of being overweight, the heartbreak of infertility, the frustrations of NOT being in control of ONES OWN BODY no matter how hard we try???? GET OUT OF MY DISEASE if you only want to titilate, make money, poke fun or 'imagine you know what it feels like'!!! I have been dealing with PCOS for 40 years and YOU DON'T KNOW ME.

    Now I could write a book...... and I'd have to include all the Warrior Princess Cysters I see here who battle daily, who triumph, encourage others and defy the odds of what doctors tell them, who relentlessly search for answers and solutions and live quite a fine life whether they have chin hairs or not.

    Just sayin'.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    RANT WARNING - Amazon had a Kindle book special the other day on a short story about the trials of women with excess hair.

    REALLY? People - this is a SYMPTOM of a DISEASE that affects so much more than how many hairs you can see on my chinny chin chin! How can you imagine one short story about chin hair will adequately address (even in a literary fashion) the pain of infertility, debilitation of being overweight, the heartbreak of infertility, the frustrations of NOT being in control of ONES OWN BODY no matter how hard we try???? GET OUT OF MY DISEASE if you only want to titilate, make money, poke fun or 'imagine you know what it feels like'!!! I have been dealing with PCOS for 40 years and YOU DON'T KNOW ME.

    Now I could write a book...... and I'd have to include all the Warrior Princess Cysters I see here who battle daily, who triumph, encourage others and defy the odds of what doctors tell them, who relentlessly search for answers and solutions and live quite a fine life whether they have chin hairs or not.

    Just sayin'.

    all I can say is RIGHT ON THE MONEY HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well said Cyster!
  • BritskyB
    BritskyB Posts: 13
    Love this thread and so glad I came across and I'm not the odd one out anymore. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 years old just through ultra sounds on my ovaries; When I was 18, I went to a different doctor and had blood work completed. At that time, I had the testorone levels of a woman going through menopause, so at that time, I was told children would like never be a possibility. This was heartbreaking information as I was engaged to be married. I, like many other posts I've seen, am so sick of the unnatural hair growth all over my body. I've resorted to "shaving my beard" area every morning. I know that I've probably made it worse by resorting to that, but I don't have insurance and can't afford to have laser treatments. Now, at 31 years old and single (as I'm horrified to let myself get close to anyone as I don't want them to find out my secrets), I've pretty much given up hope on having children of my own, but I spend as much time with my neices and nephews as possible. Its hard to get involved in realtionships with people who want children and know should it get to that point, you can't give them that. I wish every good luck on their weight loss journey and not letting PCOS get the best of us!!

    Don't give up! Hang in there cyster. You never really know unless you try! There are others out there who have been told they'd never be able to have children and miraculously have a handful! Best of luck to you, though I know the feeling. I am worried too that this will affect being able to have children, so I'm trying to do something about it now to increase my chances of achieving that goal.
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS and I didn't know that the hair growth was associated with it! I get these thick black hairs that grow sporadically on my face- I pluck them. I check my face almost daily for any new hairs, but I only get them every couple weeks or so.. I do have growth on my lower abdomen, almost like a happy trail.. It's very upsetting, I hate the hair growth!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS and I didn't know that the hair growth was associated with it! I get these thick black hairs that grow sporadically on my face- I pluck them. I check my face almost daily for any new hairs, but I only get them every couple weeks or so.. I do have growth on my lower abdomen, almost like a happy trail.. It's very upsetting, I hate the hair growth!!
    yes unfortunately pcos causes a male hairgrowth pattern on us ladies....its just awful! no one understands until you walk in our shoes.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I guess I'm lucky, I have 1 black chin hair I pluck, every time it grows back in. I, not to be gross, have over abundance down below though, I think having pubic hair extent to you thighs is so gross. I hate swimsuits cause I'm always scared I missed a spot. Weight loss has been such a b**** for me. I'm eating and exercising to loose 2 pounds a week, but still only losing 0.5-1 pound a week. I hate that my belly looks like I could be pregnant, 24/7! I hate that people think that because you don't have kids, its intentional, and think, we aren't trying. My boss keeps telling me, "if you ever decide to have kids...." its so annoying! I want kids, but I've had 6 miscarries and its not like I don't have sex. I hate that I don't ovulate, and when I do have my periods, I pass blood clots like crazy and usually have horrible cramps. I hate the weird looks I get when the parent of a student of mine hears, I don't have kids. Just because I don't have kids of my own don't mean I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I've only been taking care of kids since I was 10! Professionally since I was 18, it's my passion! I just HATE not being normal, most of all :frown:
  • lonestarlada
    lonestarlada Posts: 15 Member
    I was reading an article a few days ago. Here's another bummer regarding PCOS - we're more susceptible to stress. A German study found that women with PCOS also produce more Cortisol (which is a stress hormone). And stress can be a causal factor for weight gain, or prohibit weight loss. So that's another kick in the teeth to add to the already insurmountable list already...

