Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (Starting 2/27/12)



  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Just finished the cardio dvd and I feel like I'm dying! Still very sore from the last 2 days so I'm proud of myself for even putting the dvd in, let alone playing, let alone actually excercising! Don't get me wrong ... some of the moves I did were very UGLY and I wasn't keeping up with the pace 100% of the time ... but I pushed myself and I was breathing hard. Can I say I hate the "running man"? If anyone had been watching me, I know they would have busted a gut laughing! I would, if I wasn't in sooo much pain:laugh: ... how did I get to be so uncordinated??

    I'm finding myself getting more short tempered, and I know it has to do with cutting out diet coke and dramatically changing my diet from what it had been ...plus of course, being sore....by the end of the day, I just want to hide out in my room and not deal with my responsibilities. I know it will pass... hopefully the family will survive and forgive.

    I'm so proud of you for sticking with it! Just read your last two posts on here. You are doing great! Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't do both workouts every day during the kick start. I'm used to JM's videos and it has been harder for me than I though it would be. You are doing so well, especially for a beginner.

    You're family will understand! Just get through this week and things will start to get easier (more variety to the meals and only one workout to push through a day). I hear you about the diet coke. My mom is a diet coke addict and I keep telling her to cut it out but she refuses to do it. I'm still working on her though. haha! I just got her to join MFP today so if I can get her to try to cut out diet coke for a while maybe you two can buddy up on a Diet Cokeaholics Anonymous type team

    Alright, time for me to go do cardio 1!
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I'm on day 4, I couldn't resist getting on the scale this morning :blushing: And I'm down 5 pounds .... I LOVE JILLIAN! I won't record my new weight til Saturday (hoping to drop a little more LOL) Pretty excited and very sore at this point. I'm following the kickstart diet which is making me crazy I WANT A PIECE OF BREAD! :grumble:
  • olmac124
    olmac124 Posts: 4 Member
    I, too am a lover of the Diet Coke and instead of punishing myself (and others) I allow myself 2- 12oz. cans a day- one with lunch and one with dinner. This is a drastic decrease in what I was drinking and I have upped my water intake by leaps and bounds. This has not hindered my weight loss and keeps me sane :o) Good luck!
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    I agree with the running man! I am just not that coordinated! I did my cardio today.
    The last run of suicides does make me proud at the end, I've counted 20 - 22 each set.
    I started BR last Thursday when I got the set, this is my first official week, I am kinda kicking myself for not doing the kickstart, but for March I am thinking of adding either the 30DS or Ripped in 30 in addition to this workout.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    I had to skip the cardio yesterday, so I took my rest day early. I was just too tired and sore from work/school/exercise. I'm ready to get back on this today!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Day four of the kick start is in the books!
  • Well, today is over! Didn't finish day 4 dvd 1 ... was short about 6 min ... just one of them days when I kept getting interrupted and after the third one which was long, I had to move on with my day. I'm feeling it in my calf tonight because I didn't do the cool down ... the rest of my legs feel better ... not good ... but not as sore as the very first day. That's a good thing. Tomorrow's a new day!

    It's nice to read everyone's comments, similar struggles and "atta boy" encouragements. It really helps to keep me on track!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Day 5 of kick start done!
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    First week (Kick Start) done.....9 1/2 pounds gone! I can't believe it.....I've haven't lost that much in one week since I was over 200 pounds!

    Love Jillian!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    First week (Kick Start) done.....9 1/2 pounds gone! I can't believe it.....I've haven't lost that much in one week since I was over 200 pounds!

    Love Jillian!

    Congrats! That's awesome. Keep up the good work!
  • Well, got off track ... ate decent food yesterday but no exercise ... ate way crappy today ... ok, more like how I used to eat ... and still no exercise. Going through some big life changes, stress right now that will last for 3-6 months ... I just need to stay focused and push through it. As much as I feel like a failure (again) I still exercised 4 days last week and ate fairly good most of the week ... will shoot for 5 days this coming week until I'm doing it all the time ... baby steps...

    Oh, and ps ... I feel like crap! I know it's the food and the diet coke ... blah, bloated, yucky feeling... it's funny how I know I feel better eating healthy ... but it is sooo easy to fall back into bad food choices...
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    I started 2/27 as well and attempted the kickstart but at day 3 I decided it was too extreme and stressing me out (I have 3 young children that keep me stressed out enough! lol). So, now I just do the regular program and don't really follow her meal plan. I have found that I really can barely stomach most of the recipes (yogurt with cinnamon, soup and chicken, turkey burger and quinoa bell peppers). The only recipe I thought was decent is the turkey burger. Mine didn;t cook up well and became more of a scramble though. I try to eat healthy and stay around 1200 calories.

    Her workouts have been somewhat easy but I know they are going to get tougher!

    I know she is totally anti-soy but I've been reading books about adopting a plant-based lifestyle and those doctors promote soy. WTH? It's all so stressful and confusing sometimes...
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    I, too am a lover of the Diet Coke and instead of punishing myself (and others) I allow myself 2- 12oz. cans a day- one with lunch and one with dinner. This is a drastic decrease in what I was drinking and I have upped my water intake by leaps and bounds. This has not hindered my weight loss and keeps me sane :o) Good luck!

    I know you love your diet coke but it really is so bad for you! I use to drink it until I started getting shooting pains in my arms every time I drank it. It's great that you have greatly decreased the amount you drink but REALLY think about getting rid of the crap altogether.

    Here's an article that may sway you to make the change:

  • jillianfan317
    jillianfan317 Posts: 89 Member
    I started mine on the 27th I just finished wk 1 and dropped 4.6 lbs not following the meal plan but I'm eating 1200 cals a day and not eating past 9 pm. I did the just regular plan and added a extra cardio session of cardio 1 the day I started. Lookin forward to wk 2 starting 2mrw
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    I just ordered mine last thursday (march 1). Waiting for it to come in so I can join in! Soooo glad to have found a support group. Everyone who has starting is doing so great. Its so encouraging to see the success you've had, even within just the first week! Keep it up everyone. I cant wait to get mine!
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I took my Body Revolution kick start stats today. In summary, I gained a half pound but lost two full inches off my hips and an inch off each thigh! Not bad for week one. I also put on two inches per each calf! I could not believe it. My calves were the most sore throughout the week and it went from no muscle to almost all muscle in one week. I won't measure or take pictures again until day 30 but I was really curious to see what happened during the kick start.

    Since I'm down to the last ten lbs I'm going to eat more calories. According to my TDEE calculations I should be eating around 1550 calories to lose a half lb per week, so that's what I'm going to try. I'm going to stick close to Jillian's meal plan but eat a little more off it and add other healthy meals in here and there for more variety. I might try doing the C25K at night on top of Body Revolution during the day.
  • Hi all,

    I'm starting phase 1 week 3 tomorrow morning. I just found this thread and am following. It sounds like some of you are having good success with Body Revolution! I would love workout buddies if any of you would add me. I'm doing this by myself, I couldn't convince my husband to try it with me. Would love some buddies for motivation!

  • Hi! I got my on Saturday (it took almost 2 weeks to get to me, but it finally arrived). I'm excited to start the kick start program.
    For those who have started the program, do you eat before working out, or just get up and push play?
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I get up and push play :bigsmile: I eat after my shower!
  • adepew10
    adepew10 Posts: 5
    I am excited to receive my kit today!! I am going to use tonight as a prep night. Read through the material, plan out my food, take measurements...ect.

    I really want to start with the KickStart Plan. I don't really forsee that being to much of a problem besides working out in the morning. I am TERRIBLE at getting up before my 9 month old son does to work out before I have to teach all day. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to get the morning workouts started??