    I actually have to force myself to stop thinking about it. It makes me depressed. Like today, I mourned the years of electrolysis and laser I've done, and the countless amounts of money I've spent (that could have been spent on shoes, or whatever other lucky non-pcos ladies get to spend their money on), and how the damned hair keeps regrowing because it's a hormonal thing, which can never be stopped, and so while it's improved, it's not great... so I have to stop thinking about it, or I get too bummed out.

    P.S. Re: The cruel "mistaken for pregnant" irony - Now, every time someone puts their hand on my belly and asks me when I'm due, I reply as factually and bluntly as possible and explain to them that I'm fat and have PCOS and then go on and on. Some poor fellow (a stranger!) at Walmart meant well, but the fool touched my tummy while in line, and asked me my due date, and I made him suffer listing to my reply the entire time we were in line for the check-out. He started it, and the pain I dished back was a fair tit-for-tat, in my opinion. I figure if anyone is rude enough to presume I'm pregnant, then that gives me permission to "clarify" the situation. Hopefully the mistake will imprint on their stupids minds enough that they'll never do it to another woman again! (Let's blame the unkindness in my response to my mood swings! ha!)
  • so happy I found this!!

    I was diagnosed when I was 17 but my parents/doctor did not think it was a big enough deal to do anything. now I am 25 and am trying to figure it out.

    my hair stuff was undder control until my daughter was born, now its so friggin thick!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    so happy I found this!!

    I was diagnosed when I was 17 but my parents/doctor did not think it was a big enough deal to do anything. now I am 25 and am trying to figure it out.

    I was diagnosed at 15, went straight onto the pill just because I hated worrying about getting my period at weird times but my doctor didn't think it was that big of a deal either. I recently went off the pill (last June/July) and haven't my period since. Now I'm trying to force myself to find a new doctor (I hate doctors) to try to do something about this because I haven't had my period since going off the pill.

    And of course I want nothing more than to have children to be honest...but I have a huge fear of not being able to get pregnant. As of now all I know is I can't seem to have my period at all since I went off birth control (didn't have my period for 8 months before the pill) so when I can try for children, will I be able to get pregnant? Will I only have miscarriages if I do get pregnant?

    I don't have too many problems, just the random stray hair and non existent periods right now but I fear it getting worse and fear not getting my period, if that's healthy or going to cause problems...ugh. And I hate doctors!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Katybear - take heart. I had irregular or nonexistent periods for long stretches of time. After 4 years of wanting to get pregnant, concieved my first son. Three years later I used medication to assist with my second pregnancy. Both went just fine, no miscarriages, just close to prediabetes with the second. Each person experiences PCOS differently and it changes severity and forms throughout the years. Now that I am close to menopausal (another joy is not really being able to tell if its meno or pcos) hair growth is slowed a lot and so have other negative symptoms. Now it is mostly the weight and IR issues. But my life is full and happy with so much positive in it that is not overshadowed by PCOS. I know that in your younger years the thoughts and fears of having babies and dealing with the symptoms can seem like the focus of your life. But reach out, stretch out, and don't let it rob you of the joys in life.

    PCOS Granny
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Katybear - take heart. I had irregular or nonexistent periods for long stretches of time. After 4 years of wanting to get pregnant, concieved my first son. Three years later I used medication to assist with my second pregnancy. Both went just fine, no miscarriages, just close to prediabetes with the second. Each person experiences PCOS differently and it changes severity and forms throughout the years. Now that I am close to menopausal (another joy is not really being able to tell if its meno or pcos) hair growth is slowed a lot and so have other negative symptoms. Now it is mostly the weight and IR issues. But my life is full and happy with so much positive in it that is not overshadowed by PCOS. I know that in your younger years the thoughts and fears of having babies and dealing with the symptoms can seem like the focus of your life. But reach out, stretch out, and don't let it rob you of the joys in life.

    PCOS Granny

    THANK YOU! It's nice to hear. Right now I just have no idea what to expect from my future if things will get worse or not or what...
  • mattie733
    mattie733 Posts: 27
    I usually try to make myself feel up beat about life but today... I feel like I hate everything PCOS makes me go through. I hate those ugly skin tags on my neck and I hate the dark skin that looks dirty.. Most of all I hate being scared to be close to another man. After I chased away my ex-husband because we couldn't get pregnant I have not been able to let anyone near me. I don't want to go through the whole ordeal of telling them that I have long periods or no periods, I have mood swings and when you see me crying it really is just for no reason. .. I weep when my friends get pregnant and know that I will never carry a baby inside of me.. don't get me wrong I love my 3 boys I have been very lucky to been able to adopt them but I would really love to feel what it is like to bring a new life into this world...
    Just being sad today and not being able to pull myself together. I know tomorrow will be another day and hopefully I will be my almost normal self..